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Press Releases

Rangel Lauds Success Of VA's Award-Winning Veterans Crisis Line & Make The Connection Programs

October 1, 2012

“The Veterans Affairs’ Veterans Crisis Line and Make the Connection campaigns have been effective tools for improving the well-being of our veterans,” said Rangel. “Together, these two awareness campaigns play a key role in the efforts to help many of our nation's heroes overcome their mental health challenges."

Rangel Vows To Fight For Women's Healthcare Rights On 36th Anniversary Of Hyde Amendment

October 1, 2012

“While 35 years have passed since the Hyde Amendment was adopted, many of my Republican Colleagues continue to push for an outdated agenda that harms women by limiting their access to healthcare and their right to choose."

Rangel: Medicare Remains Strong Thanks To The Affordable Care Act

September 28, 2012

Congressman Rangel welcomed the recent announcement made by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, that enrollment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) program is projected to increase by 11 percent in the next year with premiums remaining steady.

Rangel Recognizes Army Suicide Prevention Month

September 28, 2012

“Suicide Prevention Month is a time that we take each year to remember that many soldiers return home from foreign battlefields with an array of mental health problems."

Rangel: DHS Announcement A Big Step Forward In Keeping Families Together

September 28, 2012

“Secretary Napolitano’s recent announcement shows that when we work together we can accomplish anything. Up until this announcement, our outdated immigration laws have been tearing apart our families and separating citizens from loved ones. Families are the cornerstone of our great nation and it is important that we work keep all families -- LGBT or straight -- intact."

Rangel Recognizes National Women's Health And Fitness Day

September 26, 2012

"I am pleased to join millions of women in America to recognize National Women's Health and Fitness Day, which is the largest annual health promotion event aimed at raising awareness on the unique issues that affect women."

Rangel Recognizes Yom Kippur

September 26, 2012

I join my Jewish friends in celebrating Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year that marks the end of the ten "High Holy Days" that began last week with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Rangel Recognizes World Peace Day

September 21, 2012

"Since it was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, Peace Day has been a time for us to acknowledge how costly war is and to remember all of those who have died in conflicts."

Rangel Recognizes The Importance Of The Emancipation Proclamation

September 21, 2012

“The Emancipation Proclamation is one of the most important documents in our great Nation’s history,” Rangel said. "It helped to pave the way towards the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which ultimately and officially ended slavery at the end of the Civil War."

Rangel Calls On Do-Nothing Congress To Increase Funding For Returning Service Members

September 21, 2012

"We owe it to our veterans to work together in Congress to effectively address the tribulations that returning service members are experiencing, not just after service, but during and before discharge."

Rangel: We Can End HIV/AIDS Through Leadership

September 20, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) joined Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D- NY) and Donna Christensen (D-VI) and the Black AIDS Institute to lead the forum "Leadership Matters: The Role of Black Leaders in Ending AIDS in America" at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 42nd Annual Legislative Conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Rangel: L'Shana Tova To My Jewish Constituents

September 18, 2012

"I am happy to once again join my friends in the annual celebration of Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Jewish New Year. This special holiday commemorates the start of a new year for my Jewish friends while offering them a time to reaffirm their faith. The calls to prayer and the sound of the shofar ringing through the halls of synagogues around the City during this period should remind us of the religious freedom and practice that we enjoy in our great country. "

Rangel: Welcome Home Jason Puracal

September 18, 2012

"I cannot tell you how happy I am that Jason Puracal and his family are reunited after he spent almost two years in a Nicaraguan prison on trumped up drug charges. Jason and his family's commitment to seeing each other again serves as an example of the lengths we are willing to go for the ones we love."

Rangel to Romney: Americans Pay Their Fair Share Of Taxes, Unlike You

September 18, 2012

"Nothing can be further from the truth than Gov. Romney's ridiculous remarks that nearly half of American people do not pay federal income taxes, they pay other federal and state taxes."

Rangel Reaffirms Oath, Condemns Threats To Voting Rights on Constitution and Citizenship Day

September 17, 2012

In honor of Constitution Day, Congressman Charles B. Rangel reaffirmed his oath to the Constitution and condemned the threats against it posed by the new restrictive voting laws in numerous states across the country. Rangel also marked Citizenship Day, by urging every American citizen to make sure they are registered to vote so they can participate in the electoral process in November.

Rangel Lauds Obama Administration WTO Suit Against China's Unfair Trade Practices For Autos And Auto Parts

September 17, 2012

New York, NY- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement after the Obama White House filed a trade case today against China, which has provided auto and auto parts companies with at least $1 billion in illegal export subsidies between 2009 and 2011, despite its previous agreement to eliminate all export subsidies when it joined the WTO in 2001:

Rangel Touts Healthcare Law For Reducing Number Of Uninsured Americans

September 14, 2012

Congressman Rangel announced that, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the percentage of people in America without health insurance decreased to 15.7 percent in 2011 from 16.3 percent in 2010.

Rangel Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 14, 2012

"It is with great pleasure that we come together to celebrate the National Hispanic Heritage Month to honor one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the country. This year's theme, “Diversity United, Building America's Future Today,” aptly embodies the diversity and contributions of 51-million strong Hispanics in America, who have come from all over Latin America and the Caribbean and have become an integral part of the American fabric."

Rangel Condemns The Attack On Americans In Benghazi And Calls For Unity On The Homefront

September 12, 2012

“My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and two other Americans that lost their lives as a result of this outrageous attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Post in Benghazi, Libya."

Rangel: We Will Always Remember 9/11

September 11, 2012

"Today our nation remembers and mourns the loss of nearly 3,000 victims whose precious lives were lost, eleven years ago on September 11, 2001. We were attacked by terrorists on our own soil, yet we stood resiliently as one indivisible nation in the midst of a painful tragedy that deeply impacted the way we live in the world since. "

Rangel Statement On August Jobs Report

September 10, 2012

"Today's jobs report reflects continual progress under President Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Democrats have made our policy agenda clear: By focusing our efforts and investments into manufacturing, small businesses, education, and infrastructure, we can strengthen our country’s middle class and get America back on the top."

Rangel Commemorates 7th Anniversary Of Hurricane Katrina

August 29, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today in remembrance of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that devastated the city of New Orleans, Louisiana in 2005:

Rangel Sends Condolences To Families Of Victims In The Empire State Building Shooting

August 24, 2012

New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting at the Empire State Building in New York City, that killed two people and wounded several others

Rangel Congratulates Dominican President Danilo Medina On His Inauguration

August 16, 2012

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement after Danilo Medina was sworn in as the 56th Constitutional President of the Dominican Republic:

Rangel To DREAMers: Start Applying For Deferred Action

August 15, 2012

New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the first day of the implementation of President Barack Obama’s deferred action initiative.

Rangel Celebrates Anniversary of Social Security Act; Condemns Ryan Budget Plan

August 15, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the 77th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act of 1935, securing the retirement of generations of American seniors.

Rangel: On 47th Anniversary of Voting Rights Act, We Reaffirm Our Committment to Protect and Fight for Our Right to Vote

August 6, 2012

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement commemorating the 47th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: Today marks the 47th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, landmark legislation passed in 1965 which guaranteed the right to vote for all American citizens -- regardless of their color.

Rangel Mourns Tragic Shooting In Wisconsin Temple

August 6, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, that killed 6 people and wounded several others:

Rangel Applauds Formation Of The New Bronx Community Board District Office Management Taskforce

August 3, 2012

New York, NY – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised the creation of a taskforce charged with examining the best practices, policies and procedures with regards to important issues faced by all 12 Bronx community boards. The new taskforce was announced by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Rangel: July Jobs Report Calls For GOP to Stop Political Games

August 3, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement following the release of the July jobs report released by the U.S. Department of Labor on August 3, 2012, which showed that the economy added 163,000 jobs and the unemployment rate rose to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent. With private businesses adding 172,000 jobs, this marks the 29th consecutive month of private sector job growth

Rangel Joins Rep. Luis Gutierrez and Colleagues to Advise DREAMers on the New Deferred Action Policy

August 2, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel participated in a press conference led by Congressman Luis Gutierrez, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Taskforce, and attended by two dozen members of Congress, representing several congressional caucuses. The participants directed their attention to those eligible under President Barack Obama’s immigration deferred action initiative, encouraging them to avoid paying hefty fees to lawyers or anyone else and to come forward on August 15th, the first day undocumented immigrants can apply for deferred action.

