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Career/Technical Education (CTE) Statistics

Table A23. Percentage of participants in formal work-related courses who did not complete the course, percentage who received or will receive continuing education credits, and percentage according to certification status, by selected characteristics: 2002–03
Certification status
Characteristic Did not complete the course Received or expect to receive continuing education credits   Received Not yet received Did not receive
Total 3.7 41.2 22.7 6.1 83.6
Male 2.9 40.6 24.1 6.5 81.1
Female 4.5 41.8 21.5 5.8 85.9
Race/ethnicity 1
White 2.0 42.0 23.5 5.3 83.8
Black 9.0 42.3 24.0 9.7 81.4
Hispanic 10.5 36.7 16.8 8.8 84.5
Other 6.2 35.5 18.2 6.0 84.4
Age as of 2002
16–24 years 3.6 26.5 10.7 7.9 85.5
25–34 years 5.6 37.5 19.0 8.2 85.0
35–44 years 3.1 43.1 23.8 4.7 84.5
45–54 years 3.6 48.2 27.8 5.4 81.6
55–64 years 1.9 42.0 25.8 6.1 81.8
65 years or older 4.3 45.1 29.7 2.4 82.7
Highest level of education attainment
High school diploma or less 7.4 35.2 19.8 7.9 79.9
Some college but no degree 3.3 37.9 19.8 6.7 84.2
Vocational/associate's degree 2.3 52.5 28.9 4.5 84.4
Bachelor's degree 2.5 39.1 21.7 5.3 87.6
Graduate or professional degree 1.8 49.4 27.6 4.8 82.4
Employment status in past 12 months
Full-time 2.5 44.0 23.4 5.7 84.4
Part-time 4.6 38.0 21.1 6.4 82.9
Not employed 9.2 30.3 17.5 11.0 77.1
Months employed in past 12 months
12 months 3.0 43.8 23.9 5.9 83.9
1–11 months 4.7 35.1 20.1 5.4 84.7
Not in the labor force 9.2 30.3 17.5 11.0 77.1
Professional/managerial 2.3 48.9 25.8 5.2 84.2
Sales/service/clerical 4.0 34.9 20.1 6.1 84.9
Trade and labor 5.2 39.6   22.8 6.8 80.9
Size of employer2
Fewer than 25 employees 5.5 47.0 32.4 8.7 72.6
25–99 employees 2.4 43.2 22.6 6.4 82.6
100–499 employees 3.8 39.8 21.8 6.2 84.4
500 or more employees 2.7 40.4 20.1 4.5 88.4
Continuing education required for occupation
Yes 3.1 60.0 38.2 7.7 73.7
No 4.2 27.4   11.3 4.9 91.0
1 Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, and Other includes Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, those with more than one race, and those of other (unspecified) race. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified.
2 Includes only adults who worked in the past 12 months.
NOTE: The estimates in this table were based on the responses given for up to four courses by each participant. Detail may sum to greater than 100 because adults may have taken more than one course with different certification outcomes.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Adult Education for Work-Related Reasons Survey of the 2003 National Household Education Surveys Program.

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