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Women's Health

Travelers' Health

Below are links to information related totravelers' health. Click on the right menu or scroll down to view general information and programs, research, statistics and guidelines on this topic.

General Information and Programs

Traveler’s Health



Ticket for Two - International Travel during Pregnancy (12/29/2011)
Stacie Dunkle talks about traveling while pregnant. Also, she wants to hear from you. Have you traveled during pregnancy or had to pass on a trip because you were expecting? How has being a parent changed your career?

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Spring Break Travel: Stay Healthy and Safe (3/1/10)
Spring break means an escape from the daily grind. For high school and college students, it can be a rite of passage or an annual tradition. This is your time. It is all about you, and YOU are in charge of your health, safety, and well-being.

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CDC Kicks Off National Travelers’ Health Public Awareness Campaign (11/30/09)
CDC is urging people to take the following steps when planning their travel and to stay informed about what to do if they get sick while they’re gone, including: traveling only when they are feeling well; getting vaccinated for flu (both seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1 if they are in a priority group); washing hands often; and covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve.

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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health
Page last modified: January 10, 2012
Page last reviewed: January 10, 2012