Rangel Introduces Cotton Trust Fund Act to Ease Tax Burden on American Manufacturers

August 2, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel introduced the Cotton Trust Fund Act (H.R. 6265), a bill designed to level the playing field for United States cotton manufacturers. Every day millions of shirts enter the U.S. duty free, while American shirt manufacturers are subject to strict entry quotas and duties as high as 13.5% once the quota is filled.

Rangel Applauds Bicameral Passage of Extension of Critical Provision in AGOA

August 2, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised the passage by Congress of legislation to extend a critical provision in the African Growth and Opportunity (AGOA) Act, spearheaded by Rangel and enacted by President Bill Clinton in 2000. The provision, which was set to expire on September 30, 2012, waives any duties on clothing imports from most AGOA countries, even if the yarn is from a “third-world country.” First passed by the House on a voice vote and then unanimously in the Senate, also by a voice vote, the bill is now on its way to President Barack Obama’s desk.

Nearly 4000 DREAMers In Rangel's District Qualify For President Obama’s Deferred Action Initiative

August 1, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel noted that, according to a July 31, 2012 report by the Immigration Policy Center (IPC), there are nearly 4,000 DREAMers who meet the conditions of President Barack Obama’s deferred action initiative, residing in New York 15th congressional district. Only five New York congressional districts have more eligible DREAMers than Rangel's.

Rangel Joins Reps. Maloney and Honda in Introducing Bill to Create Bipartisan Commission on How U.S. Government Serves Americans Living Overseas

August 1, 2012

Washington D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel joined Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Mike Honda (D-CA) in introducing legislation to create a Federal commission to study the impact of government policies upon the millions of Americans living overseas.

Rangel Highlights New Insurance Policies Involving Free Coverage of Key Women's Preventive Services

July 31, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel announced that, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, starting August 1, 2012, all new healthcare plans will be required at the start of their plan year to provide free coverage of key women’s preventive services.

Rangel Joins Ways and Means Democrats in Introducing Senate-Passed Tax Cut Bill

July 31, 2012

Washington D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Ways and Means Committee Democrats on Monday in introducing legislation identical to the middle class tax cut bill that passed the Senate last week. These two pieces of legislation, H.R. 15 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax relief to middle-class families, and H.R. 16 To provide estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer tax relief, both plan to provide significant tax relief for a vast amount of American people.

Rangel: Defending 47 Years Of Medicare And Medicaid

July 30, 2012

“Today, we celebrate 47 years of the tremendous success Medicare and Medicaid has had on this great country. Medicare and Medicaid have provided seniors, people with disabilities, low-income families  people who might not be able to afford healthcare otherwise with healthcare security. These two landmark programs are among the proudest achievements of the Democratic Party, and we will continue to work to strengthen and protect them."

Rangel Salutes His Comrades On The 59th Anniversary Of The Signing Of The Korean War Armistice

July 27, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement to salute Korean War Veterans on National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day which falls on July 27, 2012, the 59th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice.

Rangel Recognizes The 2012 International AIDS Conference

July 26, 2012

Washington, DC - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in recognition of the 2012 International AIDS Conference, which is taking place from July 22-27, 2012, in Washington, DC. Organized by the International AIDS Society, the Conference is being attended by over 20,000 delegates from approximately 200 countries:

Rangel Introduces "No Excuses" Legislation To Spur Job Growth

July 26, 2012

Washington D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel and Ways and Means Committee Democrats introduced two pieces of legislation, H.R. 6182 The American Advanced Energy Manufacturing Jobs Act of 2012, and H.R. 747, The Build America Bond Extension Act of 2011, to provide tax credits to advanced manufacturing and renewing the Build America Bond program to increase job growth.

Rangel: 71,000 New Yorkers With Medicare Saved Over $45 Million on Drug Costs

July 26, 2012

Washington D.C. - Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel announced that in 2012, more than 71,000 New Yorkers with Medicare saved over $45 million on their prescription drugs as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Nationally, more than one million people have already saved over $680 million, an average of $629 saved per person this year.

Rangel Saddened By Death Of Ghanaian President Mills

July 24, 2012

Today, I mourn with my fellow Colleagues for the death of a great leader. He fought a tough battle of throat cancer and I applaud him for his determination to overcome his illness.

Rangel and CPC Call on All Governors to Expand Medicaid

July 24, 2012

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) along with Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ), Keith Ellison (D-MN) and 43 CPC members sent a letter to all 50 state governors calling on them to set aside politics and publicly support the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid in their respective states.

Rangel and Ways and Means Democrats Call For Extension of EITC, CTC, and AOTC

July 24, 2012

Washington D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel and Ways and Means Committee Democrats introduced legislation to extend the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit, three vital refundable tax provisions that Republicans have proposed vastly curtailing (and ending entirely, in the case of the AOTC) as part of their Bush tax cut extension for the wealthiest Americans. The extension of the three credits will also be included in the Democratic alternative to the Republican tax cut proposal to be voted on next week. That Democratic proposal will extend the Bush tax cuts for households with incomes below $250,000.

Rangel Praises Expansion Of VA’S “eBENEFITS” Service

July 23, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised the Department of Veterans Affairs' online tool: eBenefits at The self-service web portal provides online information and access to a wide variety of military and Veteran benefits resources to veterans and Service members.

Rangel Congratulates Teachers College On EPA Grant

July 23, 2012

“Environmental issues play a central role in our society. Learning about them from an early age encourages conservation, technological advancement and safety.”

Rangel Recognizes Beginning Of Ramadan

July 20, 2012

I would like to extend my best wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy holiday to my Muslim friends in our congressional district and across the country as they observe Ramadan this month. Ramadan is a time of celebration but also of solemn reflection, fostering core values that are shared by all people and faiths throughout our great nation.

Rangel: Peace Be With Colorado Shooting Victim’s Family & Friends

July 20, 2012

Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado that killed at least 12 and wounded more than 50 innocent people at a movie theater:

Rangel Mourns Death Of Sylvia Woods, "Queen Of Soul Food"

July 19, 2012

"I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of my dear friend, Ms. Sylvia, the founder of world famous Sylvia's Restaurant. She was a dynamic, warm and kind woman whom the entire Harlem community will miss. Her family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers."

Rangel Praises Nelson Mandela On His 94th Birthday

July 18, 2012

"I join all South Africans and people across the world today in celebrating Nelson Mandela's 94th birthday. He is a true inspiration to anyone who believes in freedom and justice. Not many men would have the courage to brave 27 years of imprisonment fighting to free South Africa from the racial oppression of apartheid. Once freed, Mandela unified South Africa as its first freely elected President."

Rangel Condemns Terrorist Attack On Israeli Tour Bus

July 18, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after a terrorist attack on an Israeli tour bus in Bulgaria left at least 7 dead and more than 20 wounded. The attack falls on the 18th anniversary of the bombing at the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Rangel & McDermott Urge Quick Floor Action For AGOA Legislation

July 18, 2012

“Today’s action in the Senate Finance Committee was an important step. But there needs to be quick passage on the floor of both Houses before we can rest,” said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Emeritus Charlie Rangel (D-NY). “Thousands of workers in Africa who depend on the extension of the third-country fabric provision are losing their livelihoods with every day that goes by with uncertainty about whether the extension legislation will become law. I call on my colleagues in both Houses to get this done without delay.”

Rangel Congratulates Museum Of The City Of New York For Receiving Museums For America Grant

July 17, 2012

New York, NY –Congressman Charles B. Rangel congratulated the Museum of the City of New York for being awarded $150,000 in Museums for America Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Museums for America is the Institute’s largest grant program for museums, supporting projects and ongoing activities that build museums’ capacity to serve their communities.

Rangel Recognizes NAACP's 103rd National Convention

July 17, 2012

“I am pleased to recognize the National Association for Advancement of Colored People for its 103rd year in pursuing justice and equality for everyone in America, regardless of color, religion, or gender. The NAACP is one of our nation's most revered and outstanding organizations dedicated to social, political, and economic equality."

