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deputy secretary

Photo of the Week

Deputy Secretary Mayorkas takes creative measures to pose with #DHSawards winnersDeputy Secretary Mayorkas takes creative measures to pose with #DHSawards winners. Official DHS Photo by Barry Bahler

Cyber Incident Response at DHS

Today, Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reflected on the state of cybersecurity at DHS and the implications of the new Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) on Cyber Incident Coordination at the International Conference on Cybersecurity in New York. The PPD was announced by Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, at the same conference earlier in the week. 

Readout of Deputy Secretary Mayorkas' Trip to Israel

Today, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas concluded a three-day trip to Israel, where he delivered remarks at the 6th Annual International Cybersecurity Conference and met with Israeli counterparts to discuss a range of homeland security-related issues, including cybersecurity, law enforcement cooperation, and counterterrorism cooperation.

Honoring Heroes: National Police Week

During National Police Week, DHS employees had the opportunity to honor all law enforcement officers who serve our country, our communities, and our citizens.

Photo of the Week

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: On April 7, 2016, Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met with U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Horse Patrol for an operational briefing of capabilities, technologies, and day-to-day work in the Rio Grande Valley. Horses have been an integral part of the U.S. Border Patrol since the 1920s. Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spent a day in the life of the Rio Grande Valley Sector’s Horse Patrol Unit, seeing firsthand how our talented horse patrol agents keep our border secure.

Photo of the Week

Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas hosted a Town Hall meeting in Denver, ColoDeputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas hosted a Town Hall meeting with local DHS employees in Denver, Colo., where he recognized them for the hard work they do every day to protect our homeland.


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