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Radiation Dose Reconstruction


Advisory Board


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The Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (also referred to as the Advisory Board or the Board) was established by the President on December 7, 2000. The Advisory Board:

  • Contains individuals from the public that represent a balance of scientific, medical, and worker points of view.

  • Gives advice to the Department of Health and Human Services on its activities under The Act.

  • Includes a balance of perspectives from scientists, physicians, and workers.

The Advisory Board operates under the specific guidelines of public laws. The specific information on how the Advisory Board operates can be found in:

Charter of the Advisory Board on Radiation Worker and Health
this document in PDF PDF ?? KB (? pages)

Federal Advisory Committee Act--FACA (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2)
[External Link:]

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Responsibilities of the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board provides advice to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on:

  1. The development of the final rules on:

    • The methods used for completing radiation dose reconstructions.

    • The guidelines used to assess the likelihood that an employee's cancer was caused by their work at a DOE or AWE facility.

    • The procedures for adding additional classes of employees to the SEC.

  2. The scientific validity and quality of dose reconstruction efforts performed by NIOSH.

  3. Whether there is a class of employees who should be added to the SEC. The Advisory Board's recommendation is based on:

    • Whether the class of employees was exposed to radiation and it is not feasible to estimate their radiation dose.

    • Whether there is reasonable likelihood that such radiation doses may have endangered the health of members of the class.

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Current Work Activities of the Advisory Board

SEC Petitions Currently with the Advisory Board for Consideration

Work Site/
Facility 1
Received by NIOSH Qualified for Evaluation Employee Class Under Consideration Sent to Advisory Board
General Steel Industries--GSI (Petition 105) 2/25/08 5/15/08 All employees from January 1, 1953 through June 30, 1966, and during the residual radiation period from July 1, 1966 through December 31, 1992 10/3/08 2
(Petition 155)
11/10/09 4/29/10 All employees who were internally monitored (urine or fecal), who worked at the Plutonium Finishing Plant in the 200 Area from January 1, 1987 through December 31, 1989 5/16/11 2
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
(Petition 109)
4/3/08 5/29/08 Service Support Workers (which includes, but is not limited to, security guards, firefighters, laborers, custodians, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, pipefitters, sheet metal workers, ironworkers, welders, maintenance workers, truck drivers, delivery persons, rad technicians, and area work coordinators) who worked in any operational Technical Areas with a history of radioactive material use from January 1, 1976 through December 31, 2005 8/22/12 2
(Rev. 1)

(Rev. 0)
Mound Plant
(Petition 207)
8/15/2012 8/17/2012 All workers potentially exposed to radioactive materials from September 1, 1972 through December 31, 1972 and from January 1, 1975 through December 31, 1976 9/10/122
Nuclear Metals, Inc.
(Petition 195)
10/20/2011 1/17/2012 All employees from January 1, 1958 through December 31, 1983 9/4/12
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10)
(Petition 189)
7/18/2011 10/19/2011 All employees from June 17, 1943 through July 31, 1955 8/22/2012
Rocky Flats Plant
(Petition 192)
8/23/2011 2/23/2012 All employees with the potential for tritium exposures from April 1, 1952 through December 31, 2005 9/10/20122
United Nuclear Corp.
(Petition 116)
6/19/08 11/4/08 All employees from January 1, 1958 through December 31, 1973, and the residual radiation period from January 1, 1974 through July 31, 2006 9/1/092
Weldon Spring Plant
(Petition 143)
4/29/09 9/11/09 All employees from January 1, 1957 through December 31, 1967 5/5/10 2
1 If you click on the links in this column, you will leave the Advisory Board page and go to the SEC section on the individual site page on our Web site.

2 The Advisory Board has a Work Group for this site. If you click on this number in the above table, you will leave the Advisory Board page and go to the information for the specific Work Group on the individual site page on our Web site. This same information can also be found on the individaul site page for this facility.

