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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis

U.S. Department of Labor E-Government Strategic Plan APPENDIX C


The Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office (FEA-PMO) was created within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in February 2002. It was established to address a key barrier to E-Government success identified by the 2001 E-Government Task Force: the lack of a Federal Enterprise Architecture.

The FEA-PMO collected and analyzed high-level business architecture information across the Federal Government to capture and build on the architecture work of the E-Government Task Force. The result of this effort, version 1.0 of the Business Reference Model (BRM), consists of 35 lines of business and 137 subfunctions. Figure 8 provides a graphical depiction of the BRM. The Department of Labor is associating its major initiatives with the BRM to identify areas for collaboration.

Figure 8. Federal Enterprise Architecture Business Reference Model

Federal Enterprise Architecture Business Reference Model

To ensure alignment with the BRM and assess opportunities for collaboration, the Department will—

  1. Map each agency’s proposed major fiscal year (FY) 2004 information technology (IT) investments to BRM lines of business and subfunctions.
  2. Develop prioritization criteria to focus FY 2004 cross-agency analysis on high-impact/high-return subfunctions.
  3. Partner with other agencies where appropriate to (a) gain better understanding and improve baselining of potential commonalities and (b) determine and further explore collaboration opportunities. The Department will employ the following process to determine opportunities for collaboration and consolidation with other departments and agencies.
    (a) Conduct baselining activities:
  • Validate and verify that the proposed IT investments actually support the same functional area
  • Determine whether there are any other existing systems in operation (in addition to proposed major IT investments) that support the functional area
  • Identify the customer groups supported by each proposed IT investment
  • Identify key objectives and performance outcomes of each proposed IT investment
  • Identify the data and information to be managed by each proposed IT investment
  • Identify which common application capabilities will be required (e.g., content management)
  • Identify what platforms (including access and delivery channels) are required to manage each proposed IT investment
  • Identify security and privacy requirements.

(b) Determine opportunities based on the following considerations:

  • If services are the same but customers are different, there may be opportunities for sharing applications or investing in one system.
  • If customer groups are the same but services are different, there may be opportunities for sharing data.
  • If it appears that one investment can meet the needs of multiple agencies, determine (1) data requirements (including normalization), (2) platform requirements, and (3) security and privacy requirements.
  • For opportunities for developing a common application, determine whether new or existing systems should be developed/maintained through a transition period and the
    associated costs.

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