INL Assistant Secretary Johnson Travels to Peru and Mexico

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 18, 2010


Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs David T. Johnson will travel to Peru and Mexico June 21-25, 2010.

From June 21-24 in Peru, Assistant Secretary Johnson will meet with Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, Interior Minister Octavio Salazar Miranda, Attorney General Gladys Margot Echaíz Ramos, and other senior leaders of the Peruvian government to demonstrate our support and shared commitment to Peru's efforts countering the drug trade; emphasizing the U.S. continued interest in partnering with Peru to ensure long-term sustainable counternarcotics efforts – including manual eradication, interdiction, demand reduction, and alternative development.

While in Mexico on June 24-25, Assistant Secretary Johnson will meet with government officials to discuss joint efforts through the Merida Initiative to reduce violence and reestablish a culture of lawfulness.

PRN: 2010/824


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