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Women's Health

What's New in 2009

Below is a listing of publications, websites, announcements, featured highlights, and other women’s health updates for 2009, beginning with the most recent.


Interactive Cancer Atlas (InCA) (12/30/09)

Abortion Surveillance: United States, 2006 (12/30/09)

Cigarette Smoking Among Adults and Trends in Smoking Cessation - United States, 2008 (12/30/09)  

State-Specific Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults - United States, 2008 (12/30/09)

CDC STD Surveillance Report Released (12/30/09)

Born a Bit Too Early: Recent Trends in Late Preterm Births (12/30/09)

Diabetes and Pregnancy (12/30/09)

Pregnant? Don't Smoke! Learn How and Why to Quit for Good (12/30/09)

Holiday Food Safety During Pregnancy (12/30/09)

QuickStats: Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults Aged ≥20 Years, by Race/Ethnicity and Sex - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 2003-2006 (12/30/09)

Gonorrhea—Age- and Sex-Specific rates: United States, 2008 (12/30/09) (p. 24)

Promoting Preventive Services for Adults 50-64: Community and Clinical Partnerships (12/30/09)


Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990–2005: An Update (11/12/09)

Deaths Among Persons with AIDS through December 2006 (11/12/09)

Perceived Insufficient Rest or Sleep Among Adults - United States, 2008 (11/12/09)

The Right to Know (11/12/09)

Smoke-Free Air (11/12/09)

Pregnancy and 2009 H1N1 Flu: Protect Yourself, Protect Your Baby (11/12/09)

Non-Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) (11/12/09)

Learn About Cytomegalovirus (11/12/09)

Pre-teen Vaccine Campaign (11/12/09)

Intimate Partner Violence Can Lead to Serious Injury (11/12/09)

Expanded Health Data from the New Birth Certificate, 2006 (11/12/09)

New Data Reveal Insight into Moms' Complex Infant Feeding Decisions (11/12/09)

QuickStats: Average Life Expectancy at Birth, by Race and Sex - United States, 2000, 2006, and 2007 (11/12/09)

QuickStats: Prevalence* of Obesity† Among Adults Aged ≥20 Years, by Race/Ethnicity§ and Sex --- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 2003--2006 (11/12/09)


Tips to Protect Yourself from Germ Monsters (10/27/09)

Halloween Health and Safety Tips (10/13/09)

Halloween Health-e-Cards (10/13/09)

Autumn Health and Safety Tips (10/13/09)

Autumn Health-e-Cards (10/13/09)

Updated Interim Recommendations for Obstetric Health Care Providers Related to Use of Antiviral Medications in the Treatment and Prevention of Influenza for the 2009-2010 Season (10/13/09)

Receipt of Influenza Vaccine during Pregnancy among Women With Live Births- Georgia and Rhode Island, 2004-2007 (10/13/09)

Nation′s Teen Vaccination Coverage Increasing, Variability Observed by Area, Race/Ethnicity, and Poverty Status (10/13/09)

Nonfatal Scald-Related Burns among Adults Aged 65 Years and Over- United States, 2001-2006 (10/13/09)

Majority of Americans not Meeting Recommendations for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption (10/13/09)

Questions and Answers: Use of Antiviral Medicines for the Treatment and Prevention of Flu among Pregnant Women for the 2009-2010 Season (10/13/09)

Adults Need Immunizations, Too (10/13/09)

It’s Flu Season: Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones (10/13/09)

Meditation and Health (10/13/09)

Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Tests during the 2009-2010 Influenza Season (10/13/09)

Position Announcement: Director, Division of Reproductive Health (10/13/09)

QuickStats: Average Total Cholesterol Level among Men and Women Aged 20-74 Years: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey- United States, 1959-1962 to 2007-2008 (10/13/09)

QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18 Years and Over Who Engaged in Leisure-Time Strengthening Activities, by Age Group and Sex: National Health Interview Survey- United States, 2008 (10/13/09)


Use of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009 (9/30/09)

Delayed Childbearing: More Women Are Having Their First Child Later in Life PDF (9/30/09)

Contraceptive Use Among Postpartum Women- 12 States and New York City, 2004-2006 (9/30/09)

We Knew It Was True: Women Do Call the Shots at Home, According to the Results of a New Study PDF (9/30/09)

The Effect of Hurricane Katrina: Births in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region, Before and After the Storm PDF (9/30/09)

Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2007 PDF (9/30/09)

Tips for Stretching Your Fruit and Vegetable Budget (9/30/09)

Reproductive Health and Novel H1N1 Flu (9/30/09)

H1N1 Vaccine Questions? ...ask Dr. Anne: Podcast (9/30/09)

