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Federal Registers
Formaldehyde - 51:44796-98

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents
• Publication Date: 12/12/1986
• Publication Type: Proposed Rules
• Fed Register #: 51:44796-98
• Standard Number: 1910.1000
• Title: Formaldehyde
• Abstract: Announcement of limited reopening of rulemaking record on occupational exposure to formaldehyde to include new information regarding epidemiologic studies of persons exposed to formaldehyde, additional data on employee exposure to formaldehyde in the foundry industry and other feasibility-related issues. Written comments on the new submissions must be postmarked by January 12, 1987.


Announcement of limited reopening of rulemaking record on
occupational exposure to formaldehyde to include new information
regarding epidemiologic studies of persons exposed to formaldehyde,
additional data on employee exposure to formaldehyde in the foundry
industry and other feasibility-related issues. Written comments on
the new submissions must be postmarked by January 12, 1987.

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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