Pacific Agrosecurity Program

Agrosecurity: Dedicated to protecting agricultural and food industries from the deliberate or accidental introduction of plant and animals pests and diseases.

The Pacific Agrosecurity Program will be recognized as the premier source of information about agrosecurity in the American Pacific.

The mission of the Pacific Agrosecurity Program is to facilitate a collaborative partnership between academic institutions and regulatory agencies to address real and potential threats to agricultural and food industries in the Pacific.


  • Facilitate the rapid identification or diagnosis of pests in the Pacific
  • Expand the surveillance of pest species throughout the Pacific
  • Train students, faculty, and regulators in pest identification, diagnosis and management

Participating Faculty:

Anne M. Alvarez, PhD Plant bacteriology, diagnostics
Barry M. Brennan, PhD Agrosecurity, pesticide safety
Cathy Chan-Halbrendt, PhD Resource economics
John Hu, PhD Plant Virology, diagnostics
Daniel M. Jenkins, PhD Chemical engineering, biosensors
Qingxiao Li, PhD Hazard evaluation & emergency preparedness
Gernot Presting, PhD Functional genomics, bioinformatics
Aurora A. Saulo, PhD Food safety, HAACP
Wei-Win Winston Su, PhD Molecular biotechnology, biosensors
Ray Uchida Pest identification and diagnostics
Mark Wright, PhD Entomology, distance diagnostics


Diagnostic Resources
Government Agencies
Training Resources
Tropical/Subtropical Pests of Concern
University Agroterrorism Programs
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Barry M. Brennan
Extension Agrosecurity Coordinator
Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
University of Hawaii at Manoa


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Copyright © 2006 Pacific Agrosecurity Program Web Site
Last modified: 10/20/06