Endangered Species
Midwest Region



Map of Region 3 Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan

Habitat Conservation Plans in Region 3

HCPs in Development

Indiana Bat

Fowler Ridge Wind Farm (Indiana)


Buckeye Wind Power Project (Ohio)


Mitchell's Satyr

Mitchell's Satyr Rangewide Habitat Conservation Plan


NiSource: Multi-Species

NiSource Pipeline Right-of-way Habitat Conservation Plan


HCP Renewed

Least Tern

Duke Power Company (formerly Cinergy Corp.) Renewal of a Incidental Take Permit (Nov. 2011)


Karner Blue Butterfly

Wisconsin Statewide HCP for Karner Blue Butterfly (March 5, 2010)


Completed HCPs

Karner Blue Butterfly

blue bullet Michigan State-wide Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan


blue bulletCobb to Brickyard Reconductoring Project - Low Effect HCP, Michigan: permit issued 04/08/2005. For a synopsis go here and select "Cobb to Brickyard Reconductoring Project" from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


blue bulletNIPSCO (Indiana): Permit issued 03/06/2006.

This plan pertains to certain gas and electric Rights of Way (ROW) owned and operated by the Northern Indiana Public Service Company, and one
easement owned by the Indiana-American Water Company, Inc hosting electrical facilities, which are maintained by NIPSCO.


Current and potential Karner blue butterfly habitat on NIPSCO properties consists of utility ROW, surrounded by adjacent oak savannas and lakeshore dunes. Past ROW maintenance included mowing every six years, which benefited the butterflies by acting as the disturbance necessary to restart succession and maintain the open areas that lupine needs to thrive. This maintenance can be performed seasonally in order to avoid or limit contact with lupine and Karner blue butterflies, which are active during periods between May and August. Emergency maintenance or repairs of the electric transmission lines, though, may be required at any time of the year, creating a potential operational conflict and a greater risk of butterfly disturbance or destruction due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.


Northern Indiana Public Service Company HCP (42-page HCP)

Impementing Agreement (8-page PDF)


blue bulletTown of Rome - Adams County, Wisconsin: Permit issued 04/14/1999. For a synopsis go here and select "Town of Rome" from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


blue bulletWisconsin's Statewide Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan: Permit issued 09/27/1999


Higgins Eye Pearlymussel

Quad Cities Nuclear Station (Exelon Generation): Low Effect Habitat Conservation Plan for Quad Cities Nuclear Station, Rock Island County, IL


Draft HCP to support issuance of an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) for the Federally Endangered Lampsilis higginsii mussel and the candidate mussel species Plethobasus cyphyus related to operations of the Quad Cities Station (QCS)


Quad Cities Nuclear Station Environmental Action Statement and Low Effect Screening Form


Quad Cities Nuclear Station Incidental Take Permit Application (PDF)


Least Tern (Interior Population)

Cinergy - Gibson County, Indiana: permit issued 12/21/1999. For a synopsis go here and select "Cinergy" from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


Lake Erie Water Snake

Long Point, Kelly's Island, Ohio: Permit issued 06/04/2003. For a synopsis go here and select "Long Point LLC " from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


Predevelopment LTD (Ohio): Permit issued 12/21/2005. For a synopsis go here and select "Predevelopment LTD " from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


Indiana Bat

I-70 Interchange Construction near Indianapolis International Airport, Indiana: Permit issued 04/03/2002


Piping Plover

Magic Carpet Woods Association - Leelanau County, Michigan: permit issued 03/20/2001. For a synopsis go here and select "Magic Carpet Woods Association " from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.


Topeka Shiner

City of Adrian - Southwestern Minnesota: permit issued 01/11/2008. For a synopsis go here and select "City of Adrian" from the drop-down menu, then click the "Individual Report" button.



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Last updated: March 6, 2012