Tag Archives: TEACH.gov

TEACH: Shaping the Future of the Teaching Profession

Nearly everyone can name a teacher who inspired him or her, that pushed them, that maybe even changed their life. Teaching is the foundation of our educational system. Without teachers, education as we know it would simply not exist. Teachers … Continue reading

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Teach Moves to New Partners

“The U.S. faces serious challenges to building a world-class teaching force in coming years,” Secretary Duncan said last week at the Microsoft Partners in Learning Global Forum in Washington D.C.  In front of nearly seven hundred celebrated teachers from across … Continue reading

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The Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love: TEACH Presents Matthew Eddy

Ed. Note: Cross-posted from TEACH.gov. This post is the seventh in a summer-long, weekly blog series celebrating young teachers. We hope these profiles of teachers who have inspired their students and increased their classroom’s performance will inspire the next generation … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Rural, Teacher Practitioner, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged | 4 Comments

Students Teaching Students: Meet Seven Hang, Angela Delfine, and Cami Jones

Cross-posted from TEACH.gov. This post is the fifth in a summer-long, weekly blog series celebrating young teachers. We hope these profiles of teachers who have inspired their students and increased their classroom’s performance will inspire the next generation of teachers! … Continue reading

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Student-Centered Education: TEACH Presents Christian Mahone

Cross-posted from TEACH.gov. This post is the fourth in a summer-long, weekly blog series celebrating young teachers. We hope these profiles of teachers who have inspired their students and increased their classroom’s performance will inspire the next generation of teachers! … Continue reading

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Inspiration Overcomes Anxiety for Future Teachers in Rural Illinois

Why teach? “This may sound like a hippie answer, but I want to change the world,” said future teacher Joelle Schulda, when asked what drew her to education. “If I can reach just one child—who knows?—that child could grow up to … Continue reading

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Duncan at Bowie State for TEACH Town Hall

Recruiting the next generation of great teachers will be the message of today’s TEACH town hall meeting at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, where Secretary Duncan will join Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Maryland Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Bowie State … Continue reading

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The Changing Face of American Education

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. One of the greatest challenges facing our country is the coming retirement of more than 1 million baby-boomer teachers. This challenge has presented us with a once in a lifetime opportunity to help reshape … Continue reading

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