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Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides

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WPS Fact Sheets and Publications

EPA's Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Pesticides is a regulation aimed at reducing the risk of pesticide poisonings and injuries among agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. The WPS offers protections to approximately 2.5 million agricultural workers (people involved in the production of agricultural plants) and pesticide handlers (people who mix, load, or apply pesticides) that work at over 600,000 agricultural establishments. The WPS contains requirements for pesticide safety training, notification of pesticide applications, use of personal protective equipment, restricted-entry intervals after pesticide application, decontamination supplies, and emergency medical assistance.

Related topics
Health and Safety

Related publications from the Ag Center
Worker Protection Standard
Health and Safety
How To Comply With the Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides

Who and What Are Covered?

The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) protects employees on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses from occupational exposure to agricultural pesticides. The regulation covers two types of employees:

In addition, there are some WPS requirements that apply to all persons and  some that apply to anyone who handles pesticide application equipment or cleans or launders pesticide-contaminated personal protective equipment.

The WPS does not apply when pesticides are applied on an agricultural establishment in the following circumstances:

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Summary of WPS Requirements

Protection during applications -- Applicators are prohibited from applying a pesticide in a way that will expose workers or other persons. Workers are excluded from areas while pesticides are being applied.

Restricted-entry intervals -- Restricted-entry intervals must be specified on all agricultural plant pesticide product labels. Workers are excluded from entering a pesticide-treated area during the restricted-entry interval, with only narrow exceptions.

Personal protective equipment -- Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided and maintained for handlers and early-entry workers.

Notification to workers -- Workers must be notified about treated areas so they may avoid inadvertent exposures.

Decontamination supplies -- Handlers and workers must have an ample supply of water, soap, and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination.

Emergency assistance -- Transportation must be made available to a medical care facility if a worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured. Information must be provided about the pesticide to which the person may have been exposed.

Worker Protection Program Fact Sheet and safety posters -- Training is required for all workers and handlers, and a pesticide safety poster must be displayed.

Access to labeling and site-specific information -- Handlers and workers must be informed of pesticide label requirements. Central posting of  recent pesticide applications is required.

More information from EPA
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Rule
The Worker Protection Standard and Recent Amendments
General information on WPS

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New WPS Glove Requirements for Workers, Handlers, and Agricultural Pilots

On September 1, 2004, EPA posted the final rule amending the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for glove requirements. The final rule amended the WPS for agricultural pesticides in the following two ways: (1) All agricultural pesticide handlers and early-entry workers covered by the Worker Protection Standard are now permitted to wear separate glove liners beneath chemical-resistant gloves and (2) Agricultural pilots do not have to wear chemical-resistant gloves when entering or exiting aircraft. Handlers and early entry workers may choose whether to wear the liners. The liners may not be longer than the chemical-resistant glove, and they may not extend outside the glove. The liners must be disposed of after 10 hours of use, or whenever the liners become contaminated. Lined or flocked gloves, where the lining is attached to the inside of the chemical-resistant outer glove, remain unacceptable. Regulatory action was taken to reduce the discomfort of unlined chemical resistant gloves, especially during hot or cold periods. Additionally, chemically resistant gloves do not add any appreciable protection against minimal pesticide residues found around the cockpit of an aircraft.

More information from EPA
Federal Register notice
WPS Personal Protective Equipment information

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How to Comply with the Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides: What Employers Need to Know - Revised 2005

The Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides How to Comply Manual has been updated to reflect amendments to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), a regulation designed to protect agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. The new 2005 WPS How to Comply (HTC) Manual supersedes the 1993 version. Changes to the WPS since 1993 have made the earlier version obsolete, and its continued use may lead an employer to be out of compliance. The 2005 HTC Manual revision was coordinated by EPA's National Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center and a workgroup consisting of representatives from EPA Headquarters, EPA Regional Offices, and several state agencies, with input solicited from USDA and other state and tribal pesticide agencies.