3 The Advisory Board has partially completed this SEC petition.

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Advisory Board Members

The Board has been appointed by the President. Below is the current roster of members:

  • Chair

    • James Malcolm Melius, M.D., Dr. P.H.
      New York State Laborers' Health and Safety Trust Fund
      Albany, New York

      Dr. Melius has served as Director for the New York State Laborers' Health and Safety Trust Fund in Albany, New York since 1996. Other current appointments and activities of Dr. Melius include: Director, New York State Laborers' Employers Cooperation and Education Trust Fund since 1997; and Research Director, Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America since 1995.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 10 KB (1 page)

  • Designated Federal Official

    • Ted Katz
      Program Analyst (Regulatory Impact)
      National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
      Atlanta, GA

  • Membership

    • Henry A. Anderson, M.D.
      Chief Medical Officer
      Madison, Wisconsin

      Dr. Henry Anderson received his MD degree from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1972. He was certified in 1977 by the American Board of Preventive Medicine with a sub-specialty in occupational and environmental medicine and in 1983 became a fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. In 1980 he joined the Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services as the Wisconsin State Environmental and Occupational Disease Epidemiologist. In 1991 he also assumed the duties of Chief Medical Officer. In July 2008 he was appointed Interim Wisconsin State Health Officer and served in that capacity until January 2009 at which time he returned to his Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist duties. Since 1980 he has held adjunct Professorships at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Population Health Sciences and the UW Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Human Studies. He has published over 230 scientific articles on a broad spectrum of environmental, occupational and public health topics. He is the past chair of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Board of Scientific Councilors.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 13 KB (1 page)

    • Josie Beach
      Nuclear Chemical Operator
      Lead Hazardous Waste Trainer
      Lead Respiratory Trainer
      Ch2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc.
      Richland, Washington

      Ms. Josie Beach is a Nuclear Chemical Operator with 20 years of experience at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. She started her Hanford career in 1987, at the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) as an active participant in the plants final plutonium production campaign. In 1994, Ms. Beach became involved in the worker trainer worker program instructing and developing Health and Safety classes. Ms. Beach currently works for CH2M Hill in the Tank Farms waste operations group and is a member of the United Steel Workers Union Local 12-369.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 11 KB (1 page)

    • Bradley P. Clawson
      Senior Operator Nuclear Fuel Handling
      Idaho National Laboratory
      Idaho Falls, Idaho

      Mr. Clawson has been a Senior Operator in the Spent Nuclear fuels program at the Idaho National Laboratory since 1989. He has been involved in the shipping and receiving of the Nuclear Naval fuels, the recovery and storage of the Three Mile Island fuel, and received and stored Foreign Research Reactor fuels, as well as numerous other types of nuclear fuels. He also serves as the Nuclear Material Custodian. Mr. Clawson is involved in the troubleshooting and problem solving of daily problems and resolution of fuel handling as well as the design and fabrication of tools for the ongoing inventory of the fuels. He is a member as well as holding several offices in the United Steelworkers Union Local 8-652. Mr. Clawson was the former Secretary-Treasurer of the Atomic Energy Workers Council.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 15 KB (2 pages)

    • R. William Field, Ph.D., M.S.
      College of Public Health
      University of Iowa
      Iowa City, Iowa

      Dr. Bill Field is a Professor at the University of Iowa's College of Public Health with joint appointments in the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and Department of Epidemiology. He also directs NIOSH's funded Occupational Epidemiology Training Program as well as NIEHS' funded Environmental Lung Disease Research Cluster, which are both located at the University of Iowa. In addition, he is currently serving as a member of the EPA's Science Advisory Board, Radiation Advisory Committee. Dr. Field has received numerous honors for his research and service including the EPA's/ NEHA's Individual Achievement Award for Excellence in Radon Risk Reduction, the EPA's Children's Environmental Health Recognition Award, as well as other honorary society, professional association, and university awards. Previous service includes activities with the National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization, scientific journal editorial boards, and numerous national and international organizations. He received his Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health from the College of Medicine at University of Iowa.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 13 KB (1 page)

    • Michael H. Gibson
      Retired Journeyman Electrician, Babcock & Wilcox of Ohio,
            E.G. & G., Mound Applied Technologies and
            Monsanto Research Corporation at the DOE
            Mound Facility
      Past President, Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and
           Energy International Union, Local 5-4200
      Miamisburg, Ohio

      Mr. Gibson, now retired, served as a Journeyman Electrician at Babcock & Wilcox of Ohio, E.G. & G., Mound Applied Technologies and Monsanto Research Corporation at the DOE Mound Facility since 1981. He was responsible for installation, maintenance, demolition, and decontamination of radiological laboratories throughout the site.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 10 KB (1 page)

    • Mark Griffon
      President, Health Physicist
      Creative Pollution Solutions, Inc.
      Salem, New Hampshire

      Mark Griffon has served as the President of Creative Pollution Solutions in New Hampshire since 1992 where he performs consulting services in the radiation and hazardous waste fields. He also recently served as a Member of the Advisory Committee for U.S. Transuranium and Uranium Registries.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 11 KB (1 page)

    • David Kotelchuck, PhD, MPH
      Professor Emeritus
      Hunter College of the City University of New York
      New York, NY

      David Kotelchuck is Professor Emeritus at Hunter College, where he taught in and directed the graduate program in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. For many years he was also Director of the Industrial Hygiene Program and then Deputy Director of the NY/NJ Education and Research Center. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins University, his PhD in high-energy physics from Cornell University, and his MPH in occupational health and safety from the Harvard School of Public Health.

