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National Forum on Education Statistics

Metadata Task Force

Purpose: The Metadata Task Force will develop a document with best practice concepts, definitions, implementation strategies, and templates/tools for an audience of data, technology, and program staff in state and local education agencies. It is hoped that this resource will improve this audience's awareness and understanding of metadata and, subsequently, the quality of the data in the systems they maintain.

Current Tasks: The Metadata Task Force is now completing a draft document and plans to release its final product by the Summer 2009 Forum.

Meeting Schedule: No meeting is currently scheduled.

Sonya Edwards, California Department of Education;
Kathy Gosa, Kansas State Department of Education;
Rebecca Kaye, U.S. Department of Education;
Tom Ogle, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education;
Tom Saka, Hawaii Department of Education;
Steve Smith, Cambridge Public Schools (MA);
Mike Strozeski, Richardson Independent SD (TX);
Tim Webb, Tennessee Department of Education

E-mail: [Note that only registered members of a listserv (i.e., members of the task force) can send messages.]

Chair: Tom Ogle, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

NCES Staff: Ghedam Bairu

Support: Tom Szuba, QIP

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