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Two scientists examining core. Scientists planning a sampling visit must obtain a core grant prior to their arrival from the NICL Science Management Office at the University of New Hampshire. NICL cannot release any core nor allow any core to be cut without the appropriate core grant verification from the NICL-SMO. The core grant process can be initiated by a phone call to the NICL Sample Allocation Committee Coordinator, Mark Twickler at 603-862-1991 or Once access to the core has been granted, the scientist can call 303-202-4830 or e-mail to set up a site visit and fill out one of our resource forms. Should you wish to ship equipment ahead of your arrival at NICL, please use the correct shipping address and let us know that your shipment is coming. Maps of the local area can be downloaded from this website and the telephone numbers for nearby hotels (maintained by the USGS National Training Center) are also available. Non-U.S. scientists and non-NSF funded scientists may be required to have an NSF funded collaborator before they can be given access to certain cores.

Scientists frequently request NICL staff to cut and ship core samples for them. The ability of lab personnel to cut ice for you depends on our workload at the time of the request and on the amount of ice being requested. Should the lab staff be unable to perform this service for you, we will attempt to put you in touch with a student from a nearby college or university who can be hired to cut and pack your samples. Although NICL is a no-fee facility,shipping costs must be borne by your home institution. The lab staff tracks each shipment to its final destination and will keep you apprised of your shipment's progress. Upon receipt of your shipment, please return the temperature logger and any eutectic packs which accompanied your ice.

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U.S. Department of the Interior

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Last updated: September 20, 2005

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