Rangel Applauds FDA Approval Of New Antiretroviral Treatment In Fight Against HIV/AIDS

July 16, 2012

"I applaud FDA’s historic decision to approve the use of an antiretroviral drug for HIV/AIDS prevention by individuals at high-risk of infection. This will provide us an effective new weapon in our fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has been a public health crisis at home and abroad."

Rangel Applauds New VA Initiative To Reduce Compensation Benefits Backlog

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) new processing model for compensation benefits claims. The new model tracks claimants into one of three "lanes." The new organization is part of a comprehensive plan intended to increase processed annual claims by 150,000 to 200,000, while ensuring priority attention for those most in need.

Rangel Congratulates District Student Juan Villar-Ojito For His Participation In The Smithsonian's Young Ambassadors Program

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel congratulated Juan Villar-Ojito, a resident of Morningside Heights, for his participation in the Smithsonian Institution's Young Ambassadors Program. Participants in the program spend a week at the Smithsonian’s Latino Center in Washington, D.C. and complete their program at museums close to their homes. Mr. Ojito is performing his internship in New York at the George Gustav Heye Center, part of the National Museum of the American Indian.

Rangel Presses For Disclosure Of Special Interest Money In Politics

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel took action to force a long-awaited vote on a bill that is the first step to clean up the secret money in politics. Rangel joined his Colleagues in signing a discharge petition to bring up the DISCLOSE 2012 Act, H.R. 4010, which requires disclosure of corporate and special interest money in politics. The Senate is expected to consider this legislation next week.

Rangel Joins Ways And Means Democrats To Introduce Extension Of Research And Development Tax Credit

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Ways and Means Committee Democrats today to introduce legislation to extend the Research and Development Tax Credit through 2012, the latest bipartisan measure Committee Democrats have unveiled as part of their No Excuses agenda to encourage Republicans to finally act on jobs legislation.

Rangel Introduces Bipartisan Bill Designed To Increase Use Of Telemedicine By VA

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel today introduced H.R. 6107 - Veterans E-Health & Telemedicine Support Act of 2012, a bipartisan bill aimed at increasing Veterans' access to care. Rangel is the lead co-sponsor along with Glenn Thompson (R-PA).

Rangel Website Adds Voter Registration App

July 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel's award-winning website now has a voter registration application. The tool allows anyone to check the status of their registration, learn about any new requirements and provide all the information needed to successfully register to vote in their state.

Resolution Honoring Korean War Vets To Be Voted Soon

July 11, 2012

Washington, D.C. - The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs voted unanimously today to move a bipartisan resolution to honor Korean War Veterans out of the committee as a part of an omnibus Veteran Affairs’ bill, H.R. 5948, the Veterans Fiduciary Reform Act of 2012. The resolution, H. Res. 618, introduced by Korean War veterans Representatives Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), Sam Johnson (R-TX), John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), and Howard Coble (R-NC), designates 2012-2013 as the "Year of the Korean War Veteran" and recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. It has received wide bipartisan support with 87 co-sponsors

Rangel Votes to Preserve Patient Protections

July 11, 2012

“America's top priority is job creation, yet Republicans have no plan to create jobs here at home. Instead, they are wasting time taking away patient protections and rewarding their friends in the insurance industry,” Rangel said. “Enough is enough. Republicans must join Democrats to put people back to work.”

Rangel To South Sudan: Happy First Birthday

July 10, 2012

"It is with great happiness that I congratulate the Republic of South Sudan for celebrating its first Independence Day. Throughout the past year South Sudan has admirably weathered hostilities while still taking progressive steps toward stability. I am confident that the republic will be able to emerge as a strong nation in the African Union and the United Nations."

Rangel Joins Pelosi, Nadler, And 130 House Members In Filing An Amicus Brief On Federal Case Against DOMA

July 10, 2012

Washington D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Congressman John Conyers, Congressman Barney Frank, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Congressman Jared Polis, Congressman David N. Cicilline and other House Democrats in filing an Amicus Brief in the case of Karen Golinski v. Office of Personnel Management against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Rangel Response To Pres. Obama's Calls To Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts

July 9, 2012

“President Obama's call to extend tax cuts for the middle class has once again demonstrated his firm stance as an ally and defender of America’s small businesses and middle class families. My Democratic Colleagues and I have long battled for an extension of the tax cuts for middle-income families, seeking to provide working Americans with the economic relief and financial stability they deserve."

Rangel to GOP: Stop The Political Distractions That Jeopardize Job Creation

July 6, 2012

We should be addressing real concerns of creating jobs, spurring economic growth, and restoring security for everyone in America.

Rangel Applauds USTR Challenge Against China's Predatory Trade Policies

July 5, 2012

Washington D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Emeritus Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) joined Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Jim McDermott (D-WA) today in applauding the announcement made by United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk that the United States has initiated a WTO challenge against China’s unfair trade actions on American-made automobiles.

Rangel Statement On Con Edison Lockout

July 3, 2012

"I join New Yorkers in calling for Con Edison to negotiate a fair contract immediately."

Rangel Joins The Newly Created Congressional Caribbean Caucus

July 2, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel recently joined his colleagues as a member of the newly created Congressional Caribbean Caucus, which aims to further develop and strengthen the economic and social relationship between the United States and the Caribbean region.

Rangel Honors The 48th Anniversary Of The Civil Rights Act

July 2, 2012

In 2008, we witnessed the election of the first black President, Barack Obama, which spoke to the endless possibilities of blacks in America. In fact, his presidency attests to the fact that anyone in our great country can achieve his or her dream with passion, determination, and hope.

Rangel Praises Passage Of Highway, Student Loan, And Flood Bill

June 29, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel voted with the majority of the House to pass H.R. 4348, the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, which includes a broad package that extends transportation funding, the 3.4% subsidized Stafford loan rate, and the Flood Insurance program. The Senate passed a bipartisan version of the bill with 74 votes more than 100 days ago, but the House had previously been unable to come to terms with its upper chamber.

Rangel Response To Iranian VP Rahimi's Speech

June 29, 2012

"Hate speech by definition is destructive. It undermines free exchanges of ideas and puts the focus on hatred and stereotypical portrayals of groups and individuals. I condemn all hate speech."

Rangel: Shame On GOP For The Contempt Vote On Attorney General Holder

June 28, 2012

"Today I proudly joined my Democratic Colleagues in walking out during the vote holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The vote represents a perversion of the job of the House of Representatives led by the Republican majority."

Rangel: SCOTUS Ruling Is Victory For America

June 28, 2012

"Today, the Supreme Court made a momentous decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, which is a victory for America. The Court stayed true to the Constitution and to the American people. As the House sponsor of the healthcare reform bill, I cannot overstress how thrilled I am with today's announcement. It means a better future for our great country."

Rangel Recognizes National HIV Testing Day

June 27, 2012

"Today we recognize National HIV Testing Day, a day in which we encourage people of all ages to take control of their health and take the test. The Center for AIDS Research, Education, and Services estimates that more than 1.1 million people in America are living with HIV/AIDS today. It is important that we promote awareness on the importance of prevention to both those who are at risk and those already living with the deadly virus.

Rangel Statement on NY-13 Primary Win

June 27, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following release after he was declared winner of the Democratic primary election for New York's 13th congressional district:

Rangel Hosts Healthcare Event: "The Affordable Care Act And You"

June 26, 2012

"I am glad that so many of my constituents took the opportunity to hear about the invaluable stipulations of the Affordable Care Act," said Rangel. "New Yorkers and Americans nationwide are already starting to see the positive changes that include more affordable prescription drugs for seniors, expanded coverage for young adults, and new coverage options for individuals with pre-existing conditions. It is important that people know how they will be affected by the healthcare law and more importantly, how they can maximize the benefits."

Rangel: SCOTUS Ruling On Arizona’s Immigration Law Is Right Step But Not Enough

June 25, 2012

"Any law that encourages discrimination against any person of color and other immigrants—including those who have been American citizens all their lives—violates the spirit of our nation's founding, and the basic rights of human beings. I marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because I believe in equality and justice for all. I will continue to fight for people of color, immigrant rights and against all efforts to weaken the Latino community."

Rangel Greets Srey Beaulac, Winner Of 2012 Congressional Arts Competition

June 22, 2012

“I am proud of Srey’s talent and ambition to enter this competition,” Rangel said. “Art is an often under-appreciated but absolutely critical part of our lives—its passion and creativity is a big part of what makes us human.”

