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Women's Health

What's New in 2011

Below is a listing of publications, websites, announcements, featured highlights, and other women’s health updates for 2011, beginning with the most recent.


A Framework for Patient-Centered Health Risk Assessments 12/29/2011

Bleeding Disorders in Women 12/29/2011

Deaths: Final Data for 2008 12/29/2011

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders 12/29/2011

Gather and Share Your Family Health History 12/29/2011

Healthy Eating Index–2005 Total and Component Scores for Adults Aged 20 and Over: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2004 12/29/2011

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) 12/29/2011

New Data on Domestic and Sexual Violence 12/29/2011

PMTCT: A Winnable Battle in South Africa 12/29/2011

Smoking Cessation for Pregnancy and Beyond 12/29/2011

STD Trends in the United States: 2010 National Data for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis 12/29/2011

Test Your Knowledge: Health and Safety Quizzes and Tools 12/29/2011

Ticket for Two – International Travel during Pregnancy 12/29/2011

The Arthritis Pain Reliever 12/29/2011

Vital Signs: HIV Prevention Through Care and Treatment — United States 12/29/2011

Women’s Health 2011: A Year in Review 12/29/2011


Abortion Surveillance - United States, 2008 12/8/2011

Births: Final Data for 2009 12/8/2011

Births: Preliminary Data for 2010 12/8/2011

Diabetes and Pregnancy 12/8/2011

Lung Cancer Awareness 12/8/2011

New Hope for Stopping HIV: Testing and Medical Care Save Lives 12/8/2011

Pregnant? Don’t Smoke. 12/8/2011

Pregnant Women Need a Flu Shot 12/8/2011

Quitting Smoking Among Adults - United States, 2001-2010 12/8/2011

Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2010 12/8/2011

Teen Birth Rate Hit Record Low in 2010: CDC Report Also Notes First Decline in C-section Rate in Over a Decade 12/8/2011

Updated Fact Sheet: HIV in the United States 12/8/2011

Update: New Recommendations for Mefloquine Use in Pregnancy 12/8/2011

Update on Herpes Zoster Vaccine: Licensure for Persons Aged 50 through 59 Years 12/8/2011

Vital Signs: Overdoses of Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers - United States, 1999-2008 12/8/2011

Vital Signs: HIV Prevention Through Care and Treatment - United States 12/8/2011

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A Message to Health Care Professionals: Teen Pregnancy 11/2/2011

Antidepressant Use in Persons Aged 12 and Over: United States, 2005–2008 11/2/2011

Best Practices for Screening Reproductive Aged Women for Chronic Disease and Related Risk Factors, Preventing Chronic Disease, November 2011 11/2/2011

Breast Cancer Awareness 11/2/2011

CDC Announces New Effort to Boost Number of Baby-Friendly Hospitals 11/2/2011

Drinking and Driving: A Threat to Everyone 11/2/2011

Mental Illness Surveillance Among Adults in the United States 11/2/2011

Million Hearts Goal to Prevent a Million Heart Attacks and Strokes in Five Years 11/2/2011

Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injuries Related to Sports and Recreation Activities Among Persons Aged ≤19 Years - United States, 2001--2009 11/2/2011

Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease - United States, 2006-2010 11/2/2011

Progress Toward Implementation of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination - the Americas, 2006-2010 11/2/2011

Women with Disabilities and Breast Cancer 11/2/2011

Prevent Domestic Violence in Your Community 11/2/2011

Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adults Aged ≥18 Years - United States, 2008-2009 11/2/2011

Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth 11/2/2011

Updated Recommendations for Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap) in Pregnant Women and Persons Who Have or Anticipate Having Close Contact with an Infant Aged< 12 Months-Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2011 11/2/2011

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10 Ways STDs Impact Women Differently from Men 10/16/2011

A Public Health Approach for Advancing Sexual Health in the United States: Rationale and Options for Implementation 10/16/2011

Carbon Monoxide Exposures - United States, 2000-2009 10/16/2011

Characteristics Associated with HIV Infection Among Heterosexuals in Urban Areas with High AIDS Prevalence - 24 Cities, United States, 2006-2007 10/16/2011

Childbearing Differences Among Three Generations of U.S. Women 10/16/2011

Community Approaches to Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases 10/16/2011

Deaths: Leading Causes for 2007 10/16/2011

Five Minutes or Less for Health 10/16/2011

Girlfriends’ Health 10/16/2011

Health and Safety for College Students 10/16/2011

Health Disparities in Cancer 10/16/2011

Hospitals Need Better Maternity Care Practices 10/16/2011

Infertility Frequently Asked Questions 10/16/2011

Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women - United States, 2010-11 Influenza Season 10/16/2011

Is Your Daughter Protected from Cervical Cancer? 10/16/2011

National and State Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13 Through 17 Years - United States, 2010 10/16/2011

Pregnant Women and Flu – Free Materials 10/16/2011

Resting Pulse Rate Reference Data for Children, Adolescents, and Adults: United States, 1999–2008 10/16/2011

