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Federal Registers
Citations of Authority - 51:24525-28

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents
• Publication Date: 07/07/1986
• Publication Type: Final Rules
• Fed Register #: 51:24525-28
• Title: Citations of Authority
• Abstract: Amends Parts 1901 through 1990 by providing citations of authority on a Part or Subpart basis for all regulations in these Parts and deleting all statutory and executive delegation citations which are currently provided at Section level. These technical amendments make no substantive changes in the regulations contained in Parts 1901 through 1990. The amendments are effective June 30, 1986.


Amends Parts 1901 through 1990 by providing citations of authority
on a Part or Subpart basis for all regulations in these Parts and
deleting all statutory and executive delegation citations which are
currently provided at Section level. These technical amendments make
no substantive changes in the regulations contained in Parts 1901
through 1990. The amendments are effective June 30, 1986.

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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