
First Lady and Jill Biden lobby for military families

In an editorial column in Friday's USA Today, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden again asked for all Americans to honor the sacrifice and struggle of military families, this time pushing for individuals and businesses to find ways to lend a hand in their time of need.

"Government can only do so much," the pair wrote. "That's why we're challenging every sector of American society to support and engage our military families. You don't have to come from a military family, have a base in your community, or be an expert in military issues to make a difference. Every American can do something."

That includes having business leaders expand job opportunities for military spouses, having charities seek out military families in trouble, and having all citizens "find concrete ways to show our military families the respect and gratitude that each of us holds for them in our hearts."

Obama and Biden, who have frequently traveled to U.S. bases to meet with military families over the last 19 months, also encouraged Americans to visit the community service site to find other ways to volunteer. They noted in the editorial that the end of the combat mission in Iraq has meant many more homecomings for U.S. troops, but those families still face the challenge of reintegration and the lingering wounds of war.

"But while America's combat mission in Iraq has ended, America's commitment to our troops and their families goes on," they wrote. "All of us are called to an ongoing mission: to support our troops, veterans and their families, whether they are here at home, serving in Afghanistan, or supporting the Iraqi people as they forge their own future."


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