Rangel Lauds New VA Initiative, "Aboutface"

June 22, 2012

“This initiative profoundly shows veterans who may be struggling with PTSD that what they are facing is normal, many people are dealing with the same issues, and that help is available.”

Rangel: Affordable Care Act Saves Consumers Over $1 Billion

June 22, 2012

“More than one million New Yorkers will get a rebate from health insurance plans this summer because they insurance companies failed to spend at least 80 cents of every dollar on healthcare claims and quality improvements initiatives as required by the healthcare law."

Rangel Responds To Passage Of Senate Farm Bill That Cuts Funding For The Poor

June 22, 2012

"If passed, the Farm Bill will cut $4.5 billion from the SNAP, leading to an estimated 500,000 people nationwide losing almost $100 in SNAP benefits each month. This is the wrong time to deprive over 40 million people nationwide who rely on food stamps to provide food for their families."

Rangel Celebrates 40th Anniversary Of Title IX

June 22, 2012

“In the 40 years since that historic day which I proudly witnessed, Title IX has promoted equal access for women at elementary and secondary schools and at colleges and universities across the country.”

Rangel Responds To Contempt Vote On Attorney General Holder

June 21, 2012

"We should be focusing on the many people in need in this country and making sure they have good-paying jobs. Republicans are spending time on a law enforcement tactic—‘gun-walking’—that ended under President Obama, which should not be used. They have created division where there is consensus. My number one goal, and the Democrats’ priority, as I’ve said before, is jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs."

Rangel And Ways & Means Democratic Members Introduce ‘Invest In America Now’ Act

June 20, 2012

“We need to act now to get this economy running again. The Invest In America Now Act is based on a bipartisan idea—an extension of bonus depreciation was included in the President’s budget and the Majority’s December 2011 payroll tax bill. We can and should pass it immediately. There are absolutely no excuses.”

Rangel Awarded Plaque On Annual Men’s Day At St. Mark’s United Methodist Church

June 19, 2012

I am deeply honored by this plaque. My constituents are always first on my mind, and when they recognize the work I’ve done on their behalf I am always humbled by their generosity.

Rangel: United Way Continues To Make A Difference

June 19, 2012

Congratulations on your 125th anniversary, I continue to wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Rangel Appreciated For Contribution To Sugar Hill Project Completion

June 19, 2012

“The harsh reality is that the cost of living is rising. People cannot keep up with the cost of food, rent, and other basic necessitates. Affordable housing is the most important issue for so many residents in our district struggling to keep a roof over their heads," said Rangel.

Rangel Condemns Unjust Stop And Frisk Practice

June 18, 2012

Studies have revealed that Black and Latino members within our communities are victimized by this practice more than any other group. 87% of people stopped by the stop-and-frisk practice in 2011 were Black or Latino, yet they make up only 23% and 29% of the City's population.

Rangel Hosts Fighting Hunger And Healthy Eating Event

June 18, 2012

"I know that buying and cooking healthy food is sometimes difficult. It takes time and money that we often do not have, but it is very important, especially for parents. Being obese can cause severe health risks; yet Harlem residents have among the highest rates of obesity in Manhattan."

Rangel Applauds President’s Broadband Initiatives

June 18, 2012

“The expansion of broadband is a foundation of economic growth and increased global competitiveness. We must catch up to the many countries whose broadband is cheaper and faster. It is imperative for the future of our economy.”

Rangel Recognizes Men's Health Month

June 18, 2012

Men's Health Month is a time when we can renew our efforts to improve the health and wellness of men, who play a central role in shaping and supporting our communities.

Rangel Recognizes NYC Resolution Urging An End To Corporate Power In Elections

June 15, 2012

The Citizens United decision is simply a threat to our democracy, with absolutely no grounds of justification. Our local elections should only be driven by voters who fall within its district. I find it unacceptable and troubling that organizations have the ability to decide the turnout of our local elections. I am proud that the New York City Council has acted in favor of the people by approving this resolution.

Rangel: Time To Make Fatherhood A Priority

June 15, 2012

"This Sunday is Fathers Day, a day in which we recognize our fathers and honor the impact they have on our daily lives. Fathers provide a sense of sanctuary, support, and life lessons essential in a child's development. Having grown up without the presence of my father, I made it my highest priority to spend quality time with my two children, Steven and Alicia, and to be the father figure that they so greatly deserve."

Rangel Lauds Obama Administration For Providing Relief For DREAMers

June 15, 2012

“As a proud co-sponsor of the DREAM Act, I am thrilled by this announcement. I applaud the President for taking initiative on a critical issue that Congress has not been able to resolve,” said Rangel.

Rangel Career Fair Attracts Two Thousand

June 14, 2012

"While our nation is slowly recovering from the recession, many people in our community are still unemployed. There are many qualified individuals in our District who need and want jobs now,? Rangel said. "With the success of last year's career fair, I wanted to make sure that my constituents got another chance to meet with representatives from employers around from all over New York City and region.?

Rangel Hosts Immigration Fair

June 12, 2012

"Our great nation was built on the backs of immigrants," Rangel said. "Everyone here deserves an opportunity to become a citizen. The vilification of the immigrant community in states like Alabama and Arizona will never have a place here in New York City, a cultural melting pot and historically known as the gateway into America."

Rangel Congratulates The Children's Aid Society's Ercilia Pepin Parent Institute Graduates

June 11, 2012

"They have taken the initiative to improve their understanding of a complex school system and gain new skills in order to help their children. Active parent involvement in the lives of children is critical to their development and success."

Rangel Saddened By Murder Of Ackeem Green

June 11, 2012

There is absolutely no place for gun violence in our communities. We need to rise above this tragedy to work together in an effort to make sure not a single more innocent individual falls victim to a gun shot.

Rangel And Salsa Legend Willie Colón Join Festivities At The Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade

June 11, 2012

I can't imagine a better birthday present than celebrating the rich culture and heritage of the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. To the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans in my district and millions in our country, I thank you for your unique contributions to American society.

Rangel Joins Rep. Clarke And NYC Elected Officials In Calling For DOJ Investigation Of Unjust Stop-And-Frisks

June 8, 2012

On End Racial Profiling Advocacy day, Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke [D-NY] in calling for an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOD) to examine the negative effects of the New York Police Department's (NYPD) Stop-and-Frisk police tactic and racial profiling. Other attendees included elected officials from New York State Assembly and City Council and numerous advocacy groups.

Rangel Condemns Republicans For Blocking Consideration Of Critical Paycheck Fairness Act

June 5, 2012

Equal pay is not simply a women’s issue – it’s a family issue. In more than 50 percent of American households, women’s salaries help pay the bills. When women bring home less money each day, it means they have less for the everyday needs of their families – groceries, rent, child care, and doctors’ visits.

Rangel Applauds Harlem Schools For "Just Move" Program

June 5, 2012

I am immensely proud of the students, teachers, and administrators who have come together to make 'Just Move' the tremendous success it has become. This program simultaneously improves the health and education needs of thousands of school children, and should serve as a model for the nation.

Rangel Hosts Education Event Featuring Under Secretary Of U.S. Department Of Education Martha J. Kanter

June 5, 2012

Everyone in this country should have the opportunity to receive a quality college education at an affordable price. College opens doors to a brighter future for our nation and all of our nation's children. I have fought for this my entire career and have no intention of stopping any time soon.

Rangel Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From Los Premios Latino Español Global (The Global Spanish Latino Awards)

June 5, 2012

This is a huge honor to be recognized by Latino community. I want to thank the organizers of the ceremony for the invitation and honor of this distinguished award. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to represent so many Latinos as their Congressman.

Rangel Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From The John Hunter Memorial Camp Fund

June 4, 2012

I am humbled that the members of the John Hunter Camp Fund Committee chose to recognize me with a Lifetime Achievement Award. I look forward to attending the Bob Douglas Hall of Fame Luncheon and am very pleased that the proceeds will go toward sending young people from the inner city to summer camps.

Rangel Applauds Successful Outreach For Veteran Career Assistance

June 1, 2012

The rapid response to the announcement of this program by our nation's veterans is a sign that we have answered their call to action. We need to give back to those who have served honorably. Assisting our veterans with career retraining is an important way we can show them our gratitude for defending our freedoms.