Related publications from the Ag Center
How to Comply with the Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides, Revised 2005

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Avoiding Heat Stress

The WPS requires employers to take any necessary steps to prevent heat illness (too much heat stress) while personal protective equipment is being worn. Employers can take many precautions against heat stress. Some of them are summarized here:

More details on all these measures are included in EPA's "A Guide to Heat Stress in Agriculture," May 1993, available from farm supply companies and from the U.S. Government Printing Office using document number 055-000-00474-9. Issued jointly by EPA and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the guide offers practical, step-by-step guidance for nontechnical managers on how to set up and operate a heat stress control program.

Related publications from the Ag Center
Worker Protection Standard

More information from EPA
Heat Stress

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Additional WPS Resources

Related publications from the Ag Center
Ag Center's WPS Fact Sheets
Worker Protection Standard publications
EPA Office of Pesticide Programs - Worker Protection Pesticide Safety Materials

Related laws and policies
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

Related enforcement on WPS
Ag-related Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Enforcement Cases
WPS Compliance Monitoring Program

Related environmental requirements
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Exit EPA
EPA Pesticide Programs Regulation (40 CFR Part 156)
EPA Pesticide Programs Regulation (40 CFR Part 170) - Worker Protection Standard Rule
Correction to Worker Protection Standard in Federal Register (June 29, 2007)

1995 and 1996 WPS amendments
The Worker Protection Standard and Recent Amendments
Crop Advisors Final Rule Amendment (Fact Sheet)
Training Requirements Final Rule Amendment
Decontamination Rule Amendment -- Update
Requirements for Warning Signs

Exceptions to entry restrictions
Exception Process
Exception for Irrigation Activities
Exception for Limited Contact Activities

Interpretation and guidance
WPS Interpretive Policy Document - This document addresses questions on the WPS regulations (40 CFR parts 156 and 170) that were posed to the Agency by the EPA Regional Offices, State Lead Pesticide Agencies, and the public.
The Worker Protection Standard - How to Comply Manual, What Employers Need to Know
North Dakota State University Extension Service and Ag Experiment Station - WPS Video Presentations Online Exit EPA
(You will need Windows Media Player 12 Exit EPA or higher to view the videos, or you will need to download and install the latest Windows Media codec Exit EPA for your current operating system and player.)

More information from EPA
Worker Safety and Training
Basic Principles of the Worker Protection Standard
Norma de Protection para el Trabajador: Principios Basicos (Basic Principals in Spanish)
EPA Chemical Resistance Category Chart
Interpreting PPE Statements on Pesticide Labels (scroll down page)
Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings
Protections for Test Subjects in Human Research
National Assessment of the Pesticide Worker Safety Program
FIFRA State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program
Field Component of the National Pesticide Program - the pesticide field program helps protect agricultural workers and provides certification and training for users of some of the more hazardous pesticides to enhance competence and insure safe use.
Lo que se debe y no se debe hacer en el control de plagas (Dos and Don'ts of Pest Control in Spanish)
Uso seguro de los pesticidas (Using Pesticides Safely in Spanish)
Pesticide Registration Notice Informing Pesticide Registrants, Applicants About Task Force To Develop Exposure Data for Agricultural Handlers
November 9, 2011 News Story: New Occupational Pesticide Exposure Data

More information from the states
EZregs Exit EPA - University of Illinois Extension Web site that identifies environmental regulations pertaining to specific agricultural and horticultural operations and practices in Illinois.
Florida Agricultural Worker Protection Act - text, scroll to pages 59-68 (PDF)
(68 pp, 180K) Exit EPA
State Pesticide Programs
State Pesticide Newsletters

More information from universities Exit EPA
University of California Extension - Spanish Dictionary of Agriculture & HR Management
University of Maine Cooperative Extension - Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing
North Dakota State University Extension Service - Guidelines for Safely Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing
Ohio State University Extension - Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing Needs Washing Care

More information from other organizations Exit EPA
American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators (AAPSE)
Association of American Pest Control Officials (AAPCO)
The Farmworker Support Committee/El Comite de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA)

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