      He is an industrial hygienist with interests in radiation safety, noise control, hazardous waste worker and emergency responder training and occupational epidemiology. He is a founder and served on the Board of Directors of the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health for over two decades, where he had an opportunity to work on the health and safety problems facing workers in many different labor unions and industries. He is an active retiree member of the Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (AFT), where he served as Co-chairperson of its Health and Safety Committee. In 2008 he received the Alice Hamilton Award from the Occupational Health and Safety Section of the American Public Health Association.

    • Richard A. Lemen, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.
      Assistant Surgeon General
      United States Public Health Service (ret.)

      Dr. Lemen is a former Assistant Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service. Since retiring from the United States Public Health Service in 1996, has been a private consultant engaged in issues involving the analysis of risks associated with occupational and environmental health. Dr. Lemen was also the Acting Director and the Deputy Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) before his retirement. Since his retirement, he has taught graduate level classes on environmental and occupational health issues at the Rollins School of Public Health at the Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has also testified in litigation on behalf of persons afflicted with asbestos-induced disease.

      He has been a practicing epidemiologist for over forty years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Central Methodist University in Zoology and Chemistry; Master's of Science Degree in Public Health from the University of Missouri in the field of epidemiology; PhD in epidemiology from the University of Cincinnati; and completed the Scholar Program from the Public Health Leadership Institute of the Schools of Public Health, University of California. Dr. Lemen has published widely in the field of occupational health.

      From 1967 through 1969, he served in the US. Army; from 1970 through 1996 he served as a Regular Corps Officer of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) where he obtained the rank of Rear Admiral.

      During the course of his service with the US Army and the USPHS, he received multiple medals including the Distinguished Service Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal, the two highest honors bestowed by the USPHS on Commissioned Officers in the United States. He also received the Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Medal and several Commendation Medals from the USPHS and the US Army and the James P. Keogh Award for Outstanding Service in Occupational Safety and Health presented by NIOSH. Dr. Lemen also received the I.W. Abel Award for Courage in Public Service.

      Dr. Lemen is Co-Science Director of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, an international organization for which he volunteers much of his time today. Dr. Lemen is also an elected Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini, an internationally acclaimed Occupational Health Society, a member of the American Public Health Association, The Public Health Leadership Institute, The British Occupational Hygiene Society, the New York Academy of Sciences, and is an Associated Editor of the American Journal of Industrial Health. Dr. Lemen is also a Life member of the both the Retired Officers Association and the Reserve Officers Association.

    • James E. Lockey, M.D., M.S.
      University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
      Professor of Environmental Health and Internal Medicine
      Cincinnati, Ohio

      Dr. Lockey served as the Director of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati from 1986 to 2005. Current appointments and activities of Dr. Lockey include Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine) and Professor Environmental Health (Occupational and Environmental Medicine) University of Cincinnati; Member of the Expert Panel of Fernald II Worker Settlement Fund; Member of United Auto Workers - GM and United Auto Workers - Delphi Occupational Health Advisory Boards.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 14 KB (2 pages)

    • Wanda I. Munn
      Senior Nuclear Engineer (Retired)
      Richland, Washington

      Ms. Munn is retired from the Advanced Reactor Development Division of Westinghouse Hanford Company in Richland, Washington. She has 20 years of experience in nuclear engineering disciplines, design, construction, acceptance testing, startup, nuclear safety, and operation of the Fast Flux Test Facility. Ms. Munn has served on the Richland City Council, is a member of her local Health Physics chapter, a life member of the American Nuclear Society, and a Fellow of the Society of Women Engineers.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 10 KB (1 page)

    • John W. Poston, Sr.
      Professor and Graduate Coordinator
      Department of Nuclear Engineering
      Texas A&M University
      College Station, TX

      Dr. Poston has served on the faculty of Texas A&M University in the Department of Nuclear Engineering for 21 years, including 10 years as Head of the Department. His service on various advisory committees and activities also include the Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Agency; the National Academies Committee on Transportation of Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain; and the National Academies Committee on Controlling International Radiological Terrorism. He is a Fellow of the Health Physics Society, the American Nuclear Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is an Honorary Member of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Dr. Poston is also an Associate Editor of the Health Physics Journal.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 15 KB (2 pages)