Rangel: Republican Political Games Threaten Economy

June 1, 2012

My Democratic Colleagues and I are calling on Republicans to suspend their latest attacks on the middle class and on women's rights, and immediately vote to extend middle-income tax cuts. By allowing tax breaks for millionaires to expire, we can help secure the future for students and working Americans without raising the deficit. Let’s get this show on the road. America’s middle class – our families, workers, and small businesses – can’t wait any longer.

Rangel Commemorates LGBT Pride Month

May 31, 2012

Sixty years ago, draconian hate laws made interracial marriage illegal in this country. Today, similar laws bar LGBT individuals from expressing their love to one another. As we recognize National LGBT Pride Month, I am glad to stand for equality, as I have in years past. I will continue to work with my Colleagues to see that the rights of LGBT Americans are no longer trampled on by backward social opinions.

Rangel Applauds First Circuit DOMA Ruling

May 31, 2012

I applaud this ruling by the First Circuit as an important step forward in ensuring political equality for LGBT Americans. The struggle for civil rights is ongoing, and I have long been a supporter of same-sex equality. The Defense of Marriage Act is just the latest in a long line of draconian laws that aim to force social opinions into people's lives.

Rangel Recognizes National Senior Health & Fitness Day

May 30, 2012

"This May marks the 49th anniversary of Older Americans month, culminating with the 19th annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day on May 30th. Older Americans continue to provide wisdom and insight to our communities while maintaining active, dynamic and vigorous lives - National Senior Health & Fitness Day embodies this spirit of vitality."

Remembering The Life Of Pioneer Radio Man Hal Jackson

May 30, 2012

I am proud to honor this great man and join our community in celebrating his life by remembering his tremendous contributions to American culture and society. The death of Hal is a great loss to our country and to New York City. We will all miss his skill and passion both behind the microphone and as a radio executive. We give our condolences to his wife, Debi, his two daughters and son, and all of his family and friends.

Rangel Brings Director of Center For Minority Veterans to New York

May 29, 2012

"Today's heroes are confronted by a host of challenges when it is time to transition to civilian life," said Rangel. "As a Korean War veteran, I can understand the depth of these difficulties. It is our duty, as public servants, to keep our veterans informed of their possible solutions."

Rangel Commemorates Veteran Sacrifices On Memorial Day

May 24, 2012

As President Barack Obama begins to bring more of our men and women in uniform home from Iraq and Afghanistan, we should use Memorial Day as an opportunity to remember the sacrifices that American soldiers of all social and political stripes have made in defense of our country.

Rangel: Affordable Care Act Saved Over $3.5 Billion On Prescription Drugs

May 24, 2012

The Affordable Care Act is an historic piece of legislation that ensures that Americans across the board can afford to stay healthy. The new statistics on health savings are a testament to the success of this reform, and I will continue to stand with President Obama to defend the healthcare benefits millions of Americans are now receiving as a result.

Rangel Applauds Small Business Owners In His District

May 23, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in honor of National Small Business Week, recognizing the contributions small business owners and entrepreneurs have made to his congressional district and the nation's economy:

Rangel Commends Streamlining Of Veteran Memorial Process

May 22, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel applauded the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in streamlining the process to request a grave marker medallion. The bronze medallion, a device that marks private Veteran gravestones, proudly displays the word "Veteran" at the top, along with the image of a Veteran's branch of service and a folded burial flag with laurels.

Rangel Congratulates Newly-Elected Dominican President Danilo Medina & VP Margarita Cedeño

May 21, 2012

I congratulate President-elect Danilo Medina and Vice President-elect, Former First Lady Margarita Cedeño for their victory in the presidential elections. I fully respect the decisionI congratulate President-elect Danilo Medina and Vice President-elect, Former First Lady Margarita Cedeno for their victory in the presidential elections. I fully respect the decision made by the people of the Dominican Republic in a free and fair election, and look forward to working with the new Administration to further strengthen our two countries’ relationship. made by the people of the Dominican Republic in a free and fair election, and look forward to working with the new Administration to further strengthen our two countries’ relationship.

Rangel Presents $4.6m Check From HHS To Ryan Center

May 21, 2012

Thanks to the ACA, 18,000 children and 90,000 adults in our Manhattan Congressional District join the millions of Americans who have access to free preventive services such as HIV testing and cancer screenings. These patients can come to the Ryan Center and other community health centers funded by the ACA and be treated with dignity, confidentiality and respect.

Rangel Joins Lewis, Conyers, Clyburn and Hoyer In Introducing Voter Empowerment Act

May 17, 2012

The Voting Rights Act of 1968 was an historic success that finally secured the right of access to the ballot box to each individual American. But today, on the 58th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that marked the beginning of the end for the Jim Crow era, it is unfortunate that legal elements of injustice continue. t to democratically select one's own representative. We must remain vigilant in making sure that this basic right is not infringed upon in the years ahead.

Rangel Applauds Joint Dept of Labor/VA'S Jobs Program

May 17, 2012

"Career transition assistance for our nation's defenders is a welcome relief at a time of high unemployment," said Rangel. "This beacon of interagency cooperation is exactly the type of effective governance our country needs at this crucial juncture. This program is a symbol of Americans' ability to work together to provide compensation to the soldiers who have truly earned it."

Rangel Honors National Foster Care Month

May 17, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in honor of National Foster Care Month, a time to pay tribute to caring individuals, dedicated families and organizations improving the lives of foster children.

Rangel Deplores House Gop Violence Against Women Act

May 16, 2012

Today, House Republicans have once again proven that they are more interested in scoring political points than in bipartisan governance. Instead of agreeing to a Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that passed with considerable Republican support, my Colleagues have decided to deliberately make it harder for immigrant, Native American, and LGBT victims of domestic violence to get their due recourse against their aggressors. This is both an affront to the rights of the abused and a classic case of blaming the victim instead of giving them the opportunity to defend themselves.

Rangel Commemorates 150th USDA Anniversary

May 15, 2012

I applaud the good work done by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, as well as that of our local organizations that work in tandem with the SNAP program to help feed New York families. The efforts of the Food Bank for New York City, the Yorkville Common Pantry, and the Bailey House have been particularly vital in providing food to the families who need it.

Rangel: Honoring Women By Protecting Their Health

May 14, 2012

Women help provide the bedrock for America's families and communities, and their health is a top priority for our nation. During National Women's Health Week we reaffirm our commitment to providing affordable healthcare for women and making sure insurance companies cannot consider being a woman a 'pre-existing condition.'

Rangel Welcomes President Obama To District

May 14, 2012

I am proud to welcome President Obama to Northern Manhattan. It's a tremendous honor to have the President come to our district to address Barnard's graduating class about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in a world that is being shaped by women leaders more than ever.

Rangel Introduces Student Loan Interest Deduction (SLID) Act

May 11, 2012

College students are the future engine of our nation. They are the ones who will continue to make this country great in the years ahead. We should make affording education easier for them to meet the challenges that this country faces in times to come. This bill will help to pave a smooth road ahead for our children and grandchildren as they fulfill the promise of the American Dream.

Rangel Joins Levin, Mcdermott And Waxman To Commemorate May 10 Agreement On Trade

May 10, 2012

The May 10 Agreement joined American moral values and trade policy. By promoting more efficient trade while expanding access to healthcare in developing nations, it let the world know that the American government is not at the service of Wall Street.

Rangel Condemns House GOP For Gutting Aid To Poor And Elderly

May 10, 2012

There are 1300 elderly men and women in East Harlem alone who depend on Meals-on-Wheels to remain healthy and independent. It's morally wrong for Republicans to insist on taking away my constituents' next meal to give tax subsidies to Big Oil. Republicans need to work with Democrats to find a solution to our nation's debt problem without devastating the most vulnerable Americans.

Rangel Applauds $10.3 Million Federal Grant For New York Job Training

May 10, 2012

"Career transition assistance is much-needed relief for those New Yorkers who have lost their jobs in the wake of the economic downturn," said Rangel. "Federal investments like these are the key to restarting growth and putting money back in the pockets of the American people."

