Expanded Palace Chase applications due June 1

by Debbie Gildea
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

5/17/2012 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas  -- Some active duty officers who are unable to separate because of an active duty service commitment may still be able to take advantage of the Expanded Palace Chase program, said Lt. Col. Tara White, Air Force Personnel Center retirements and separations chief.

"This isn't a new program," White said, "but we want to remind eligible officers that it's available so they don't miss the application window."

Air Force officials announced last December that the Palace Chase Program and other voluntary force management initiatives would be implemented to help meet authorized end strength levels. Eligible officers who are interested may still be thinking about the option, but waiver applications are due to AFPC by June 1, she explained.

The fiscal year 2012 program is one of several voluntary force management initiatives implemented to help reduce manning numbers. Those approved must separate by Sept. 29.

The program allows eligible active duty members to transfer to an Air Reserve Component with a 1-for-1 time commitment of not less than one year or more than six years, White said.

"If you have an ADSC of four years and you're approved to transfer to the Reserve, you will owe the Reserve four years," she said. "To simplify the application process, some requirements will be waived, including application timeline restrictions."

Airmen eligible to apply for the Expanded Palace Chase program include line of the Air Force, LAF Judge Advocate General, chaplain, bio-medical service corps and medical service corps lieutenant colonels.

Officers in certain specialties are not eligible to apply, including medical, dental and nurse corps, Catholic chaplains, 11X (pilots) and 12X (navigators), and those whose core specialties are one of the following:

13B - Air Battle Manager
13D - Control and Recovery
13L - Air Liaison Officer
13M - Airfield Operations
14N - Intelligence
32E - Civil Engineer
35P - Public Affairs
64P - Contracting

Other Airmen who are not eligible to apply include those who have not completed initial skills training, have been twice deferred for promotion, are under investigation or civil charges, pending disciplinary action or pending involuntary discharge, under appellate review, or pending action under the disability evaluation system.

Members selected for an indeterminate temporary duty assignment who exercise their three-day option to decline, or officers tasked for an ITDY, deployment, or in training required for an ITDY or deployment are also ineligible to apply. Airmen who are being considered for an assignment, have an assignment in the system, or elected to turn down an assignment may not apply.

"Applications are approved case-by-case," said White. "Approval depends on Air Force needs, career field manning levels, and reason for the ADSC. For example, an ADSC incurred because of completion of intermediate or senior developmental education or completing pilot training will not be approved for transfer."

For more application details and information about other voluntary force management programs, visit the Air Force Personnel Services website at https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil, select the "All Components" search option and enter PSDM 11-105 in the search box.