Annotated List of 36 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC): Fiscal Year 2002

Decertifications, Closures and Renaming, and Other Associated Notes Associated with Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, 1968-2001


Office of the Secretary of Defense

Institute for Defense Analyses Studies and Analyses (Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria, VA. In FY 1995 its name was designated to avoid confusion between the two Institute for Defense Analyses FFRDCs.

Logistics Management Institute (Logistics Management Institute), McLean, VA. Decertified as FFRDC Sept. 24, 1998.

National Security Agency

Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing (Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria, VA. Although the Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing has been in existence since 1956, the Department of Defense added it to the Master Government List of FFRDCs for the first time in October 1995.

Department of the Army

Army Mathematics Research Center (University of Wisconsin). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1970.

Center for Research in Social Systems (American University). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1970.

Human Resources Research Office/Organization (George Washington University). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Institute for Advanced Technologies (University of Texas). Phased out as FFRDC Nov. 1993.

Research Analysis Corporation (RAC). Phased out as FFRDC Sept. 1, 1972.

Department of the Navy

Applied Physics Laboratory (Johns Hopkins University). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1978.

Applied Physics Laboratory (University of Washington). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1974.

Applied Research Laboratory (Pennsylvania State University). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1978.

Hudson Laboratories (Columbia University). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

Ordnance Research Laboratory (Pennsylvania State University). Renamed Applied Research Laboratory in 1973.

Department of the Air Force

Analytic Services, Inc. (ANSER). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1977.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center (Illinois Institute of Technology, Research Institute, (IITRI)). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1972.


Office of Education

All were administered by National Institute of Education except as noted.

Appalachia Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for the Advanced Study of Educational Administration (University of Oregon). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for Educational Policy Research (Stanford Research Institute). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for Research and Development for Learning and Re-Education (University of Wisconsin). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for Research and Development in Higher Education (University of California). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for the Study of the Evaluation of Instructional Programs (University of California). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for the Study of Social Organization of Schools and the Learning Process (Johns Hopkins University). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Center for Urban Education. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Central Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

Central Midwestern Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Cooperative Educational Research Laboratory, Inc. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

Coordination Center for the National Program in Early Childhood Education (University of Illinois). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Eastern Regional Institute for Education. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Educational Development Center, Inc. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

The Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Learning Research and Development Center (University of Pittsburgh). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Michigan-Ohio Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

National Laboratory for Higher Education. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Policy Research Center (Syracuse University Research Corporation). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Regional Educational Laboratory for the Carolinas and Virginia. Renamed National Laboratory for Higher Education in FY 1971.

Research and Development Center in Educational Stimulation (University of Georgia). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Research and Development Center in Teacher Education (University of Texas). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Research for Better Schools, Inc. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Rocky Mountain Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

South Central Regional Educational Laboratory Corporation. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1969.

Southeastern Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teaching (Stanford University). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

Upper Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Inc. Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1972.

National Institutes of Health

NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. Renamed National Cancer Institute at Frederick in 2000.


Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (National Academy of Sciences). Phased out as FFRDC in April 1975.

Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (Westinghouse Electric Corp.). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in Oct. 1992.

Cambridge Electron Accelerator (Harvard University and MIT). Closed down in 1974.

Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc.). Renamed Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in May 1996.

Energy Technology Engineering Center (Rockwell International Corp.). Closed out in Nov. 1995.

Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (Westinghouse Hanford Co.). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in Oct. 1992. Hanford included the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor program beginning in Dec. 1971.

Holifield National Laboratory (Union Carbide Corp.). Renamed Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1976.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company). Renamed Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in Spring 1997. As of Oct. 1, 1999 Lockheed Martin was replaced by Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC, as INEEL's administrator.

Inhalation Technology Research Institute (Lovelace Institutes). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in May 1996.

Liquid Metal Engineering Center (Rockwell International Corp.). Became Energy Technology Engineering Center in FY 1980.

Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (General Electric Co.). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in Oct. 1992.

Mound Laboratory (Monsanto Chemical Co.). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1982.

National Accelerator Laboratory (Universities Research Association, Inc.). Renamed Fermilab in 1974.

National Reactor Testing Station (Aerojet Nuclear Corp.). Renamed Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in 1974.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc.). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in Feb. 1999.

Princeton-Pennsylvania Proton Accelerator (Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania). Phased out as FFRDC at end of FY 1971.

Solar Energy Research Institute (Midwest Research Institute). Renamed National Renewable Energy Laboratory in September 1991.


Space Radiation Effects Laboratory (College of William and Mary). Removed from the Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers in FY 1979.


Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. Became part of National Optical Astronomy Observatories in 1984.

Critical Technologies Institute. Renamed The Science and Technology Policy Institute October 1, 1998

Kitt Peak National Observatory. Became part of National Optical Astronomy Observatories in 1984.

National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak Observatory. Became part of National Optical Astronomy Observatories in 1984.


Internal Revenue Service

Tax Systems Modernization Institute (IIT Research Institute) Lanham, MD. Replaced by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federally Funded Research and Development Center (MITRE Corp.) McLean, VA in October 1998.

Sources: Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): Fiscal Year 2002, and the National Science Foundation, Federal Funds for Research and Development, Volumes 26-50, Detailed Statistical Tables, annual publication (Arlington, VA).

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