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Employee Benefits Security Administration


EBSA News Release: March 14, 2011
Contact Name: Gloria Della or Mike Trupo
Phone Number: 202.693.8666/202.693.3414

US Labor Department to hold public forum on automatic enrollment in large employer health plans

WASHINGTON – The U. S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration will hold a public forum on April 8, 2011, on the health plan automatic enrollment provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act added by the Affordable Care Act. The forum will begin at 1 p.m. in Room C-5521 (#4) at the U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. in Washington, D.C. The Department of the Treasury and the Department of Health and Human Services will also participate in the forum.

The forum will provide interested persons an opportunity to share information and views to assist the department in developing proposed regulatory guidance on compliance with the automatic enrollment provisions of the FLSA.

Under the Affordable Care Act, employers that are covered by the FLSA with more than 200 full-time employees must automatically enroll new full-time employees in one of the employer's health benefits plans and continue the enrollment of current employees in the employer's health benefits plan.

The forum will feature three panels:

  • Panel 1: Definition of Full-Time Employee for Purposes of the Automatic Enrollment Provisions of Section 18A of the FLSA
  • Panel 2: Selection of Plan, Benefit Package and Coverage (if Employer Maintains More than One) in Which Employees Would be Automatically Enrolled for Purposes of the Automatic Enrollment Provisions of Section 18A of the FLSA
  • Panel 3: The Adequate Notice and Opportunity to Opt Out Requirements Under the Automatic Enrollment Provisions of Section 18A of the FLSA

Individuals and organizations may register to participate in the forum via email to and should indicate whether participation will be, in-person or by teleconference. Anyone wishing to participate on one of the three panels should indicate which panel in their registration. We intend to reserve time after each panel for general discussion, including audience participation. For a copy of the invitation to the forum, with instructions on registration and participation in the forum and on the panels, go to A transcript of the forum will be posted on EBSA's Web site at

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