Migrant Education--Basic State Formula Grants

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Meeting the Needs of Migrant Students in Schoolwide Programs

Snapshot of schoolwide programs serving migrant students during the 1996-97 school year:

  • 11,714 MEP sites

  • 22% (2,626) were schoolwides

  • 17% (102,777) of migrant students participated in schoolwide programs

  • Mean number of migrant students per schoolwide was about 40

  • 79% of schoolwides are elementary schools

Are the needs of migrant students met in schoolwide programs?

This question has 4 parts:

  1. Are the needs of migrant students reflected in the schoolwide planning process?

  2. Are the parents and teachers of migrant students involved in the planning process?

  3. Do migrant students fully participate in schoolwide program activities?

    • Are all their instructional and support needs met in schoolwides?

    • Are migrant student achievement measures disaggregated as needed to support a system of continuous improvement?

  4. Are the parents of migrant students involved in the instruction of their children?

1. Are the needs of migrant students reflected in the schoolwide planning process?

Schoolwides require planning—it's built into the law.

A fundamental component of the mandated planning includes:

  • Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on student performance in relation to state content and performance standards.

  • If MEP funds are to be included in the schoolwide, the needs assessment must address migrant students specifically.

Of the schoolwides serving migrant students:

  • 91% say they used student performance assessments in planning.

  • 59% paid attention to migrant services specifically.

  • 73% used students' enrollment and attendance patterns.

Did schools actually conduct careful needs assessments, including migrant students' performance data into account?

  • We do not know.

  • Our 25 case studies suggest not. Few schoolwides, for example, even had access to disagregated performance data for migrant students.

2. Are the parents and teachers of migrant students involved in planning schoolwide programs?


Percent "Yes" for:

No MEP Funds

MEP Funds

Parents of migrant students



Staff instructing migrant students



  • Table. Percent of schoolwides involving migrant students' parents and instructional staff in planning.

Schools with a student body comprised of 5% or more migrant students are more likely to include migrants' parents and teachers in the schoolwide planning process.


Percent "Yes" for:

Parents of migrant students


Staff instructing migrant students


  • Table. Percent of schoolwides involving migrant students' parents and instructional staff in planning when > 5% students are migrants.

3. Do migrant students participate fully in schoolwide program activities?

I will break this question into two parts:

  • Are the needs of migrant students met by schoolwide programs?

  • Are migrant students included in the assessments that Title I schools are required to make as part of a system of continuous improvement?

Are migrant students' needs met?

Starting with instructional needs:

The case studies suggest that:

  • School personnel cannot identify migrant students; and that this is part of a "schoolwide ethic" that treats each student as an individual rather than as a member of a group.

  • Even so, school personnel say they can identify the needs held by their migrant students.

26% of the schools identify English proficiency as a unique instructional need of migrant students.

Supplemental Instruction

Course Migrant students All students



Bilingual education

5% 40%

Cultural enrichment

4% 41%
  • Table. Percent of schoolwides providing supplemental instruction to migrants only and to all students.

All students, including migrants, received

Supplemental instruction in: All students
Reading 90%


Science 63%
  • Table. Percent of schoolwides providing supplemental instruction to all students.

Support services received by all students, including migrants.

Support services: All students
Medical screening or treatment




Social work/outreach


  • Table. Percent of schoolwides providing support services to all students.

4. Are the parents of migrant students involved in the instruction of their children?

Parent Involvement

Activity Migrant parents All parents
Conferences 1st: 43% 23%
Personal contacts 2nd: 41% 33%
Parent committees 26% 1st: 52%
Social events 29% 2nd: 46%
  • Table. Percent of schoolwides using each method to involve migrant parents.

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Last Modified: 02/16/2005