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Welcome to the ORISE Research Participation Programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

On this site you will find information about these educational and training programs, designed to engage students and recent graduates in the public health research performed at the CDC. Whether you are interested in joining the programs, are a current participant, or are a CDC employee sponsoring or mentoring participants, our site has valuable information for you. We welcome you to learn more about our programs by selecting the category that best describes you.

Daniel Brencic

Research Profile - Daniel Brencic

Daniel Brencic joined the ORISE program at the CDC while completing his Master’s of Public Health degree at Emory University. Daniel participates at the Center for Global Health International Emergency and Refugee Health Branch, where he is part of a team responsible for developing emergency response capacity of CDC Global Disease Detection Centers and their partnering Ministries of Health. Daniel has had opportunities to improve his intercultural communication skills by traveling to China to assist with emergency plan development there, and assisting in hosting visiting delegations from the Chinese and Kazakh Ministries of Health. He is excited to be part of a CDC team that is invested in his personal and professional development.

Dr. Feng Liu

Research Profile - Dr. Feng Liu

Dr. Feng Liu performed research on influenza vaccines with the Pandemic Preparedness Team in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases while in the ORISE program. He found the CDC to be a unique environment to collaborate with “so many talented people, and experience the advanced facilities, like the BSL-3 laboratory and animal facility.” Feng particularly enjoyed the weekly Branch meeting, where every Branch member came together to present and discuss their research progress. Feng credited his ORISE experience with directing his future career. He recently left the ORISE program to continue his research at the CDC as a contractor.

Nomana Khan

Research Profile - Dr. Nomana Khan

Dr. Nomana M. Khan has an extensive background in the health field. Before joining the CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, she earned her Medical and Master of Public Health degrees, worked as a physician, and served with the United Nation’s Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees. At the CDC, she is working on a number of research projects, including developing protocols for investigating communicable diseases in mobile populations, a descriptive study to understand the profile of business travelers and economic analysis of pre-travel consultations. While in the program, she had learned research, data analysis, scientific writing and communication skills. Her favorite part of her time at the CDC has been “working with amazingly talented and dedicated professionals…and having an opportunity to work on several diversified projects across the Division.”

Latoya Simmons

Research Profile - Latoya Simmons

Latoya Simmons received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Kent State University, and then worked as a cardiovascular tissue dissector before joining the ORISE programs at the CDC. She is part of the Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases which investigates enteric disease outbreaks. They strive to improve the rapid coordination, detection, and response to multistate foodborne illnesses. While in the ORISE program, she has contributed to the coordination of epidemiologic response to outbreaks; laboratory-based surveillance; and outbreak surveillance and analysis at the national level. It has been particularly rewarding for her to gain first-hand experience in each multidisciplinary aspect, and to see how her daily activities at the CDC impact the nation’s food safety. In addition to her research, she enjoys volunteering as a tour guide at the CDC Museum.