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Title:  Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Survey Documentation for School Year 2009-10
Description: This is the survey documentation for the 2009-10 Private School Universe Survey (PSS). Topics include frame creation, data collection, response rates, data preparation and imputation, weighting and variance estimation, and the quality of the PSS data.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: July 2012
Web Release: July 26, 2012
Publication #: NCES 2012323
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Stephen Broughman, Steven Tourkin, Nancy Swaim, Jennifer Peterson, Randall Parmer, Allison Zotti, and Sarah Andriani
Type of Product: User's Manual/Data File Documentation
Survey/Program Areas: Private School Survey (PSS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this User's Manual/Data File Documentation, please contact:
Stephen P. Broughman.
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The survey consists of a few short questions and takes less than one minute to complete.
National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education