    • David B. Richardson, Ph.D.
      Associate Professor
      Department of Epidemiology,
      School of Public Health,
      University of North Carolina
      Chapel Hill, North Carolina

      David B. Richardson is Associate Professor of Epidemiology in the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research investigates occupational and environmental causes of disease, with a particular focus on ionizing radiation. He has served in various capacities at the University of North Carolina since 1996 when he began as a post-doctoral researcher. In addition to his time at UNC, he has led a number of studies of workers at US Department of Energy facilities focused on occupational health and radiation exposure issues. Previously, he has spent time working at the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France and at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima, Japan. He received his B.A. in political science from Duke University and a Ph.D. in epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 13 KB (1 page)

    • Genevieve S. Roessler, Ph.D.
      Radiation Consultant
      Professor Emeritus
      University of Florida
      Elysian, Minnesota

      Dr. Roessler was on the faculty, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Florida for 22 years as Head of Health Physics and Medical Physics. Various advisory committees include the Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Agency, 1997-2004; Technical Steering Panel, Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project, 1988-1996; and Bi-national Advisory Group, Chernobyl Health Effects Study, National Cancer Institute, 2001-present. Dr. Roessler is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Health Physics Society's Newsletter and Web Site.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 12 KB (1 page)

    • Phillip Schofield
      Bosque Farm, New Mexico

      Mr. Schofield worked for Los Alamos National Laboratory for twenty one years. He has extensive experience in handling and processing of plutonium and americium. Some of the areas of actinide chemistry and processing include: 1) making fuel and fuel pins for the FFTF program using plutonium, uranium, and thorium, 2) hydrogen fluoride reduction of Pu O2, direct oxide reduction, americium extraction, and recovery of Pu metal. Mr. Schofield spent the last five years as an Operations Center Specialist , running and monitoring all systems at the (TA-55) plutonium facility. He has been on medical disability since 1996. He has since worked as a volunteer with the Los Alamos Project on Worker Safety.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 13 KB (1 page)

    • Loretta R. Valerio
      New Mexico

      Ms. Valerio has served as an Ombudsman assisting New Mexico claimants under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) since 2007. Appointed by Governor Bill Richardson, Ms. Valerio has intervened to expedite and improve the claims adjudication for hundreds of EEOICPA claimants. Ms. Valerio was appointed to this position after seven years of contractor work as a local caseworker and outreach staff for the U.S. Department of Labor administering EEOICPA. Earlier in her career, Ms. Valerio was a contractor employee at Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the major Department of Energy nuclear weapons sites, where she was involved in the administration of safety related operations, training and communications at the site.

    • Paul L. Ziemer, Ph.D.
      Professor Emeritus
      School of Health Sciences
      Purdue University
      West Lafayette, Indiana

      Dr. Paul Ziemer is Professor Emeritus and former Head of the School of Health Sciences at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. From 1990 to 1993, Dr. Ziemer served as the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environment, Safety, and Health during the Bush Administration. From 1995-2001, Dr. Ziemer was a consultant for the Advanced Technologies and Laboratories, Inc., and served as Chairman of the Board from 1999-2001. He earlier served as a health physicist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Radiological Physics Fellow at Vanderbilt University, and a physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. He is a Certified Health Physicist and has been President of the Health Physics Society and of the American Academy of Health Physics. He has also served a term as a member of the American Board of Health Physics. Dr. Ziemer currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (Hiroshima, Japan) and as a member of the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board of the National Academy of Sciences.

      Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
      this document in PDF PDF 15 KB (2 pages)

  • Previous Board Members

    • Henry Anderson (January 2002 through January 2006)

    • Antonio Andrade (January 2002 through February 2005)

    • Roy DeHart (January 2002 through August 2006)

    • Richard Espinosa (January 2002 through January 2006)

    • Sally Gadola (January 2002 through November 2002)

    • Charles Leon Owens (October 2002 through September 2006)

    • Robert W. Presley (2001 through September 2011)

  • Previous Designated Federal Officials

    • Larry Elliott (January 2002 through February 2005)

    • Lew Wade (February 2005 through April 2008)

    • Christine Branch (April 2008 through July 2008)

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Contacting the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board welcomes written comments from claimants, advocates, energy employees, Congressional offices, and the general public. Comments can be faxed to the attention of the Advisory Board at 513-533-6826 or submitted electronically by e-mail to

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Advisory Board Subcommittee Information


A subcommittee of the Advisory Board is subject to Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) requirements, including open meetings and appropriate announcements in the Federal Register. The subcommittee may meet in closed session, in accordance with the same FACA procedures that apply to the Board itself. The subcommittee will take direction from, and will report back to, the full Board for consideration and appropriate action on all matters.