Learn What You Can Do To Support Breastfeeding in Your State (9/30/09)

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention: Planning for Potential Implementation in the U.S. (9/30/09)

QuickStats: Average Number of Work-Loss Days During the Preceding 12 Months Among Persons Aged 18-64 Years, by Age Group and Sex: National Health Interview Survey- United States, 2007 (9/30/09)

Figure 4. Average age of mother at first birth, by race and Hispanic origin of mother- United States, 1990 and 2006 PDF (9/30/09)

Work, Stress, and Health 2009: Global Concerns and Approaches (Eighth International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health), November 5-8, 2009, San Juan, PR (9/30/09)


Five Minutes or Less Widget (8/10/09)

Girlfriends' Health and Safety Tips (8/10/09)

Girlfriends' Health Feature (8/10/09)

Girlfriend Health-e-Cards( 8/10/09)

H1N1 2009 Influenza Virus Infection during Pregnancy in the USA (Lancet) (8/10/09)

CDC Advisors Make Recommendations for Use of Vaccine against Novel H1N1 (8/10/09)

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons Aged 10-24 Years, 2002-2007 (8/10/09)

National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (8/10/09)

Differences in Prevalence of Obesity among Black, White, and Hispanic Adults- United States, 2006-2008 (8/10/09)

Aging Differently: Physical Limitations among Adults Aged 50 Years and Over: United States, 2001-2007 (8/10/09)

Cases of HIV Infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, by Race/Ethnicity, 2003-2007 PDF (8/10/09)

Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather (8/10/09)

Cancer Prevention Starts in Childhood (8/10/09)

West Nile Virus (8/10/09)

Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (8/10/09)

QuickStats: Percentage of Young Adults Aged 18-29 Years with Selected Chronic Conditions, by Sex: National Health Interview Survey- United States, 2005-2007 (8/10/09)
Obesity by Race/Ethnicity, Black Non-Hispanic, 2006-2008 (8/10/09)

Aging Differently: Physical Limitations among Adults Aged 50 years and Over- United States, 2001-2007 (8/10/09)

Learn What You Can Do To Support Breastfeeding in Your State (8/10/09)

WISEWOMAN Highlighted in Success Story Report (HHS) (8/10/09)

National Environmental Public Health Conference, October 26-28, Atlanta, GA (8/10/09)

National STD Prevention Conference, March 8-11, 2010, Atlanta, GA (8/10/09)

National Conference on Blood Disorders in Public Health, March 9-11, 2010, Atlanta, GA (8/10/09)


Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance- United States, 2006 (7/7/09)

Assisted Reproductive Technology Podcast (7/7/09)
Transcript PDF

Good Laboratory Practices for Molecular Genetic Testing for Heritable Diseases and Conditions (7/7/09)

Late HIV Testing- 34 States, 1996-2005 (7/7/09)

HIV Testing among High School Students- United States, 2007 (7/7/09)

Oral Sex and HIV Risk (7/7/09)

Who Marries and When? Age at First Marriage in the United States, 2002 (7/7/09)

Easy Read Breast Cancer and You: What You Need to Know PDF (7/7/09)

Easy Read Sickle Cell Disease: 10 Things You Need to Know (7/7/09)

Easy Read Help for the Uninsured (7/7/09)

Easy Read Prevent Infections during Pregnancy (7/7/09)

Easy Read Incorporating Away-From-Home Food Into a Healthy Eating Plan– Research to Practice Series PDF (7/7/09)

Figure 1. Number and percentage of persons under age 65 without insurance- United States, 1978-2007 PDF (7/7/09)

QuickStats: Percentage of Young Adults Aged 18-29 Years with Selected Chronic Conditions, by Sex: National Health Interview Survey- United States, 2005-2007 (7/7/09)

Figure 1. Percentages of men and women 25-44 years of age who have ever been married, by race and Hispanic origin- United States, 2002 (7/7/09)

CDC’s LEAN Works! (Leading Employees to Activity and Nutrition) (7/7/09)

Key Facts about Hurricane Readiness (7/7/09)

Health Disparities and Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth (7/7/09)


Easy Read Camping Health and Safety Tips and Packing Checklist (6/30/09)


Easy Read Support Women's Health (5/15/09)

Easy Read Women's Health Podcasts (5/15/09)

Easy Read Women's Health-e-Cards (5/15/09)

Chlamydia Screening among Sexually Active Young Female Enrollees of Health Plans- United States, 2000-2007 (5/15/09)

Deaths: Final Data for 2006 PDF (5/15/09)

Prevalence and Most Common Causes of Disability among Adults- United States, 2005 (5/15/09)

Births: Preliminary Data for 2007 PDF (5/15/09)

