Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Remarks (2009)

-12/18/09  Use of Contractors To Train Afghan National Police;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Statement before the Commission on Wartime Contracting; Washington, DC
-12/09/09  International Anti-Corruption Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Video Message For Anti-Corruption Day; Washington, DC
-11/10/09  Fighting Networks with Networks: Partnership and Shared Responsibility on Combating Transnational Crime;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Keynote Address at the Trans-Pacific Symposium on Dismantling Transnational Illicit Networks; Honolulu, Hawaii
-11/09/09  Opening Statement at the U.S. 3rd Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption;  Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Verville; Doha, Qatar
-11/07/09  Opening Plenary VI Ministerial Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity; Doha, Qatar
-11/07/09  The Sixth Global Forum On Fighting Corruption And Safeguarding Integrity; Doha, Qatar
-10/16/09  Enhanced Integrity and Responsible Governance: Anchoring Trust in the Circle of APEC Regional Development, Prosperity and Security;  Director for Anticrime Programs David M. Luna, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; U.S.-China APEC Anticorruption and Transparency (ACT) Workshop on Implementation of APEC Leaders' Integrity Initiative and Principles of Conduct; Beijing, China
-10/07/09  Opening Statement by the United States at the Third Committee of the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; New York City
-05/04/09  Threat Convergence: Subversion, Destabilization and Insecurity;  Director for Anticrime Programs David M. Luna, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; George Mason University, School of Public Policy; Arlington, VA
-04/16/09  Opening Statement to the 18th Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice; Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Verville, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/07/09  The Merida Initiative;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Remarks before the Tucson Committee on Foreign Relations; Tucson, AZ
-03/26/09  Digital Town Hall at TecMilenio University;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Monterrey, Mexico
-03/26/09  Press Availability at TecMilenio University;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Monterrey, Mexico
-03/25/09  Remarks With Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mexico City, Mexico
-03/18/09  Guns, Drugs and Violence: The Merida Initiative and the Challenge in Mexico;  Assistant Secretary of State David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Statement before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Washington, DC
-03/18/09  Mexico and the Merida Initiative; Deputy Assistant Secretary Roberta S. Jacobson, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; Statement before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Washington, DC
-03/10/09  The Merida Initiative;  Assistant Secretary Jr. Thomas A. Shannon, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; Washington, DC
-03/10/09  The Merida Initiative;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, Related Programs of House Committee on Appropriations ; Washington, DC
-02/27/09  Release of the 2009 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report;  Assistant Secretary David T. Johnson, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/26/09  Dynamic Threat Mitigation: Combating Transnational Threats and Dismantling Illicit Networks--The Role of Corruption Nodes;  Director for Anticrime Programs David M. Luna, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; APEC Anticorruption Task Force Meetings; Singapore


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