Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

NASCAR Webisode 9

It takes training, knowledge of available technology, and the experience to see what is not easily visible.

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NASCAR Webisode 9

It takes training, knowledge of available technology, and the experience to see what is not easily visible.

Ryan Newman: Technology plays a huge role in the world today. Technological advances make tasks faster, easier, and safer. Utilizing technology has always been a part of racing. In the seven post shaker is just one of those latest advances that allows the US Army racing team to deliver the best possible results. Just as technology has impacted racing, the cutting edge technology used by soldiers in the US Army has made Army strong soldiers more efficient and has made missions safer than ever before.
Neal Lewis: Seven posts has got 4 wheel pan actuators and 3 aerodynamic actuators. The aerodynamic actuators are located one in the front and then 2 in the rear and they simulate our banking loads and our aerodynamic forces. What we try to do here is at Stewart Haas is create a balance our aerodynamic forces and our mechanical grip using the seven post. Try to maintain a good aerodynamic platform with the body, and we try to obtain as much grip as we can through the tires.
Ryan Newman: Technology is constantly changing the nature of races. While racing is still dangerous, technology has made it safer than it's ever been in the past. The best racing teams use the best available technology, maximizing every aspect of the racecar while ensuring drivers safety. Technology is constantly changing the world of Army strong Soldiers. By using the best available technology, soldiers are equipped with tools that match their powerful, realistic training allowing them to complete missions, better, faster and more safely. It also prepares them to succeed in the technology driven world outside of the army.
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