Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Ethiopia Democracy
Clans from Ethiopia’s Somali region consult on a peace accord
Mercy Corps

USAID works with the Government of Ethiopia to improve public access to and confidence in the legal system by providing continuing education to the judiciary on legal principles, including human rights.

The USAID-supported Joined-up Justice Forum brings together important judicial stakeholders to deliberate on challenges and to set an action plan for improving the justice system, including improving procedural efficiency and effectiveness. To deter human rights abuses, USAID trains court and police officials in human rights law and administrative regulations. In addition, USAID strengthens the quality and expands the reach of public law schools through teacher training and educational materials. By building local capacity, the program promotes the independence of the judicial branch.

In addition, USAID helps local governments improve the delivery of services, promote economic growth and provide opportunities for citizen participation in public decision making.

Last updated: August 08, 2012