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Forest Products
Economic Profile and Trends
Energy Consumption
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Energy Consumption
Energy Consumption by Fuel | Fuel Consumption by End Use |
Energy Consumption by Sector | Energy Expenditures | Onsite Generation | Energy Intensity

The forest products industry consumed almost 3.3 quads of energy in 1998. This represents about 14% of domestic manufacturing energy use, making the forest products industry as a whole the third largest industrial consumer of energy, behind only petroleum and chemicals. Within the forest products industry, the pulp and paper industry uses the vast majority of the energy, 2.75 quads, while the wood products industry uses only 0.51 quad. The industry has made good use of wood residues and byproducts (black liquor) and self-generates a large portion of its own energy needs. According to the 1998 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), the wood products industry produced almost 50% of its energy requirement by burning wood residues from tree harvesting and sawmill operations. In 1998, the pulp and paper industry self-generated about 46% of its energy needs, and the industry itself estimates this figure to be closer to 55% in 1997 [AF&PA 1997]. The pulp and paper industry spent $7.6 billion for energy in 1998, roughly 3.0% of the value of shipments in that year, and remains the manufacturing sector's fourth largest consumer of fossil fuels. [MECS 1998, DOC/ASM 1996]

Forest Products Total Energy Consumption

Year Total First Use
1985 2,536 trillion Btu
SIC 24=325
SIC 26=2,211
1988 2,773 trillion Btu
SIC 24=407
SIC 26=2,366
1991 2,957 trillion Btu
SIC 24=451
SIC 26=2,506
1994 3,156 trillion Btu
SIC 24=491
SIC 26=2,665
1998 3,256 trillion Btu
NAICS 321=509
NAICS 322=2,747

Source: MECS 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994 and 1998

Energy Consumption by Fuel
The forest products industry generates 54% of its energy needs from biomass and black liquor

Fuel Consumption by End Use
Boiler fuel and machine drives represent the largest energy end use in pulp and paper and lumber and wood, respectively

Energy Consumption by Sector
The pulp and paper industry uses 84% of the energy consumed by the forest products industry

Energy Expenditures
Forest products account for almost 10% of all manufacturing energy costs

Onsite Generation
The forest products industry is the largest cogenerator in the manufacturing sector

Energy Intensity
Energy intensity has declined since 1972

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