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What's New 1998-1999 Archive

  The following is an archive list of NIOSH historical documents for 1998-1999.

December 1999

November 1999

October 1999

September 1999

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations: Coal Mine Dust Personal Sampling Systems (September 21, 1999): 9/22/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations: National Coal Workers' Autopsy Study Consent Release and History Form (September 20, 1999): 9/20/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations: Studies of Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in Female Occupation Groups (September 17, 1999): 9/17/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Training Intervention Effectiveness Research of Vocational Education Safety and Health Instructional Materials--New (September 15, 1999): 9/16/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tailored Occupational Safety and Health Information on the World Wide Web: Increasing Knowledge and Changing Behavior of Residential Building Construction Contractors--New (September 15, 1999): 9/15/99

  • NIOSH ALERT: Preventing Worker Deaths from Uncontrolled Release of Electrical, Mechanical, and Other Types of Hazardous Energy (August 1999, Pub. No. 99-110);   Adobe acrobat icon PDF: 9/14/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Safety and Occupational Health Study Section (SOHSS); Meeting: 9/10/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Draft Document Building Safer Highway Work Zones: Measures To Prevent Worker Injuries From Vehicles and Equipment (September 7, 1999) (closing date: November 8, 1999): 9/7/99

  • NIOSH Federal Register Notice: Evaluation of NIOSH Fire Fighter Alert (Structural Collapse)--New (September 2, 1999) (closing date: 60 days of notice): 9/7/99

  • Evaluation of Substitute Materials for Silica Sand in Abrasive Blasting: 9/1/99

August 1999

July 1999

  • NIOSH Agricultural Centers: 7/31/99

  • NIOSH Federal Notice: Grants for Education Programs in Occupational Safety and Health To Prepare Health Services Researchers; Availability of Funds for Fiscal Year 2000 (July 29, 1999) (closing date for Letter of Intent: September 24, 1999; closing date for Application: November 30, 1999): 7/30/99

  • Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Mechanistic-Based Cancer Risk Assessment Methods, RFA OH-99-003, meeting (July 26, 1999): 7/26/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Mechanistic-Based Cancer Risk Assessment Methods, RFA OH-99-003, meeting (July 26, 1999): 7/26/99

  • 20 NORA teams developed a poster for display at the NORA Symposium 1999—posters highlight the latest activities of the teams and include background on the research priority areas, information on team membership, team conferences and meetings, and opportunities for research (presented in both HTML and Microsoft PowerPoint format: 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #1, Intervention Effectiveness, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #8, Organization of Work: Demanding Work Schedules, Sleep Disorders, and Risk of Occupational Illness and Injury, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #6 Special Populations at Risk/Aging Workforce, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #3, Hearing Loss, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #4, Exposure Assessment, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #5, Surveillance Research Methodology, meeting (July 21, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Disease, Disability and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), RFA OH-99-002, Program Area #7, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, meeting (July 22, 1999): 7/22/99

  • Federal Register Notice: Study Protocol Peer Review Meeting: Evaluation of Factors Affecting Disease Transmission in Commercial Aircraft Cabins (July 19, 1999): 7/19/99
  • NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative— Progress and Proposed Future Activities (July 1999): 7/15/99
  • Fire Fighting Hazards During Propane Tank Fires-- Hazard ID 7 (June 1999, Pub.No. 99-129);   Adobe acrobat icon PDF: 7/12/99
  • Exposure to Mercury Vapor During the Use of Mercury Carburetor Synchronizers -- Hazard ID 6 (June 1999, Pub.No. 99-111);    Adobe acrobat icon PDF: 7/9/99
  • Adobe acrobat icon Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design— Information Circular 9448 (June 1999, Pub. No. 99-114): 7/9/99
  • Federal Register Notice: Progress and Proposed Future Activities of the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative-Public meeting (July 7, 1999): 7/7/99
  • Control of Drywall Sanding Dust Exposures -- Hazard Control 30 (June 1999, Pub. No. 99-113) ;   Adobe acrobat icon PDF: 7/7/99
  • WISE EARS! Warns About Hearing Loss Over the 4th! (June 28, 1999): 7/1/99

June 1999

May 1999

April 1999

March 1999

February 1999

January 1999

December 1998

November 1998

October 1998

September 1998

August 1998

July 1998

June 1998

May 1998

April 1998

March 1998

February 1998

January 1998

Page last updated: November 25, 2008
Page last reviewed: March 6, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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December 1999
November 1999
October 1999
September 1999
August 1999
July 1999
June 1999
May 1999
April 1999
March 1999
February 1999
January 1999
December 1998
November 1998
October 1998
September 1998
August 1998
July 1998
June 1998
May 1998
April 1998
March 1998
February 1998
January 1998