United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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  • Protecting People
  and the Environment
  • NRC Executive Director for Operations Bill Borchardt (center) briefs the Commission on the strategic considerations associated with the new reactor business line, including expected priorities, near- and longer-term projections and trends, and emerging focus areas. Looking on is Glenn Tracy( left) director of the Office of New Reactors and  Victor McCree (right) the Region II  regional administrator.
    NRC Executive Director for Operations Bill Borchardt (center) briefs the Commission… more…
  • The NRC Information Digest is now available giving the public a handy primer of the agency�s regulatory responsibilities and licensing activities. Learn more about the Info Digest on NRC blog or watch the new Info Digest Video.
    The NRC Information Digest is now available giving the public a handy primer… more…
  • Chairman Macfarlane signs a bilateral arrangement for cooperation with Dr. Jamal Sharaf, Chairman of the Jordanian Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Chairman Macfarlane signs a bilateral arrangement for cooperation with Dr. Jamal Sharaf… more…
  • NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane addresses the International Nuclear Safety Group Forum at the 56th International Atomic Energy Agency�s General Conference in Vienna, Austria
    NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane addresses the International Nuclear Safety Group Forum… more…

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