Rangel Applauds House Passage Of Export-Import Bank Reauthorization

May 10, 2012

With this action America takes another step on its path to recovery. By supporting our small businesses, we can ensure that American job growth will continue and our economy will remain the world's largest and most vibrant.

Rangel Honors Educators During National Teachers Appreciation Week

May 9, 2012

"Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on National Teachers Appreciation Week, which takes place May 7-11, 2012, recognizing the dedication and tireless efforts of our teachers in educating America's students."

President's Support Marks Historic Moment In Fight For Marriage Equality

May 9, 2012

I am proud that President Barack Obama today announced his belief that marriage equality should extend to all Americans. The President's announcement marks what I hope will be one of the final steps towards total equality for LGBT Americans.

Rangel Condemns GOP Student Loan Obstructionism

May 8, 2012

The interest rate on subsidized student loans is set to double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent in July. This means that it is now time for decisive action to prevent the burden of student loan debt from continuing to crush American college students and their families - harming the future engine of our great nation.

Rangel Kicks Off 2012 Bronx Week Celebration

May 8, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel joined Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. at the Rotunda of the Bronx County Building to launch Bronx Week 2012, a week-long celebration of the unique social and cultural aspects of the borough which takes place May 10- 20, 2012.

Rangel: Jewish Heritage is America's Heritage

May 8, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement to celebrate Jewish Heritage Month throughout May: "May is the month in which we give praise to America's vast Jewish community. Since our nation's founding the Jewish-American community has played...

Rangel: Local Student Artist Wins Rangel's 2012 Congressional Arts Competition

May 7, 2012

"Congressman Charles Rangel joined local arts leaders, students and parents as he announced this year's winner, Srey Beaulac of the The Dwight School, of the 15th Congressional District's Congressional Arts Competition, at the Harlem State Office Building. Beaulac will travel with her parents to Washington, D.C. to participate in a national reception that will bring together winners from all congressional districts throughout the country. Her painting will then hang in the U.S. Capitol until May 2013."

Rangel: Clean Air is Non-Partisan

May 7, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement to mark Clean Air Month in May: "This May, Americans join together to celebrate Clean Air Month. This is a very important reminder to all people that regardless of politics,...

Rangel Honors Cinco De Mayo And Mexican-American Community

May 4, 2012

I join the Mexican-American community in my District, particularly in East Harlem, and the nation in celebrating Cinco de Mayo - a triumphant day in which the Mexican army defeated the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. On May 5, 1862, the Mexican army upset the French army while being outnumbered and poorly equipped, which secured a valiant battle win for Mexico and prevented the French from supplying Confederate rebels during the U.S. Civil War.

Rangel Honra el Cinco de Mayo y a la Comunidad Mexicano-americana

May 4, 2012

Nueva York, NY - El Congresista Charles Rangel, emitió la siguiente declaración hoy, uniéndose a millones de estadounidenses para celebrar el Cinco de Mayo:"Me uno a la comunidad mexicano-americana en mi distrito, en particular en el este de Harlem y...

Rangel Applauds Continued Economic Recovery

May 4, 2012

It is clear that President Obama and Democrats in Congress are working hard to pass legislation that supports, protects, and uplifts hardworking Americans, while the Republicans are working to protect the interests of Big Business. I urge my Republican Colleagues to set aside their ideologies and work with us in supporting the President's agenda to continue our path to economic recovery.

Rangel: Seniors Are Never Too Old To Play

May 4, 2012

During the 49th anniversary of Older Americans Month this May, we must celebrate the contributions that our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, and especially our brave older Veterans gave to society and to the development of our communities.

Vets Job Training Program Will Help Economy Thrive

May 3, 2012

America's brave military men and women deserve our thanks for their courage, dedication and patriotism. We are all indebted to the military families that make tremendous sacrifices on our behalf. These grants will help ensure that our returning heroes enjoy a smooth transition into civilian life.

Rangel Lauds NYS Assembly For Passage of A Bill That Will Create The Dream Fund

May 3, 2012

"I praise the tireless efforts of the New York State Assembly in passing legislation that will create The DREAM Fund Commission to facilitate access to higher education for the children of immigrants to attend college.

Rangel Applauds New Jobs Initiative That Will Spur Economy, Get 110,000 Young Americans To Work

May 2, 2012

Today, my Democratic Colleagues and I are proud to announce that cities, federal agencies, non-profits, and companies from across the country have come together to provide hundreds of thousands of summer jobs and employment opportunities for our young people.

Rangel Hails End To War In Afghanistan

May 2, 2012

As we begin our withdrawal from Afghanistan, we pay tribute to the 1,828 heroic Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country. We honor them by ensuring that their brothers and sisters who are coming home are given our deepest admiration and support as they reintegrate into the society they fought so hard to protect.

Rangel Hails Excellence Of Asian Pacific Americans

May 2, 2012

New York, NY- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today commemorating Asian Pacific Americans."I am proud to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month this May. Now numbering 18.5 million people, the APA community has...

Rangel Recognizes Stroke Awareness Month

April 30, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in recognition of Stroke Awareness Month, which takes place during the month of May:"I am proud to commemorate this year's Stroke Awareness Month because I believe that we...

Rangel Recognizes National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

April 30, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in recognition of National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week, which takes place during the week of May 6-12 in 2012:    "Mental health is a core part of our...

Rangel: Don't Make Americans Choose Between Education and Healthcare

April 27, 2012

The healthcare needs of millions of patients are too important to treat like pieces on a chessboard. House Republicans would rather engage in dangerous brinksmanship than work with Democrats for the sake of American students.

Rangel Condemns Republicans For Slashing Medicaid Benefits To Puerto Rico And Other U.S. Territories

April 27, 2012

Patients in Puerto Rico and the other U.S. territories receive inadequate healthcare and their providers are underpaid. America prides itself on its equality. We need to stop treating the people of our territories like second-class citizens.

Rangel Applauds Enhancement Of Nation's Cybersecurity

April 27, 2012

Washington, DC - Congressman Charles B. Rangel today applauded the passage of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, H.R. 2096--a bipartisan bill that will strengthen cybersecurity R&D and the cybersecurity workforce.  The bill passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 395-10."The explosion of...

Rangel Lauds Senate Bipartisan Action In Reauthorizing The Violence Against Women Act

April 27, 2012

"I commend my colleagues in the Senate for reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act with a swift, bipartisan vote of 68-31. The Senate version of this critical legislation contains strict provisions that are supported by law enforcement personnel and domestic violence advocacy groups."

Rangel: Israel Continues to Shine 64 Years Later

April 26, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement to mark Israel's Independence Day on sundown April 25, 2012, to sundown April 26, 2012:“Sixty-four years ago, David Ben Gurion declared the establishment of Eretz Israel, the State of Israel....

Rangel Calls For Congress To Keep College Affordable

April 24, 2012

Washington, DC - Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined college students, parents, faculty and education leaders across America to urge Congress to keep interest rates low on need-based financial aid for more than 7 million Americans. Rangel warned of the fallout...

Rangel: Congress Must Act Now To Keep College Affordable

April 23, 2012

Washington, DC- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after President Barack Obama called on Congress to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1:"In America's increasingly globalized economy, a college education is vital to securing...

Rangel Recognizes National Crime Victims' Rights Week

April 23, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in recognition of National Crime Victims' Rights Week, which takes place during the week of April 22-28 this year:    "I am proud to stand in solidarity with the...

Rangel Applauds Social Security Surplus

April 23, 2012

Washington, DC- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees released their annual report on the state of Medicare and Social Security:"I am pleased to learn that Social Security and...

Rangel Recognizes National Minority Health Awareness Month

April 20, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on National Minority Health Awareness Month which takes place during the month of April:"This month we recognize National Minority Health Awareness, an annual commemorative period to help the nation...

Rangel: Republicans Should Pass Real Bills To Help Small Businesses

April 19, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel deplored House Republicans for passing H.R. 9 - Small Business Tax Cut Act, which would give away an average of $58,800 to 125,000 millionaires and add $46 billion to the nation's deficit in...

Rangel Applauds Increased Mental Health Support For Veterans

April 19, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel commended the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in increasing its mental health staff by 1,900 in order to accommodate the needs of a growing number of veterans returning with mental...

