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Operation Foothold: 2011


Through Community Health and Service oriented Missions (CHASM), the U.S. Public health Service (USPHS) supports development of local health infrastructure.  Undertakings are designed to facilitate culturally competent subject matter exchange across federal agencies, State, county and Tribal nations.  This year’s applied public health CHASM Operation Foothold directly impacts the most vulnerable and underserved areas of our country.  Activities decrease health disparities by strengthening local health infrastructure, enhancing understanding of health systems, heightening public health assessment and intervention planning skills, improving emergency response preparedness and fostering cross-cultural experiences.

Sites are selected by identifying communities with great public health needs.  This is accomplished through a review of county health rankings, health statistics and recently reported concerns or events that have made a community vulnerable. Sites may also be selected if a need to improve an understanding of a given health care program or geographic region is identified.




·         HHS Participants: 440 team members from the Rapid Deployment Forces (primary care), Applied Public Health Teams, Mental Health Teams, and Services Access Teams (case management).

·         Partners: HHS inter and intra-agencies including the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Centers for Disease Control and the Indian Health Service.  Non-HHS partners encompassed the Environmental Protection Agency, the Air Force Air medical Command, Texas Air National Guard, state and county governments in Texas and Kentucky and the Health Council for the Oglala Tribe.  Non-governmental organizations comprised Remote Area Medical, Red Cross, the Medical Reserve Corps, Sweet Grass Suicide Prevention, and many more.

Specific Site Highlights

Operation Lone Star (OLS), TX

·         OLS is an annual joint military and civil humanitarian medical mission that takes place along the Texas-Mexico border – the mission serves to both simulate a disaster emergency management operation mass services model while providing health care for those in need.

·         It is the country’s largest humanitarian mission serving mostly Hispanic Americans.

·         Team members Established clinics in buildings of opportunity at four sites including Brownsville in Cameroon County, San Juan and Palmview in Hidalgo County, and Rio Grande City in Starr County; team members received guidance from their team leaders located in the Area Command in Edinburgh. 

·         Over the course of the week, the collective OLS participants saw 5,918 people, delivered education and provided 36,230 services including 7,293 vaccines to 3577 people.

·         The value of services provided was $806,270


Pine Ridge, SD

·         Pine Ridge was identified by the IHS Headquarters as a tribal community with great public health and medical infrastructure needs.

·         The Pine Ridge Reservation is home to approximately 40,000 persons, 35% of which are under the age of 18 with the latest Federal Census showing the median age to be 20.6 years.

·         Life expectancy on the Reservation is 48 years old for men and 52 for women.

·         Teenage suicide rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation is 150% higher than the U.S. national average for this age group

·         The infant mortality rate is the highest on this continent and is about 300% higher than the U.S. national average.

·         The rate of diabetes on the Reservation is reported to be 800% higher than the U.S. national average.

·         Teams established a temporary community medical clinic where 730 patients received 1198 medical services in three and a half days including crises intervention for children expressing interest in hurting themselves.

o   44.3% of the clinic patients seen were children.  At events like these hosted by non-reservation counties, USPHS has historically seen that 3% of patients are children.

o   Dental services provided: 374 total services: 130 cleanings, 124 fillings, 102 extractions, and 37 exams.

o   Vision exams provided: total of 359 people for whom 329 pairs of glasses were made.

o   Diabetes screening conducted and education information was provided to attendees at the clinic.

·         Data gathered and shared with water authorities will help the local utilities maintain current systems and better maintain systems in the event of future crisis.

·         Drinking water needs assessed on public water systems that serve 12,000 residents of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  The assessment will impact/support funding allocations for the EPA Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set Aside program nationally.

·         Cross-trained Tribal members on conducting a Community Health profile which will estimate rates of several key health indicators and aid in planning and resource distribution for health and wellness services for over 30,000 residents of the reservation.

·         Public Health Service announcements on local radio provided information regarding behavioral health issues, such as suicide prevention, healthy decision-making, stress reduction, parenting, communication skills, anger management, and compassion fatigue.

·         The value of the services provided was $290,420.


Paducah, KY

·         Participated in National Level exercise- Paducah, an area of critical infrastructure for continuity of government and grid operations, lies on the New Madrid Fault Line and is susceptible to earthquakes; at the State’s request the missions were focused on earthquake preparedness and recovery.

·         Federal Medical Station (FMS) exercises were conducted with county and state converting and assessing feasibility of an air dome for use as a medical shelter that would provide surge relief medical care post-disaster.

·         Team members cross trained and completed a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) of Western Kentucky, covering 8 counties.  The CASPER survey assessed emergency preparedness for earthquakes and health conditions.

·         405 surveys were completed, a 96% completion rate, well above the 80% threshold.  The CASPER surveys were the analyzed and compiled to be reported to the local health department.

·         Education on earthquake preparedness in Personal Care Homes (PCH) and childcare centers was assessed and provided.

·         Total value of services provided was $225,801.


Pikeville, KY

·         Pikeville, in the hills of Appalachia, was selected because the USPHS has a prior history of training in that location, allowing epidemiological data to be analyzed over time.

·         Pike County schools face a large obesity problem; teams initially analyzed BMI data on all schools from the 2009 data and again in 2010.  Findings impacted school programming and results over the past year indicate a decrease in obesity among school children.  With the assistance of the teams, the White House named Pikeville, KY a Let’s Move! City and Town.

·         Officers helped the NGO Remote Area Medical deliver over $300,000 of free dental, vision, and general medical care in less than 48 hours- a difference seen over time was a decrease in the number of dental extractions required and an increase in the number of people receiving restorative care. 

·         Hazard respirator medical clearance exams were provided to emergency response personnel as well as training in hazard communication and risk assessment.

·         Teams conducted well water and air sampling for 900 families, and two reports on methane and radon levels were composed and submitted to aid the local health department.  They also added mine gases with sulfur, VOC and methane to previous analysis of EPA-TO15 VOC.

·         Steered a CASPER disaster response survey in five counties to assess community preparedness.  Two-member field teams will conduct CASPER surveys for public health preparedness in Pike (population 65,446), Floyd (pop. 41,899), Johnson (pop. 23,827), and Magoffin (pop. 13,166) counties and KY River District (pop. 116,000) in eastern Kentucky; the CASPER survey had a 97% completion rate, well above the 80% threshold.

·         Team members trained members of 4 counties on how to write and solicit grants and created 20 potential grantees.  One grant was approved with a week.

·         Total value of services provided was $525,800.


Haiti Earthquake Mission Updates


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