Frequency of Meetings

The subcommittee will meet approximately 12 times per year with additional meetings on an as-needed basis. Meetings may be called by the Designated Federal Official with the concurrence of the Board Chair or the Subcommittee Chair.

  • Subcommittee on Dose Reconstruction Reviews

    The Dose Reconstruction Subcommittee is responsible for the review and recommendation for Board action, of the Board's Technical Support Contractor's audit procedures (including revisions) related to dose reconstructions conducted by the NIOSH DCAS. This Subcommittee will:

    • Clarify Board intent with regard to the technical scope of dose reconstruction tasks assigned to the Board's Technical Support Contractor;

    • Select cases for individual dose reconstruction review consistent with Board procedures, taking into consideration conflict of interest matters;

    • Assign cases for individual reviews to Board "Review Panels" (taking into account Board members' conflict of interest standing), and ensuring a balance of scientific, medical and worker perspectives;

    • Compile the Review Panels' recommendations/findings (including dose reconstruction review summary reports) for submission to the Board, with the assistance of the Board's contractor;

    • Develop summary reports for the Board to advise the Secretary from time to time on nature and impact of its findings; and

    • Advise the Secretary on the scientific validity and appropriateness of the dose reconstructions carried out by NIOSH.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Subcommittee can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Mark Griffon (Chair)
    David Kotelchuck, PhD, MPH
    Wanda I. Munn
    John W. Poston
    David B. Richardson
    Bradley P. Clawson (Alternate)

  • Subcommittee on Procedures Review

    The Subcommittee on Procedures Review is responsible for overseeing, tracking, and participating in the reviews of all procedures used in the dose reconstruction process by NIOSH DCAS and its dose reconstruction contractor. These reviews will involve the technical support contractor to the Board, whose technical reviews of procedures comprise a major component of the overall review process, DCAS and its dose reconstruction contractor, the Subcommittee, and the full committee of the Board, to which the Subcommittee will report. The Subcommittee may develop reports for the Board to advise the Secretary on the scientific validity and appropriateness of the procedures used by DCAS and its contractor for dose reconstruction and related activities.

    The Subcommittee will conduct the following tasks:

    • Select individual procedures to be reviewed, consistent with Board policies and direction

    • Provide guidance regarding procedure reviews to the Board's technical support contractor, as necessary

    • Prepare documents or periodic oral reports to the Board concerning the status of procedures reviews

    • Review correspondence received by the Board related to procedures review, and prepare responses for the Board Chair's signature in accordance with Board policies

    • Review the results of procedures reviews, including the findings of the Board's technical support contractor and issues identified by Board members; ensure that these findings and issues are considered by NIOSH; and participate in, and track the resolution of these findings and issues by NIOSH, the Board's technical contractor, the Subcommittee, and, as necessary and appropriate, by the full committee of the Board.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Subcommittee can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Wanda I. Munn (Chair)
    Richard A. Lemen
    Paul L. Ziemer

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Advisory Board Work Group Information

Do you know the general topic of the Work Group you are looking for? If you do, click on the letter below that corresponds to the first letter of that topic. For example, if you are looking the Work Group on the Linde Ceramics Plant, click on "L" to jump down to the list where the Work Groups starting with "L" begins. If you are lookng for the Work Group on Worker Outreach, click on "W" to jump down to the list where the Work Group list for "W" begins.

A   B   C   D   F   H   I   K   L  

M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   W  


  • Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible reviewing the SEC petition from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues that may be raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the NIOSH Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    Wanda I. Munn

Select Different Letter

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  • Blockson Chemical Company Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from Blockson Chemical Company petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor S. Cohen & Associates (SC&A), and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Blockson Chemical Company or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Wanda I. Munn (Chair)
    James Malcolm Melius
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    Bradley P. Clawson

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from Brookhaven National Laboratory petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor SC&A, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Brookhaven National Laboratory or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Josie Beach (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Brad Clawson
    Wanda I. Munn
    Genevieve S. Roessler

Select Different Letter

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  • Chapman Valve Work Group

    (Task completed)

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from the Chapman Valve petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A), and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Chapman Valve or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    John W. Poston (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    Michael H. Gibson
    Mark Griffon
    Genevieve S. Roessler

  • Conflict of Interest Policy for the Board Work Group


    This Work Group was intended to assist the Board in developing a Conflict of Interest Policy within the parameters of the NIOSH/HHS Conflict of Interest Policy. However, HHS has determined that its Department's ethics policies are adequate to cover the Board. Hence, the Work Group was not activated.