Rangel Applauds Voluntarism

April 18, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on National Volunteer Week, April 15 -21, 2012 aimed at celebrating the extraordinary contributions of America's volunteers:

Rangel Praises President's Plan To End Oil Market Exploitation

April 17, 2012

Democrats are concerned with reducing America's dependence on foreign oil and helping the American people get back on their feet, while my Colleagues on the other side of the aisle have consistently opposed efforts to curb excess speculation in energy markets.

Rangel Introduces Bill Marking 2012-13 As "Year Of The Korean War Veteran" During 60th Anniversary

April 17, 2012

Rangel (D-NY), joined by his Colleagues Reps. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Sam Johnson (R-TX), and Howard Coble (R-NC), introduced H.Res. 618, a resolution expressing support for designation of 2012-2013 as the "Year of the Korean War Veteran" and recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Korean War.

On Equal Pay Day, Rangel Says Congress Must Close Remaining Wage Gap Between Men And Women

April 17, 2012

In the past 30 years, more and more women have assumed the role of primary breadwinner for their families, and the pay gap makes this family dynamic unsustainable.

Rangel Urges Republicans To Pass "Buffett Rule" So Millionaires Pay Their Fair Share

April 17, 2012

My Democratic Colleagues and I have worked with President Obama to cut taxes for entrepreneurs and small businesses in order to spur economic growth.

Rangel Honors Towns, A Dear Friend And Fellow New Yorker

April 16, 2012

I will miss watching this exceptional man bring his unique brand of leadership to the House of Representatives. I wish Ed the best as he begins the next chapter in his extraordinary life.

Rangel Hosts Event To Encourage Career Opportunities In Federal Government

April 13, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel hosted an informational session that connected people in his district interested in exploring careers in the federal government with representatives from the U.S. Office of Personnel and Management, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and Citizen Schools NYC at the City College of New York (CCNY) today from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Rangel Connects Small Business Owners With SBA Administrator And MBDA Director

April 10, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel serviced numerous small business owners and entrepreneurs in his Manhattan Congressional District at the Small Business/ Entrepreneurs Event at the State Office Building, on Tuesday, April 10, 2012. The event featured keynote presentations by Administrator Karen G. Mills, U.S. Small Business Administration and Director David Hinson, Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency.

Rangel Recognizes Annual Alcohol Awareness Month

April 10, 2012

Now, more than ever, it is necessary to discuss the effects of alcohol with those who may not fully understand its implications. We must recognize what we, as community members, can do to decrease the prevalence of alcohol-related illnesses.

Rangel On Passing Of AFL-CIO Leader Mark H. Ayers

April 10, 2012

Mr. Ayers dedicated his life to creating an equitable America where everyone who is willing to work hard and play by the rules can enjoy a secure future. We will miss this hardworking and inspiring leader.

Rangel Joins Rep. Moran To Introduce Bill Benefiting Disabled Military Children

April 9, 2012

"Our military families make the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country," Rangel said. "I believe the least we can do to show our appreciation is to assure them that their children will receive the long-term care they need."

Rangel Calls For Bipartisan Effort To Build On Economic Growth

April 6, 2012

As we continue to make strides in our economic recovery, I urge Republicans to work with Democrats in reducing the deficit without burdening hard working Americans and cutting the social programs that protect them.

Rangel on Passing Of Dear Friend And Harlem Native, Gil Noble

April 5, 2012

I am extremely saddened to learn that my dear friend and Harlem native, Gil Noble, the pioneering anchorman and journalist who spent his career giving a voice to African American causes, has passed away.

Rangel Statement on Passover, Easter, and End of Lent

April 5, 2012

New York, NY – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement on the holiday weekend of Passover, Easter, and the end of Lent:  “Every Spring, millions of Americans gather together to observe the holidays of Passover, Easter, and the end of...

Rangel Remembers 44th Anniversary Of MLK Assassination

April 4, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement to remember the 44th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968:"Today, 44 years ago, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was...

Rangel Commemorates 40th Anniversary Of Clean Water Act

April 4, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of The Clean Water Act aimed at providing protection for many streams, wetlands and other waters.

Rangel Introduces Bill To Reinstate SNAP Program In Puerto Rico

April 3, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi (Puerto Rico) and Colleagues in introducing legislation today to reinstate the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program in Puerto Rico.

Rangel Deplores Passage Of The Republican Budget

March 29, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the final passage (228-191) of the House Republican Budget that would end the Medicare guarantee and slash over four million jobs while rewarding those making over $1 million a year with over $300,000 in additional tax breaks:

Rangel Champions Veterans Mental Health

March 29, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO) and Colleagues in introducing legislation today to protect veterans’ rights to mental healthcare treatment and services. The “Veterans Mental Health Accessibility Act” is also supported by the AMVETS service organization.

Rangel Introduces Violence Against Women Act

March 28, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) and his Colleagues in introducing the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012, which strengthens the abilities of the Federal Government, States, law enforcement, and service providers to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This bill is very similar to the version reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee in February.

Rangel Statement On The Supreme Court Hearing On The Affordable Care Act

March 28, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the final day of Supreme Court Hearing on the Affordable Care Act: "This Monday, the Supreme Court commenced with three days of oral arguments on the constitutionality of the mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or healthcare reform. These unprecedented legal proceedings, along with a subsequent ruling which is anticipated this June, could shape - perhaps irrevocably - the future of healthcare in our country."

Rangel Honors The Life Of John A. Payton

March 23, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in honor of John A. Payton, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund who passed away on March 22, 2012:

Rangel On The 2-Year Anniversary Of Affordable Care Act: Healthcare Works

March 23, 2012

Two years ago on March 23, 2010, I was proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues behind President Barack Obama when he signed the Affordable Care Act that I sponsored in the House. As a result millions of Americans now have access to better and more affordable healthcare benefits.

Rangel Lauds Passage Of The STOCK Act

March 22, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today after the Senate approved the House version of the STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act) by a vote of 96 to 3: "I applaud the swift action taken...

Rangel: CPC Budget Restores Faith In The American Dream

March 21, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today on the Congressional Progress Caucus 'Budget for All' proposal for fiscal year 2013:"The 'Budget for All' proposal introduced today by the Congressional Progressive Caucus effectively addresses the primary concerns...

Rangel Introduces Bill To Extend Relief To Americans Losing Their Homes

March 21, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel introduced the Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act of 2012, H.R. 4202 in the House of Representatives this week. The bill extends for two years the tax provision that prevents struggling homeowners from a federal income tax liability as a result of mortgage debt forgiveness from a financial institution. Rangel originally introduced the provision in 2007.

Rangel On The Trayvon Martin Investigation

March 21, 2012

I am greatly saddened by the death of Trayvon Martin that has shaken the nation and prompted many of my Colleagues in Congress to demand justice.

Rangel Dismisses Ryan Budget, Calls For A Fair Budget Approach

March 20, 2012

Republicans have once again chosen to provide tax cuts for the wealthy instead of focusing on job creation and ensuring healthcare for working Americans. They have sought to support Big Oil subsidies and special interest groups over seniors and our most vulnerable.

Rangel And Colleagues: Chinese Predatory Polices In Auto Parts Must Be Addressed

March 20, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel and 187 members of both the U.S. House and Senate – including all the Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee – sent a letter to President Obama urging his Administration to use all existing authority to address China’s predatory policies in auto parts.

Rangel Statement On Brain Injury Month

March 16, 2012

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in observance of Brain Awareness Month, which takes place during the month of March, and Brain Awareness Week, taking place from March 12-18, 2012:"Brain injury is the number one...

Rangel Marks Ninth Anniversary Of The Iraq War

March 16, 2012

On Monday, which marks the ninth year of the day we went to war in Iraq, we pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice and salute those who have bravely served. Our nation is indebted to the military families that carry the burden on behalf of the nation.

Rangel Hails Good Friend Rep. Gary Ackerman’s Legacy In Congress

March 16, 2012

I am sad to learn that my very dear friend and Colleague Congressman Gary Ackerman will be retiring at year’s end. Since he entered office after winning a special election in 1983, I have witnessed Gary’s unyielding dedication to the people of Queens and Long Island.

Rangel Lauds The Appointment Of Dr. Grant Colfax As The Director Of The Office Of National AIDS Policy

March 14, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today after Dr. Grant Colfax was appointed by President Obama as the new Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy: "I am very pleased that President Obama has appointed...