STD Goes Mobile 10/16/2011

Surveillance for Violent Deaths - National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 States, 2008 10/16/2011

Updated Fact Sheet: HIV among Women 10/16/2011

Vital Signs: Hospital Practices to Support Breastfeeding — United States, 2007 and 2009 10/16/2011

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A Public Health Approach for Advancing Sexual Health in the United States: Rationale and Options for Implementation (9/16/2011)

Childbearing Differences Among Three Generations of U.S. Women (9/16/2011)

Community Approaches to Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (9/16/2011)

Elevated Blood Pressure Levels at Health Care Visits by Adults, by Sex: United States, 2007-2008 (9/16/2011)

Five Minutes or Less for Health (9/16/2011)

Girlfriends’ Health (9/16/2011)

Health and Safety for College Students (9/16/2011)

Health Disparities in Cancer (9/16/2011)

Hospitals Need Better Maternity Care Practices (9/16/2011)

Infertility Frequently Asked Questions (9/16/2011)

Is Your Daughter Protected from Cervical Cancer? (9/16/2011)

Percent Distribution of the 10 Leading Causes of Death, by Race and Ethnicity: United States, 2007 (pdf) (9/16/2011)

Pregnant Women and Flu – Free Materials (9/16/2011)

QuickStats: Prevalence of Obesity Among Persons Aged 20-79 Years, by Sex - Canada, 2007-2009, and United States, 2007—2008 (9/16/2011)

STD Goes Mobile (9/16/2011)

Updated Fact Sheet: HIV among Women (9/16/2011)

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Carbon Monoxide Exposures - United States, 2000-2009 (8/30/2011)

Characteristics Associated with HIV Infection Among Heterosexuals in Urban Areas with High AIDS Prevalence - 24 Cities, United States, 2006-2007 (8/30/2011)

Childbearing Differences Among Three Generations of U.S. Women (8/30/2011)

Deaths: Leading Causes for 2007 (8/30/2011)

Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women - United States, 2010-11 Influenza Season (8/30/2011)

National and State Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13 Through 17 Years - United States, 2010

Resting Pulse Rate Reference Data for Children, Adolescents, and Adults: United States, 1999–2008 (8/30/2011)

Surveillance for Violent Deaths - National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 States, 2008 (8/30/2011)

Vital Signs: Hospital Practices to Support Breastfeeding — United States, 2007 and 2009 (8/30/2011)

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Emerging Issues in the Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Influenza among Pregnant Women in the United States, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 204, No. 6 June, 2011, Supplement. (7/13/2011)

Fall Risks for Older Adults (7/13/2011)

Liquid-based Cytology Test Use by Office-based Physicians: United States, 2006–2007 (7/13/2011)

Mammography Use and Women with Disabilities (7/13/2011)

National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness

Recent Trends in Births and Fertility Rates Through 2010 (7/13/2011)

Results of the Expanded HIV Testing Initiative - 25 Jurisdictions, United States, 2007-2010 (7/13/2011)

Nonfatal Bathroom Injuries Among Persons Aged ≥15 Years - United States, 2008 (7/13/2011)

Seven Tips for Safer Eating (7/13/2011)

Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9-12 — Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, Selected Sites, United States, 2001-2009 (7/13/2011)

Stay Healthy on a Cruise (7/13/2011)

Walk This Way! Taking Steps for Pedestrian Safety (7/13/2011)

2010 BRFSS Online Prevalence and Trends Tables (7/13/2011)

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Arthritis as a Potential Barrier to Physical Activity Among Adults with Obesity - United States, 2007 and 2009 (6/7/2011)

Breast Cancer – Early Diagnosis Podcast (6/7/2011)

Cancer and Women (6/7/2011)

Diabetes and Pregnancy (6/7/2011)

Find an STD Testing Site (6/7/2011)

HIV Surveillance: Enhanced Perinatal Surveillance—15 Areas, 2005–2008 (6/7/2011)

HIV Surveillance in Women Updated Slide Set (6/7/2011)

Key Facts about Hurricane Readiness (6/7/2011)

Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep Podcast (6/7/2011)

Protect Your Skin (6/7/2011)

Preteens and Teens Need Vaccines Too! (6/7/2011)

Reducing Teen Pregnancy: Engaging Communities (6/7/2011)

Statement by CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H., on Early End of HPTN 052 Study (6/7/2011)

Surveillance of Health Status in Minority Communities - Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across the U.S. (REACH U.S.) Risk Factor Survey, United States, 2009 (6/7/2011)

Teen Pregnancy Social Media Tools and Messages (6/7/2011)

Vital Signs: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education - United States, 2001-2009 (6/7/2011)

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Assessing Completeness of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus Infection Reporting Through Comparison of Immunization Program and Surveillance Data (4/29/2011)

CDC Grand Rounds: Chlamydia Prevention: Challenges and Strategies for Reducing Disease Burden and Sequelae (4/29/2011)

Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia Use During Labor: 27-state Reporting Area, 2008 (4/29/2011)

