Endangered Species

Midwest Region



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Celebrate Endangered Species Day

May 18, 2012


Endangered Species Day, the third Friday in May, is an opportunity to celebrate our biodiversity and efforts to conserve that diversity.

Higgins eye pearlymussel drawing.

This Higgins eye pearlymussel drawing by third grader Madison B. won third place in the third to sixth grade category in the 2012 Minnesota Endangered Species Youth Art Contest.

News Releases to Celebrate Endangered Species Day and Recovery Accomplishments


Midwest Species Make Progress


Bring back the Endangered American Burying Beetle


Visit a Prairie or Savanna


Learn about the Endangered Indiana Bat


Learn About Endangered Freshwater Mussels


Youth Art Contests

Youth Art Contests - - a National contest and a Minnesota contest - - held in conjunction with Endangered Species Day.


National Endangered Species Day Youth Art Contest


2012 Winning Entries

2012 Youth Art Contest Semi-finalists


2011 Winning Entries


2010 Winning Entries (on Flickr)


Minnesota Endangered Species Day Youth Art Contest


For information about and photos of endangered species in your state and places to enjoy the outdoors, follow these links.


Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Ohio | Wisconsin


Endangered Species Day Information

Endangered Species Coalition: includes toolkits, list of events, and information about the youth art contest.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Site


Classroom and schoolyard activities


Endangered Species Day Feature Stories

Conserving an Endangered Ecosystem:The Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife Refuge


The Niangua Darter – In Missouri, What’s Good for the Fish Can Be Good for the Farm


Patrolling to Protect the Pallid Sturgeon


Endangered Necedah


Wind, Bats, and Birds: Region-Wide HCP for Wind Energy Projects




There are 16 endangered, 8 threatened, and 2 candidate species in Illinois, as well as 3 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Illinois Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Success in Illinois

Recoverying a Prairie Orchid (PDF)


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Visit the Savanna District of the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge where you can enjoy biking or canoeing. You can also see bald eagles or search for prairie birds and plants.


epfoEastern prairie fringed orchids grow in wet praires and marshes from Iowa and Missouri east to Pennsylvania and New York.

Photo by USFWS: Mike Redmer

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Photo of an Indiana bat on a tree trunk.

Indiana bats roost under the bark of trees during spring, summer, and fall and hibernate in caves and mines over winter.

Photo by Adam Mann, Environmental Solutions and Innovations


There are 14 endangered, 4 threatened, and 3 candidate species in Indiana, as well as 3 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered.. Here is a list of Indiana's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Indiana Bat Curriculum

Indiana Bats, Kids, and Caves - Oh My! (an activity book for teachers)


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Enjoy the outdoors at Muscatatuck, Big Oaks, or Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge.



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There are 6 endangered, 6 threatened, and 2 candidate species in Iowa, as well as 2 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Iowa's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Get outside at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge and the outstanding Prairie Learning Center where you can hike, bird watch, and even see a herd of buffalo grazing a native prairie.



Shaded cliffs and cool streamsides in Iowa are home to the Northern monkshood.


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Piping plover standing on a shoreline.

Piping plovers nest on the beaches of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Photo by USFWS


There are 12 endangered, 9 threatened, and 1 candidate species in Michigan, as well as 2 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Michigan's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Success in Michigan

Piping Plover

Kirtland's Warbler 2010 Nesting Season


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Visit Seney National Wildlife Refuge, in the UP, where you can explore the visitor's center, as well as hike, bike, or canoe. In the lower peninsula, visit Shiawassee National Wildlife for fishing, hiking, and wildlife photography.


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There are 6 endangered, 6 threatened, and 3 candidate species in Minnesota, as well as 3 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Minnesota's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Success in Minnesota

Restoring freshwater mussels in the Upper Mississippi River


Conserving candidate species: Dakota skipper


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Enjoy Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, in the heart of the Twin Cities, where you can hike, bike, canoe and much more. Sherburne Refuge, about 50 miles northwest of the Twin Cities, has two scenic hiking trails. Other Refuges in Minnesota include Agassiz, Big Stone, and Tamarac.


Photo of a Minnesota dwarf trout lily in bloom.  Photo by USFWS: Phil Delphey

The Minnesota dwarf trout lily is a forest wildflower found in Goodhue, Rice and Steele Counties, Minnesota. Visit Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park to see the Minnesota dwarf trout lily among the other spring ephemeral flowers.

Photo by USFWS: Phil Delphey


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Photo of a Hine's emerald dragonfly sitting on a hand.  Photo by USFWS


Adult male Hine's emerald dragonflies defend small breeding territories in spring-fed marshes and sedge meadows.

Photo by USFWS



There are 17 endangered, 11 threatened, and 5 candidate species in Missouri, as well as 3 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Missouri's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Success in Missouri

Niangua Darter: Improving Streams for Species Recovery


A Challenge in Missouri

Ozark Hellbender: Can We Save It?


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Get out and about at Big Muddy National Wildlife Refuge. Visit their Friends group site to see what is happening on the Refuge. Go bird watching, hiking, or attend an interpretive program at Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge. See the cypress swamps on Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, or one of the other National Wildlife Refuges in Missouri: Swan Lake, Great River, or Middle Mississippi,


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There are 14 endangered, 6 threatened, and 2 candidate species in Ohio, as well as 3 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Ohio's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


<< Our Endangered Species Program in Ohio


Success in Ohio:

Lake Erie Water Snake Recovery

Northern Riffleshell Translocation to the Big Darby Creek in Franklin County, Ohio


Challenges in Ohio

Purple Cat's Paw Pearlymussel


Bringing Species Back from the Brink of Extinction: Northern Riffleshell and Clubshell Mussels


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Enjoy the outdoors at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge: see their visitor center or attend one of their guided hikes.


Photo of two purple cat's paw pearlymussels.


Biologists thought that the purple cat's paw was functionally extinct until one breeding population was found in Ohio in 1994.

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Photo of a Karner blue buttefley on a blade of grass.  Photo by USFWS: Phil Delphey

Listing the Karner blue butterfly as endangered led to restoration of oak savannas in Wisconsin.

Photo by USFWS: Phil Delphey


There are 8 endangered, 8 threatened, and 1 candidate species, and reintroduced whooping cranes in Wisconsin, as well as 2 species that have been proposed for listing as endangered. Here is a list of Wisconsin's Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, follow the links for fact sheets, photos and more.


Success in Wisconsin

Whooping Crane Recovery

Gray Wolf Recovery

Karner Blue Butterfly


Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Enjoy the outdoors at one of Wisconsin's wonderful National Wildlife Refuges. Necedah National Wildlife Refuge is home to Karner blue butterflies, whooping cranes, wolves, eagles, and the list goes on... Horicon National Wildlife Refuge is renowned for its abundance of wildlife. Both Refuges offer many outdoor recreation opportunities.




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Last updated: August 20, 2012