    Previous meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James E. Lockey (Chair)
    James Malcolm Melius
    Paul L. Ziemer

Select Different Letter

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  • Department of Energy Security Work Group

    This Work Group is charged to prepare, for consideration by the Board, a Draft Security Plan that outlines the procedures the Board and its contractor will use to comply with the NIOSH/HHS and DOE Security Plan.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Bradley P. Clawson (Chair)
    Josie Beach

Select Different Letter

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  • Fernald Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Fernald Site Profile, the SEC petition from Fernald petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, the SC&A Review of the Fernald Site Profile, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Bradley P. Clawson (Chair)
    Mark Griffon
    Phillip Schofield
    Paul L. Ziemer

Select Different Letter

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  • Hanford Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Hanford Site Profile (as revised), the SEC petition(s) from Hanford petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, and the SC&A Review of the Hanford Site Profile. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Hanford or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James Malcolm Melius (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    John W. Poston
    Phillip Schofield
    Paul L. Ziemer

Select Different Letter

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  • Idaho National Laboratory Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for a review of the Idaho National Laboratory Site Profile and a review of the Site Profile by the Board's contractor (SC&A). The Work Group shall consider issues identified by SC&A concerning the Site Profile and shall assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for Idaho National Laboratory or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    James Malcolm Melius
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    David B. Richardson

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  • K-25, Paducah, and Portsmouth (Gaseous Diffusion Plants/GDP) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Site Profiles for K-25, Paducah, and Portsmouth, and the SC&A reviews of these Site Profiles. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profiles, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25 Site), the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Josie Beach

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  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the LBNL Site Profile, the SEC petition from LBNL petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, the SC&A Review of the LBNL Site Profile, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Paul L. Ziemer (Chair)
    Richard A. Lemen
    David B. Richardson

  • Linde Ceramics Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from the Linde Ceramics Plant petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A), and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Linde Ceramics Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Genevieve S. Roessler (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    Michael H. Gibson
    James E. Lockey

  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Los Alamos Site Profile (as revised), the SEC petition(s) from Los Alamos petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, the SC&A Review of the Los Alamos Site Profile. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Los Alamos National Laboratory or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Mark Griffon (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    James E. Lockey
    Wanda I. Munn

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  • Mound Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from the Mound petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A), and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group must independently evaluate the integrity and completeness of the data upon which dose reconstructions are based. The Work Group will consider the assumptions and judgments of historical facts provided in the Evaluation Report and develop appropriate recommendations for the Board's consideration. The Work Group will also consider any reviews provided by SC&A regarding the petition, and will use a deliberative process to narrow the scope of the SEC important issues and questions. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Mound Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Josie Beach (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    Phillip Schofield
    Paul L. Ziemer

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  • Nevada Test Site Work Group

    The Nevada Test Site (NTS) Site Profile Work Group was formed in the Spring of 2006. The Work Group was formed to review the NTS Site Profile document for accuracy and authenticity. In January, 2008, the Board tasked the Work Group with reviewing the petition from NTS for adding a class to the SEC. The Work Group is responsible for reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report (ER), the SC&A review of the ER, reviewing the SC&A Site Profile Review, and for tracking the resolution process for SC&A findings and NIOSH responses. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the site profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Nevada Test Site or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Bradley P. Clawson (Chair)
    Wanda I. Munn
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    Phillip Schofield

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  • Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25), Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Site Profiles for K-25, Paducah, and Portsmouth, and the SC&A reviews of these Site Profiles. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profiles, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25 Site), the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Josie Beach

  • Oak Ridge Hospital Work Group

    (Task completed on October 21, 2009)

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from the Oak Ridge Hospital petitioners, reviewing the DCAS Evaluation Report of the petition, and considering and resolving issues generated through these reviews. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC. The Work Group should emphasize the following in its review: (1) examine the extent of the records sought and obtained by DCAS and seek to obtain any additional records that might be indicated and available on a timely basis; (2) consider further the radiation exposure potential of persons employed at the facility; and, (3) consider the possible employment practices at the Hospital as they might relate to any class definition to be established.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Oak Ridge Hospital or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James E. Lockey (Chair)
    John W. Poston
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    Phillip Schofield

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  • Paducah, K-25, and Portsmouth (Gaseous Diffusion Plants/GDP) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Site Profiles for Paducah, K-25, and Portsmouth, and the SC&A reviews of these Site Profiles. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profiles, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25 Site), the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Josie Beach

