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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's

Endangered Species Program in the Upper Midwest

Conserving and restoring threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems that sustain them


Feature Story

Midwest Wind Energy Conservation Plan in Eight States



Photo by National Renewable Energy Lab


August 29, 2012

To ensure conservation of federally-listed species while meeting the growing demand for rapid approval of wind energy plants, the Service and a coalition of eight states, The Conservation Fund, and representatives of the wind energy industry are preparing a Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. This is an incidental take permitting program for federally listed species that may be impacted by existing and future wind energy projects in the Midwest Region.


The Service published a Notice of Intent to prepare a Midwest Wind Multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan in the August 30, 2012 Federal Register.  The purpose of the Notice of Intent is to let interested parties and the public know that we, in cooperation with our planning partners, are preparing this Multi-species HCP, and we would like to receive their input, suggestions and information at this stage in the planning process.  The Notice of Intent opens a 30-day public comment period that will close on October 1, 2012.

The Multi-species HCP will cover participating wind energy facilities in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.


News Release (Aug. 29, 2012): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks public input to conserve endangered species in the Midwest while encouraging clean energy


Federal Register Notice of Intent to Prepare Midwest Wind Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan Within Eight State Planning Area (2-page PDF Adobe pdf icon)


Questions and Answers: Midwest Wind Energy Habitat Conservation Plan in Eight States


Background information on the Midwest Wind Multi-species HCP


What We Do

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for administering the Endangered Species Act. To fulfill our responsibilities, we do the following:


Candidate Conservation: identify and assess declining species that may need Endangered Species Act protection and take steps to conserve those species.


Listing: take steps to list candidate species as endangered or threatened and designate critical habitat. We also remove species from the Threatened and Endangered Species List ("delist") when they no longer need Endangered Species Act protection.


Recovery: protect, conserve and restore listed species. Recovery Report to Congress: 2009 to 2010 (PDF 3.1MB)


Section 7 Technical Assistance

Section 7 consultation guidance for Federal agencies and their applicants (i.e., project proponents).

Section 7 Consultation: all Federal agencies have a responsiblity to conserve threatened and endangered species and to ensure that their actions do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species. Under the authority of Section 7 of the Act, we consult with Federal agencies to help them fulfill their obligations.


Permits: issue permits to "take" listed species, under certain conditions.


Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs): work with Incidental Take permit applicants to help them prepare HCPs that minimize and mitigate the effects of their incidental take.


Grants: provide grants to States under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act. These funds may, in turn, be awarded to private landowners and groups for conservation projects.


State Field Offices

We have Ecological Services Field Offices in each of the eight upper Midwest States. For project reviews, Section 7 consultation, or information about endangered species that you do not find on this site, please contact the Field Office in your state.



“Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of
preservation than the rich array of animal life with
which our country has been blessed. It is a many faceted
treasure, of value to scholars, scientists,
and nature lovers alike, and it forms a vital part
of the heritage we all share as Americans.”


Bloom of the prairie bush clover.  Photo by USFWS: Phil Delphey

News and Accomplishments


2012 News and Accomplishments

2011 News and Accomplishments


Last updated: September 26, 2012

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