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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis

Open Government @ DOL

Welcome to the DOL Open Government page!

The Department of Labor has laid out a comprehensive open government plan and undertaken several as part of President Obama's commitment to make government agencies more transparent, accountable, and responsive.

We produce mountains of data on enforcement actions, employment, wages, and much more. This data can be useful for those struggling to find a job, workers looking for ways improve their skills, and consumers who want to know that the businesses they use provide safe, healthy, and fair workplaces. As part of our Open Government Plan, the Department of Labor is working to "liberate" this data; because we know this information is valuable, but we also know we haven't thought of every way to put it into the hands of the American people — at home, at the office, or on the go.

We also want to get your thoughts on how we can improve our transparency and information sharing, engage the public in DOL's efforts to leverage data, and encourage conversations between our staff and all of our stakeholders.