Wisconsin Ecological Services Field Office

Midwest Region



Wisconsin Field Office

2661 Scott Tower Drive
Green Bay, WI 54229-9565
Phone: 920-866-1717
Fax: 920-866-1710
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)

e-mail: GreenBay@fws.gov


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We work with public and private entities to conserve and restore Wisconsin's endangered species, migratory birds, wetlands, and other important fish and wildlife resources.

Wisconsin map with star at Field Office location.

Feature Story

Silent Spring - 50th Anniversary

To commemorate Silent Spring's 50th Anniversary, our Environmental Contaminant Specialists have written a series of articles about some of their modern problems and projects, and how those relate back to Rachel Carson's work and her findings in Silent Spring. Here is the second in the series.


Investigating the use of Herbicides in

an Endangered Species' Habitat

sResearch to assess the affect of herbicides on endangered Hine's emerald dragonflies.

Photo by USFWS; Sarah Warner


September 2012


Rachel Carson’s research in the 1950s on the effects of pesticides to the American robin sparked awareness of and a concern for the risks of chemicals to human and wildlife health. Carson’s research led to the banning of the pesticide DDT and to the Environmental Protection Agency‘s review and regulation of all pesticides. Although regulated, chemicals are widely used in the environment and there is evidence that some chemicals used today can cause a health risk to wildlife, something Carson warned us about decades ago. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintains Carson’s legacy of due diligence and continues investigations on the effects of chemicals on wildlife today.




2012 Feature Story Archives


2011 Feature Story Archives


News and Accomplishments

Last updated: September 19, 2012