HIV-Associated Behaviors among Injecting-Drug Users- 23 Cities, United States, May 2005-February 2006 (5/15/09)

Easy Read Gardening Health and Safety Tips (5/15/09)

Easy Read Sexually Transmitted Diseases (5/15/09)

National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (5/15/09)

CDC Launches New Act Against AIDS Communication Campaign (5/15/09)

New CDC Materials Regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) (5/15/09)

Weight of the Nation, July 27-29, Washington, DC

Easy Read Mother's Health Feature (5/7/09)

Easy Read Mother's Day Health-e-Cards (5/7/09)


Easy Read Prom Health and Safety Tips (4/2/09)

Easy Read Prom Health and Safety Podcast (4/2/09)

Easy Read Spring Break Health and Safety Tips (4/2/09)


Easy Read Wedding Health and Safety Tips (3/30/09)

Easy Read Healthy Wedding Health-e-Card (3/30/09)

Easy Read Safe Bride Health-e-Card (3/30/09)

Births: Preliminary Data for 2007 PDF (3/30/09)

Nail Salon Table Evaluation (3/30/09)

1999-2005 United States Cancer Statistics: Incidence and Mortality (3/30/09)

Cigarette Brand Preference among Middle and High School Students Who Are Established Smokers- United States, 2004 and 2006 (3/30/09)

Easy Read Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness (3/30/09)

Easy Read Ensure Medicine Safety (3/30/09)

Easy Read Protect Your Unborn Baby or Newborn from Infections (3/30/09)

CDC's Injury Research Agenda: 2009-2018 (3/30/09)

CDC Partners (3/30/09)

Easy Read Women's History Month: Women Taking the Lead to Save the Planet (3/23/09)


Arthritis as a Potential Barrier to Physical Activity among Adults With Heart Disease- United States, 2005 and 2007 (2/27/09)

STD Health Disparities (2/27/09)

Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring Project, 2007 PDF (2/27/09)

Cases of HIV Infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2007 (2/27/09)

Easy Read Tips for Growing Your Own Vegetables (2/27/09)

Easy Read Ways to Prevent Kidney Disease (2/27/09)

Easy Read Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (2/27/09)

Easy Read Recognize Symptoms for Sleep Disorders (2/27/09)

Health, United States, 2008 Power Point, Slides 11, 30, 32, 37, 40 (2/27/09)

MCH Epi Conference: Making Methods and Practice Matter for Women, Children and Families, December 9-11, Tampa, FL (2/27/09)

Easy Read Valentine Health and Safety Tips (2/9/09)

Easy Read Heart Health Fashion Show Health-e-Card (2/2/09)

Easy Read Wear Red for Heart Disease Awareness (2/2/09)

Easy Read Wear It Well: Women and Heart Disease Prevention (2/2//09)


Easy Read Have a Healthy Super Bowl Party (1/27/09)

Easy Read Healthy Living Calendars (1/27/09)

Biomarker Test Not Ready for Routine Clinical Use (1/27/09)

Assessing the Burden of HPV-Associated Cancers in the United States (1/27/09)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Safety (1/27/09)

ART Associated with an Increased Risk of Certain Birth Defects (1/27/09)

Abortion Surveillance-  United States, 2005 (1/27/09)

Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL), and Productivity Losses- United States, 2000-2004 (1/27/09)

Cigarette Smoking among Adults- United States, 2007 (1/27/09)

Women with Diabetes: Quality of Health Care, 2004-2005 PDF (1/27/09)

Prevalence of Self-Reported Physically Active Adults- United States, 2007 (1/27/09)

Easy Read Get Help for Depression and Anxiety (1/27/09)

QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged Over 20 Years Who Said They Tried to Lose Weight During the Preceding 12 Months, by Age Group and Sex: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey- United States, 2005-2006 (1/27/09)

QuickStats: Death Rate among Teens Aged 15-19 Years, by Sex: National Vital Statistics System- United States, 1985-2005 (1/27/09)

Abortion Surveillance - United States, 2005 (1/27/09)

State Cancer Programs in Action (1/27/09)

Recommendations for Partner Services Programs for HIV Infection, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydial Infection (1/27/09)

One Test. Two Lives. HIV Screening for Prenatal Care (1/27/09)

Chronic Disease Cost Calculator (1/27/09)

Spanish Cancer Site Greatly Expanded (1/27/09)

Condoms and STDs: Updated Fact Sheet for Public Health Personnel (1/27/09)

National Injury and Violence Prevention Conference, March 4-7, Atlanta, GA (1/27/09)

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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health
Page last modified: May 1, 2012
Page last reviewed: October 13, 2009