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Mitigation Rule Familiarization Workshops

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This page provides training and information regarding the 2008 Clean Water Act Section 404 Final Compensatory Mitigation Rule.

EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) published a new rule to clarify how to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to the nation’s wetlands and streams on April 10, 2008. The rule promotes greater consistency, predictability and ecological success of mitigation projects under the Clean Water Act.

Between August 2008 and January 2009, EPA and the Corps conducted familiarization workshops on the new rule in Atlanta, GA; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; Baltimore, MD; Oakland, CA; and Dallas, TX. Organized below are the presentations and other training resources discussed in these workshops.

  1. Session Presentations
    1. Background and Principles (PDF) (22 pp, 292K) | Video
      • Background on Mitigation Rule
      • General principles in the Rule
      • Relation to previous regulations and guidance
    2. General Mitigation Requirements (PDF) (22 pp, 2MB) | Video
      • Mitigation type and location
      • Watershed approach
      • Use of preservation and buffers
      • Mitigation plan requirements
      • Timing of mitigation and permit issuance
      • Ecological performance standards
      • Monitoring
      • Management of mitigation projects
    3. 3rd Party Mitigation - Instrument Development (PDF) (24 pp, 1MB) | Video
      • Prospectus and Instrument requirements
      • Public notice and review
      • IRT review and Dispute Resolution process
      • Timelines for Instrument Approval
    4. 3rd Party Mitigation – Requirements (PDF) (25 pp, 740K) | Video
      • Mitigation Bank requirements
      • In-lieu Fee program requirements
      • Modification of Instruments
    5. Complex Issues
    6. Agency Roles and Responsibilities (PDF) (15 pp, 630K) | Video


  2. Federal Register Notice of Final Rule (PDF) (113 pp, 567K)


  3. Additional Resources
    1. Timeline for Bank ILF Instrument Approval (PDF) (1 pg, 52K)
    2. Timeline for Bank ILF Instrument Dispute Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 51K)
    3. Watershed Approach to Compensatory Mitigation (PDF) (2 pp, 29K)
    4. Mitigation Plan Requirements (PDF) (3 pp, 33K)
    5. Requirements for a Complete Prospectus (PDF) (1 pg, 20K)
    6. Requirements for Mitigation Bank and ILF Instruments (PDF) (1 pg, 23K)
    7. Recent Resources (PDF) (1 pg, 24K)

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