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Statistical Standards Program

Review and Adjudication

Thorough review of each NCES data product is a cornerstone of quality control in all Center reports and data products. The Statistical Standards Program has the responsibility of ensuring that both internal and external reviewers comments are taken into account and that statistical standards are met in each NCES product. Published reports that describe data or present analyses of data go through a multistage internal and external review process. The process was revised as part of the 2002 revision of the NCES Statistical Standards.

Technical documentation and electronic data products undergo a modified review process that includes program, Division, and Statistical Standards and Technology reviews. The 2002 NCES Statistical Standard on Machine Readable Products includes specifications for use in reviewing electronic data products.

The increase in the use of the Internet as a dissemination tool for NCES reports and data products gave rise to a need for extending current quality control procedures to encompass this new medium. Most published Center reports and public-use data products are available on the Internet. These products have all undergone existing review processes. Increasingly, however, new products are designed specifically for the Internet, with the implementation of the 2002 NCES Statistical Standards these Internet products will also undergo a thorough review. The Statistical Standards Program continues to work collaboratively with the Technology Program and the NCES Communications Officer to ensure that high quality products are delivered to the public, regardless of the medium.

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