  • Pantex Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Pantex Plant Site Profile, the SEC petition from Pantex Plant petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, the SC&A Review of the Pantex Plant Site Profile, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Pantex Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Bradley P. Clawson (Chair)
    Phillip Schofield
    Josie Beach

  • Pinellas Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible to review the Pinellas Plant Site Profile (as revised), to review the SC&A Review of the Pinellas Site Profile, to consider issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile, and to assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Pinellas Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    John W. Poston

  • Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor Work Group

    (Task Completed)

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the SEC petition from Piqua Moderated Reactor petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, considering issues raised by the Board's contractor SC&A, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board, changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    John W. Poston (Chair)
    R. William Field
    Phillip Schofield

  • Portsmouth, Paducah, and K-25 (Gaseous Diffusion Plants/GDP) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Site Profiles for Portsmouth, Paducah, and K-25, and the SC&A reviews of these Site Profiles. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profiles, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25 Site), the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Phillip Schofield (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Josie Beach

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  • Review of SEC Petitions that Did Not Qualify for Evaluation Work Group

    (Task completed on May 2, 2007)

    The charge of this Work Group was to review disqualified special exposure cohort petitions and the process followed by NIOSH and the rationale for petition disqualification. The conclusions of the Work Group were that the final rule as reflected in the legislation was followed, and NIOSH's review of the petition was claimant friendly. The Work Group provided a number of recommendations with regard to making the process of submitting a Special Exposure Cohort more user friendly.

    Previous meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James E. Lockey (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    James Malcolm Melius
    Wanda I. Munn
    Genevieve S. Roessler

  • Rocky Flats Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile (as revised), reviewing the SEC petition(s) from Rocky Flats petitioners, reviewing the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, reviewing the SC&A Review of the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and the petition Evaluation Report, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Rocky Flats Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Mark Griffon (Chair)
    Wanda I. Munn

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  • Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico) Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for a review of the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL - New Mexico) Site Profile and of the draft review of this Site Profile by the Board's contractor (SC&A). The Work Group shall consider issues identified by SC&A concerning the Site Profile and shall assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group may also be assigned to review Special Exposure Cohort petitions for SNL that may be received and evaluated by NIOSH, together with the NIOSH Evaluation Reports and SC&A review reports for such petitions.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Sandia National Laboratories--Albuquerque, NM or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Richard A. Lemen (Chair)
    Henry A. Anderson
    Josie Beach
    Genevieve S. Roessler

  • Savannah River Site Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for a review of the Savannah River Site Profile (as revised) and a review of the Site Profile by the Board's contractor (SC&A). The Work Group shall consider issues identified by SC&A concerning the Site Profile and shall assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group is also responsible for a review of SEC petitions from Savannah River Site petitioners, the resultant SEC Petition Evaluations from NIOSH, and any SC&A reviews of the SEC Petitions and NIOSH Petition Evaluations. The Work Group shall assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of issues concerning the petitions and should strive to develop a recommendation to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Savannah River Site or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Mark Griffon (Chair)
    Bradley P. Clawson
    James E. Lockey
    Phillip Schofield

  • Scientific Issues Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the status of a number of risk model issues that have been identified as important for the EEOICPA program. These include the possible incorporation of nuclear worker epidemiological studies into IREP risk models; Dose and Dose-rate Effectiveness Factor adjustment; adjustment for the interaction with smoking for certain cancers; grouping of rare and miscellaneous cancers; age-at-exposure analysis; and interaction between radiation and other workplace exposures. The work group will review the status of NIOSH's current work on these issues and report back to the full Board with recommendations. The work group will also report on any new risk model issues that they believe that the Board should consider for recommendation to NIOSH.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    David B. Richardson (Chair)
    R. William Field
    Richard A. Lemen
    James E. Lockey
    Wanda I. Munn
    John W. Poston
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    Paul L. Ziemer

  • Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Issues (including the 250 day issue) Work Group

    This Work Group has two primary responsibilities: 1) To serve as a review body for SEC petitions that result from NIOSH determining that it is unable to reconstruct dose for one or more individuals at a given site (83.14 SEC petition process); 2) To consider potential conditions under which significant personnel exposures might occur (in addition to criticality accidents) in short periods of time (less than 250 days) resulting in health effects. In the case of specific 83.14 petitions, the Work Group may make a recommendation to the Board either in support of the NIOSH recommendation to add a class to the SEC, or in opposition to such. In the case of the 250 day issue, the Work Group should strive to develop a position paper that can be adopted by the Board. In addition, this Work Group is also responsible for reviewing the Dow-Madison SEC petition and related documents, and developing a recommendation for the Board.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James Malcolm Melius (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    Genevieve S. Roessler
    Paul L. Ziemer