Malaria Surveillance - United States, 2009 (4/29/2011)

Pregnant? Don’t Smoke (4/29/2011)

Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease to Improve the Health of Women and Infants (4/29/2011)

Results of FEM-PrEP Clinical Trial Examining Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention Among Heterosexual Women (4/29/2011)

Safe and Healthy Wedding (4/29/2011)

Sexual Assault Awareness (4/29/2011)

Vital Signs: Preventing Teen Pregnancy in the U.S. (4/29/2011)

Vital Signs: Teen Pregnancy - United States, 1991–2009 (4/29/2011)

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Adult Obesity Prevalence in Canada and the United States (3/30/2011)

April is STD Awareness Month: Dear Colleague (3/30/2011)

Cancer Survivors—United States, 2007 (3/30/2011)

Creating a Culture of Healthy Living (3/30/2011)

Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2009 (3/30/2011)

Effect of Short Sleep Duration on Daily Activities - United States, 2005-2008 (3/30/2011)

Opioid Pain Killers Linked to Increased Risk of Some Birth Defects (3/30/2011)

Pregnant? Don’t Smoke (3/30/2011)

Safe and Healthy Wedding (3/30/2011)

Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG (3/30/2011)

Smoking Early in Pregnancy Raises Risk of Heart Defects in Infants (3/30/2011)

STRYVE to Prevent Youth Violence (3/30/2011)

Vitamin D Status: United States, 2001–2006 (3/30/2011)

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Abortion Surveillance - United States, 2007 (2/28/2011)

Become a Text4baby Partner (2/28/2011)

Genomics and Heart Disease (2/28/2011)

Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Exposure in Pregnant and Lactating Women (pdf) (2/28/2011)

Health, United States: 2010 (2/28/2011)

Increasing HIV/AIDS Awareness among Blacks/African Americans (2/28/2011)

Maternal, Pregnancy, and Birth Characteristics of Asians and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders - King County, Washington, 2003-2008 (2/28/2011)

Nail Technicians’ Health and Workplace Exposure Control (2/28/2011)

Principles of Prevention Course (2/28/2011)

Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule - United States, 2011 (2/28/2011)

Talk to Teens about Healthy Relationships (2/28/2011)

Text4baby for Pregnant Women and New Moms

U.S. Teenage Birth Rate Resumes Decline (2/28/2011)

Vaccines Help Protect Travelers of All Ages (2/28/2011)

Vital Signs: Prevalence, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension - United States, 1999-2002 and 2005-2008 (2/28/2011)

WISQARS™ Module: Cost of Injury Reports (2/28/2011)

Women at High Risk for Diabetes, Access and Quality of Health Care, 2003-2006 (2/28/2011)

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2011: Your Year to Quit Smoking (1/21/2011)

Adult Seat Belt Use in the US (1/21/2011)

CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report - United States, 2011 (1/21/2011)

Cervical Cancer: The Preventable Gynecologic Cancer (1/21/2011)

Contraceptive Methods Available to Patients of Office-Based Physicians and Title X Clinics - United States, 2009-2010 (1/21/2011)

Genetic Counseling (1/21/2011)

Medication Use During Pregnancy (1/21/2011)

Notes from the Field: Congenital Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis - New York (1/21/2011)

Self- Reported Influenza-Like Illness During the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic - United States, September 2009-March 2010 (1/21/2011)

STD Treatment Guidelines Webinar (1/21/2011)

Take 400 mcg of Folic Acid Today! (1/21/2011)

Updated Slide Set: AIDS Surveillance-Trends (1985-2008) (1/21/2011)

2008 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates: National Summary and Fertility Clinic Reports PDF (1/7/2011)

Births: Preliminary Data for 2009 PDF (1/7/2011)

Bleeding Disorders in Women (1/7/2011)

Blood Lead and Mercury Levels in Pregnant Women in the United States, 2003–2008 (1/7/2011)

Cytomegalovirus: Protect Your Baby (1/7/2011)

Depression Affects 1 in 10 U.S. Adults (1/7/2011)

HIV/AIDS among Hispanics/Latinos (1/7/2011)

Holiday Food Safety During Pregnancy (1/7/2011)

How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General (1/7/2011)

Lives Saved Globally Equals Success (1/7/2011)

National Hospital Discharge Survey: 2006 Annual Summary PDF (1/7/2011)

Recent Trends in Births and Fertility Rates Through June 2010 PDF (1/7/2011)

Seasonal Influenza and 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women - 10 States, 2009-10 Influenza Season (1/7/2011)

State Cancer Programs in Action (1/7/2011)

STD Treatment Guidelines – 2010 (1/7/2011)

Test Your Knowledge: Health and Safety Quizzes and Tools (1/7/2011)

The 1999–2007 United States Cancer Statistics: Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report (1/7/2011)

Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2008 PDF (1/7/2011)

Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Adults: United States, 2005–2008 PDF (1/7/2011)

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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health
Page last modified: February 9, 2012
Page last reviewed: February 9, 2012