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Federal Registers
Recordkeeping Requirements - 51:34552-62

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• Publication Date: 09/29/1986
• Publication Type: Final Rules
• Fed Register #: 51:34552-62
• Standard Number: 1915
• Title: Recordkeeping Requirements
• Abstract: Revision of recordkeeping requirements for tests, inspections, and maintenance checks to minimize the paperwork burdens imposed on employers. The revised provisions require that the employer prepare a certification record, at the time the work is done, which includes the date the test, inspection, or maintenance check was performed;the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Parts affected: 1915.113--Shackles and hooks, paragraph (b)(1) is revised;1915.272-- Portable air receivers and other unfired pressure vessels, paragraph (d) is revised. The revisions will become effective October 29, 1986.


Revision of recordkeeping requirements for tests, inspections, and
maintenance checks to minimize the paperwork burdens imposed on
employers. The revised provisions require that the employer prepare
a certification record, at the time the work is done, which includes
the date the test, inspection, or maintenance check was performed;
the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity
of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Parts
affected: 1915.113--Shackles and hooks, paragraph (b)(1) is revised;
1915.272-- Portable air receivers and other unfired pressure
vessels, paragraph (d) is revised. The revisions will become
effective October 29, 1986.

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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