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  • TBD 6000 Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for the review of the specified TBDs, as well as the Appendices that apply to specific work sites. They will also review any reports developed by the Board's contractor (SC&A) pertaining to these TBDs and the Appendices, and will assist NIOSH and SC&A in resolving issues that arise through the review process. The initial focus of the Work Group will be on Appendix BB of TBD 6000, dealing with General Steel Industries. The Work Group will make recommendations to the Board in cases where Appendices involve sites with SEC petitions. Sites currently being considered under this TBD by the Work Group include General Steel Industries and Bliss & Laughlin Steel.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for Bliss & Laughlin Steel and General Steel Industries or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Paul L. Ziemer (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    John W. Poston
    Wanda I. Munn

  • TBD 6001 Work Group
    (This Work Group has changed its name to the Uranium Refining Atomic Weapons Employers (AWEs) Work Group)

    Previous meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group prior to the name change can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

  • TBD 6000/6001, Appendix BB Work Group

    This Work Group no longer exists. In March 2010, this Work Group was divided into two separate Work Groups--Advisory Board Work Group on TBD 6000 and Advisory Board Work Group on TBD 6001.

    Previous meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group prior to it being separated into two Work Groups can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

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  • Uranium Refining Atomic Weapons Employers (AWEs) Work Group
    (formerly TBD 6001 Work Group)

    This Work Group is responsible for the review of TBDs and SEC petitions for uranium refining AWEs as assigned to it by the Board. It will also review any reports developed by the Board's contractor (SC&A) pertaining to these TBDs and SEC petitions, and will assist NIOSH and SC&A in resolving issues that arise through the review process. The Work Group will make recommendations to the Board regarding such SEC petitions. Sites currently being considered by the Work Group include Baker-Perkins Co., Du Pont Deepwater Works, Electro Metallurgical Company, Hooker Electrochemical, and United Nuclear Corp.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site pages for the Baker-Perkins Co., Du Pont Deepwater Works, Electro Metallurgical Company, Hooker Electrochemical, and United Nuclear Corp. or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Henry A. Anderson (Chair)
    R. William Field
    David Kotelchuck, PhD, MPH

  • Use of Surrogate Data Work Group

    This Work Group will consider the conditions under which "surrogate" data can be used as a valid substitute for actual data for a given site. The Work Group will seek to establish the type and importance of various parameters (e.g., type of nuclide, amounts of material, chemical and physical forms, processes, working conditions, and other such parameters) that impact on worker dose, and will consider the extent to which such parameters at one site may apply to other sites. The Work Group may also consider the extent to which theoretical considerations can be properly used to bound dosed in the absence of actual workplace measurements. The Work Group should strive to develop a policy recommendation that can be adopted by the Board regarding the use of surrogate data. This Work Group was asked to consider the application of surrogate data criteria to the Texas City Chemicals, Inc., site in relation to the SEC petition for that facility.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    James Malcolm Melius (Chair)
    Josie Beach
    Mark Griffon
    James E. Lockey
    Wanda I. Munn

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  • Weldon Spring Plant Work Group

    This Work Group is responsible for reviewing the Weldon Spring Site Profile, SEC petitions from Weldon Spring petitioners, the NIOSH Evaluation Report of the petition, and the SC&A Review of the Weldon Spring Site Profile. It is also responsible for considering issues raised by the Board's contractor (SC&A) concerning the Site Profile and SEC petitions, and for assisting NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate. The Work Group should strive to develop a recommendations to the Board on whether a class should be added to the SEC.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on either the individual site page for the Weldon Spring Plant or the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Richard A. Lemen (Chair)
    Michael H. Gibson

  • Worker Outreach Work Group

    This Work Group will monitor the NIOSH Worker Outreach program and evaluate its effectiveness. To do so, Work Group members will attend outreach meetings as appropriate, review minutes and related documents that are generated at such meetings, and talk to workers and other participants when necessary. The Work Group should consider developing a formal assessment instrument (such as a follow-up questionnaire). The Work Group should report its findings to the Board from time to time, and make recommendations to the Board as it deems appropriate.

    Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group can be found on the Advisory Board and Public Meetings page.

    Josie Beach (Chair)
    Wanda I. Munn
    Phillip Schofield
    Loretta R. Valerio

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Advisory Board Procedures

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Page last updated: September 25, 2012
Page last reviewed: April 11, 2012
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Division of Compensation Analysis and Support