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Endangered Species Section 6 Non-traditional Grants

2009 Funded Projects in the Midwest

Michigan, Missouri Ohio, Wisconsin


News Release (April 22, 2009)
List of 2009 awards nationwide (pdf, 10 pages)


Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition Grant


Karner blue butterfly.  Photo by USFWS; Phil DelpheyWisconsin

Karner blue butterfly HCP land acquisition –Quincy Bluff (Adams County): $1,533,000.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is awarded $1,533,000 to fund the acquisition of a 240-acre parcel and an 870-acre parcel located within the Quincy Bluff and Wetlands State Natural Area. Purchase of these properties substantially benefits the restoration and management of the ecosystem present on the complex of lands owned in central Wisconsin. Once acquired, they will be permanently protected and managed for the Karner blue butterfly to assist in the recovery of the Glacial Lake Wisconsin Karner Blue Butterfly Recovery Unit. The acquisition of these parcels will help connect State Natural Area lands owned by The Nature Conservancy with those owned by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, which currently total over 5,000 acres.


Recovery Land Acquisition Grants


Acquisition of Marquette Island, an important resource for pallid sturgeon and interior least tern recovery on the Middle Mississippi River* (Cape Girardeau County, Missouri): $242,699.

Interior least tern.  Photo by Nebraska Game and Parks CommissionThe Missouri Department of Conservation is awarded $242,699 (or all remaining R3 2009 Recovery Land Acquisition funding) to help acquire 835 acres located in Cape Girardeau. The habitat present on Marquette Island contains 550 acres of forest, primarily cottonwood and willow, and approximately 280 acres of sandbar habitat. The acquisition lies within the Cape Hills Conservation Opportunity Area, as identified in the Missouri Comprehensive Wildlife Strategy, and has been identified by a number of conservation partners as an important area for conservation action. Addition of Marquette Island to the conservation land holdings within the Middle Mississippi River floodplain will support recovery goals for the pallid sturgeon, interior least tern, and Indiana bat; support the goals of the Middle Mississippi River Partnership, which is a collaboration of 16 federal and state agencies and not for profit organizations; and provide a recreational resource on the Middle Mississippi River.


* Indicates partial funding awarded


Multi-State Grant
Michigan and Ohio

sCopperbelly water snake habitat acquisition in Williams County, OH, and Hillsdale County, MI (Williams County, OH and Hillsdale County, MI): $488,200.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will acquire fee title on three parcels totaling 140 acres of copperbelly water snake habitat within the Mud Lake Complex. The protection and restoration of sites within this complex is critical to the conservation and expansion of copperbelly water snake populations in this region. Restoration of the parcels will complement the surrounding habitat conditions and will include expanding wetlands where possible, and tree plantings. Various tracts totaling more than 1,200 acres have been identified as options for acquisition if the primary tracts are no longer available.


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Last updated: August 20, 2012