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TIMSS 1999 Results

Results from the TIMSS 1999 mathematics and science assessment are briefly summarized below.

TIMSS 1999 Assessment Results

TIMSS assessed the mathematics and science performance of U.S. students in comparison to their peers in other nations at grade 8 in 1999. TIMSS also collected information on schools, curricula, instruction, lessons, and the lives of teachers and students to understand the educational context in which mathematics and science learning takes place.

Highlights of the TIMSS results are presented here on:

The complete list of U.S. TIMSS reports are available under Reports/Products.

The full version of Highlights from TIMSS 1999 Results is available for download. Additional reports and articles related to the results from the TIMSS studies are also available under Publications & Products.

For a brief summary of 2003 results click here. For the 2007 results click here. Additional reports are also available under Publications & Products.

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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education