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Canada lynx ( Lynx canadensis)


Critical Habitat

Final Rule: Revision of Critical Habitat - Feb. 24, 2009

News Release: Revised Critical Habitat Designated for Canada Lynx Includes Changes in Minnesota (Feb. 24, 2009)


Final Rule: Revision of Critical Habitat - Questions and Answers (Feb. 24, 2009)


Map of Canada Lynx Critical Habitat in Minnesota


More Information about the revised critical habitat designation for Canada lynx


Proposed Revision of Critical Habitat - Feb. 28, 2008

News Release (May 2, 2008) Service to provide Additional Opportunity to Comment on Proposal to Revise Critical Habitat for the Canada Lynx in July 2008


Federal Register Notice: Revised Critical Habitat for the Contiguous United States Distinct Population Segment of the Canada Lynx


Maps of the proposed critical habitat


News Release: Revised Critical Habitat Proposed for Canada Lynx Revision Includes Additional Areas in Minnesota (Feb. 28, 2008)


Questions and Answers Regarding the Proposed Revision of the Critical Habitat Designation for the Canada Lynx


Critical Habitat Fact Sheet


Initial Critical Habitat Designation - Nov. 9, 2006

Canada Lynx Critical Habitat Designated (Nov. 9, 2006) - Follow this link for the Federal Register Notice of the Final Rule, Literature Cited, News Release, and Questions and Answers


Map of the designated Canada lynx critical habitat in Minnesot (Nov. 9, 2006)


Final Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designation (Oct. 31, 2006)


Life History, Ecological and Regulatory Information

Species Profile (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's National Endangered Species Website)


Fact Sheets, News, and Other Information about Canada Lynx


Listing Decision Information


How to Avoid Incidental Take of Lynx While Trapping or Hunting Bobcats and other Furbearers (pdf)

Quick Reference Guide: How to Avoid Take of Lynx While Trapping (pdf)


Canada lynx study in and near Superior National Forest, Minnesota (National Resource Research Institute website)


Other Links

Minnesota DNR - Canada lynx web pages




Last updated: March 6, 2012