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Federal Registers
State Plan - 51:27023-25

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents
• Publication Date: 07/29/1986
• Publication Type: Final Rules
• Fed Register #: 51:27023-25
• Standard Number: 1952
• Title: State Plan
• Abstract: Approval of the Oregon (OR) State plan supplements, Region X, including a revised Oregon field compliance manual, an industrial hygiene technical manual, an inspection scheduling system, amendments to administrative regulations, and State-initiated changes associated with administrative reorganization, compliance procedures and agreements with other agencies. Amends the operational status agreement which reflects a change in the level of Federal enforcement in the State. The effective date is July 29, 1986.


Approval of the Oregon (OR) State plan supplements, Region X,
including a revised Oregon field compliance manual, an industrial
hygiene technical manual, an inspection scheduling system,
amendments to administrative regulations, and State-initiated
changes associated with administrative reorganization, compliance
procedures and agreements with other agencies. Amends the
operational status agreement which reflects a change in the level of
Federal enforcement in the State. The effective date is July 29,

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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