Subcommittee Members of the 112th Congress



Fortney Pete Stark, CA, Ranking Member         
Mike Thompson, CA
Ron Kind, WI
Earl Blumenauer, OR
Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ

Wally Herger, CA, Chairman
Sam Johnson, TX
Paul Ryan, WI
Devin Nunes, CA
Dave Reichert, WA
Dean Heller, NV
Peter Roskam, IL
Jim Gerlach, PA
Tom Price, GA  

Former Health Subcommittee Members


Health Subcommittee Jurisdiction

The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Health shall include bills and matters referred to the Committee on Ways and Means that relate to programs providing payments (from any source) for health care, health delivery systems, or health research. More specifically, the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Health shall include bills and matters that relate to the health care programs of the Social Security Act (including titles V, XI (Part B), XVIII, and XIX thereof) and, concurrent with the full Committee, tax credit and deduction provisions of the Internal Revenue Code dealing with health insurance premiums and health care costs.