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About 55% of total metalcasting industry fuel energy use by cost can be attributed to metal melting, including coke-fired cupola furnaces, electric furnaces (induction, arc, and resistance-heated reverberatory), gas- or oil-fired reverberatory furnaces, and gas- or oil-fired crucible furnaces. Moldmaking and coremaking processes consume another 20% of the total, mainly for heating and curing of molds and cores. Other energy-intensive end-uses include post-cast processing (7%) and heat treatment of the casting (6%). [Bates 1997] Electricity is used to power equipment (including mixing equipment for molds and cores) and to heat, light, and cool facilities.

Heat & Power Consumption by End Use – 1998 (NAICS 3315 Foundries)

Chart depicting Heat & Power Consumption by End Use - 1998

Total Heat & Power = 233 trillion Btu

Source: MECS 1998

* Estimated due to data being withheld because relative standard error is greater than 50%

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