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Snapshots from the International Data Explorer

Snapshots from the International Data Explorer are brief analyses produced by the International Data Explorer (IDE), a web-based data tool that allows users to produce their own statistical analyses online, including tables, charts, maps, and tests of statistical significance. The International Data Explorer includes data from PIRLS, PISA, and TIMSS.

Browse the Snapshots below to see recent results or visit the International Data Explorer to produce your own analyses!

ReleasedSnapshot Title
06/2012High-Performing Students: Percentage of U.S. Students at the Highest Proficiency Levels Relative to International Peers on the Most Recent International Assessments in Reading, Mathematics, and Science: Results from PIRLS 2006, TIMSS 2007, and PISA 2009
06/2012Low-Performing Students: Percentage of U.S. Students at the Lowest Proficiency Levels Relative to International Peers on the Most Recent International Assessments in Reading, Mathematics, and Science: Results from PIRLS 2006, TIMSS 2007, and PISA 2009
01/2012Massachusetts student performance relative to international peers by subject, grade level, and selected student characteristics
01/2012Minnesota student performance relative to international peers by subject, grade level, and selected student characteristics
12/2011Average Performance of U.S. Students Relative to International Peers on the Most Recent International Assessments in Mathematics, Reading, and Science: Results from PIRLS 2006, PISA 2009, and TIMSS 2007

To see full-length reports, as well as other publications and data products from international assessments, visit the International Activities Program Publications and Products page.

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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education