Rangel Urges Bipartisan Action On Transportation Bill To Create 2 Million Jobs

March 14, 2012

Today, Democratic and Republican Senators overwhelmingly voted to generate jobs, repair our roads and bridges, invest in our infrastructure, and strengthen our economy. It is now time for House Republicans to join us.

Rangel Honors The 100th Anniversary Of The Girl Scouts Of The USA

March 12, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Girls Scouts of the USA:"Today, on the centennial anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the USA, we praise the tremendous contributions made...

Rangel Recognizes National Women And Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 9, 2012

""The physical, emotional, and psychological toll of HIV/AIDS is overwhelming, contributing to family stress, community breakdown, and lost work productivity. While we have made much progress toward combating the deadly virus, we must work together as one nation to ensure America's women and girls have the opportunity for a healthier and brighter future."

Rangel: Jobs Report Shows Improvement But Need For More Progress

March 9, 2012

“Once again President Barack Obama has exceeded expectations as the new jobs report shows continuous signs of improvement in our nation's economic recovery. Despite Republican attempts to block the President's American Jobs Act, Democratic efforts have helped spur 2.2 million new jobs in the past year.

Rangel Honors International Women's Day

March 8, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement to mark 2012 International Women’s Day, which is annually celebrated on March 8:“Today, on International Women's Day, we laud the tremendous progress women have made in various fields, including education,...

Rangel Praises National Urban League Report And Service

March 8, 2012

I want to congratulate the National Urban League on the release of its annual 2012 State of Black America report and its continued contributions to promoting equality in our country.

Rangel: Use IRS Free File Online Tax Assistance

March 8, 2012

"Congressman Charles Rangel today encouraged constituents to take advantage of the free tax preparation services available through the Internal Revenue Service's Free File program."

Rangel Reaffirms U.S. And Israeli Friendship

March 6, 2012

Israel is one of America’s greatest friends and a pillar of democracy. I am pleased that there is a long standing relationship between our two nations. As we confront the issue of nuclear armament by Iran we have every reason to believe that America and Israel will be speaking with one voice.

Rangel Touts Passage of Bill Curbing Unfair Chinese Subsidies

March 6, 2012

"Congressman Charles Rangel touted today's bipartisan passage of H.R. 4105, legislation that applies the countervailing duty (CVD) provisions of the Tariff Act of 1930 to non-market economy countries (NME), such as China and Vietnam."

Rangel Honors The Life Of Rep. Donald Payne

March 6, 2012

I cannot fully express my sadness over the death of my dearest friend and Congressional Black Caucus Colleague Congressman Donald Payne. Today his constituents in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District, our Colleagues in Congress, people across America and around the globe mourn the loss of a great man, leader and humanitarian.

Rangel Recognizes National Nutrition Month

March 2, 2012

I hope that all Americans will join me in recognizing the importance of practicing healthy eating habits during National Nutrition Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, poor eating habits contribute to a host of diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. We can take several steps to improve our eating habits.

Rangel: We Must Protect College Students From Higher Costs

March 2, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel expressed his disappointment that House Republicans defeated on a near party-line vote the Capps amendment to the Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act (H.R. 2117), a bill aimed to ensure the integrity of federal student financial assistance programs.

Rangel Exhorts The Preservation Of El Yunque National Forest In Puerto Rico

March 2, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel joined Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi of Puerto Rico to introduce El Yunque National Forest Preservation Act, which would require the Department of Agriculture to purchase two parcels of land within the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico.

Rangel Honors Women's History Month

March 1, 2012

"National Women's History Month is rooted in my native New York City, when in 1857, women factory workers waged protests over labor conditions. I stand proudly as an original co-sponsor of the current resolution to commemorate Women's History Month and urge everyone to recognize the innumerable contributions of women throughout our history."

Rangel Commemorates Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March 1, 2012

Colorectal cancer, a silent killer, is on the rise in America. According to the National Cancer Institute, more than 143,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer by the end of 2012.

Rangel Thanks House Parliamentarian John Sullivan For Service

February 29, 2012

"For a quarter century I have had the privilege to call House Parliamentarian John Sullivan a dear Colleague. He leaves behind a strong legacy of helping Members navigate the rules of the House with extensive knowledge and distinction for which he will be greatly missed."

Rangel Calls For Justice For Underwater Mortgage Holders

February 29, 2012

“Underwater homeowners need justice and compassion,” said Rangel. “Not only will write-downs keep American families in their homes but also will save taxpayers money by preventing foreclosures. The road to economic recovery calls for shared responsibility and sacrifice. American homeowners have already suffered enough.”

Rangel Commemorates Dominican Independence Day

February 28, 2012

"I am very pleased to congratulate Dominicans here at home and abroad as they celebrated 169 years of independence. Dominicans are some of the most industrious, exuberant, and patriotic members in our global community and I am proud to represent the largest concentration of Dominicans outside of the Dominican Republic.

Rangel Receives Perfect Score For His Commitment To Working Families

February 28, 2012

Congressman Charles B. Rangel received a perfect score of an "A" by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) on its 2012 National Scorecard. The scorecard grades each Member of Congress on his commitment to America’s working families relating to issues such as jobs, workers’ rights, and healthcare. Rangel and his Democratic Colleagues from the New York Congressional Delegation all received perfect scores.

Rangel on the Passing of Colleague Katie Hall

February 24, 2012

I am saddened by the death of a cherished and accomplished public servant, my dear friend Congresswoman Katie Hall. I join my fellow Congressional Black Caucus Members and Colleagues in Congress in mourning a true champion for her constituents in Indiana's 1st Congressional District and the American people.

Rangel Hails President’s Outline For American Energy

February 24, 2012

Today Congressman Charles Rangel hailed President Barack Obama’s proposed outline for an “all-of-the-above” approach to developing new domestic energy sources, expanding oil and gas production, and reducing our reliance on foreign oil.

Rangel Applauds Health Benefits Handbook For Vets

February 24, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel applauded the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for releasing their new personalized Health Benefits Handbook. The handbook will include valuable healthcare benefits and other important information for veterans in an easy-to-read format.

Rangel Lauds President For Putting Corporate Tax Reform Back On The Table

February 22, 2012

President Obama’s framework also aims to simplify the tax code and eliminate dozens of tax loopholes while incentivizing job creation and investments in America. As former chairman the House Ways and Means Committee, Rangel has been one of the most vocal proponents of such reform.

Rangel: Year-Long Payroll Tax Cut Extension Important Step, More Work To Be Done

February 17, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel applauded today's passage of H.R. 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act by a vote of 293-132 in the House and 60-36 in the Senate. The bill extends the payroll tax cut for the remainder of 2012, keeping an average of $1,000 in the pockets of 160 million middle-class families.

Rangel Awarded A+ For Votes On Critical Global Issues

February 14, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel was recently awarded an A+ by global issues advocacy group Citizens for Global Solutions in their 2012 Congressional Report Card. Rangel was one of thirteen Members in the House of Representatives, less than 3 percent of the whole, who received the perfect score.

Rangel Lauds President Obama's FY2013 Budget

February 13, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today on President Obama's budget proposal for fiscal year 2013:"President Obama has clearly presented a conclusive budget that will reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the next decade while...

Rangel Hosts Documentary Screening Honoring Black History

February 13, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel hosted a documentary screening of Vivian Ducat's "All Me: The Life and Times of Winfred Rembert" at the Library of Congress on February 6, 2012, in honor of Black History Month.

Rangel Hails President Obama's Dedication to Women's Health and Religious Liberty

February 10, 2012

"Under the new policy announced today, women will still have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive services – no matter where she works. Today, the President has proved it is possible to respect religious liberty while protecting women's health"

Hundreds Attend Rangel Social Security Fair

February 8, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel serviced hundreds of constituents in his Manhattan Congressional District at the Rangel Social Security Fair at the State Office Building, on Saturday, February 4, 2012. The event featured representatives from the Social Security Administration to answer constituents' questions.

Rangel And NY Congressional Delegation Reps Join MTA & Union To Protest GOP Cuts To Public Transit

February 8, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel (NY-15) and his New York Congressional Delegation Reps. Joe Crowley (NY-7), Jerrold Nadler (NY-8) and Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) spoke out against House Republicans’ effort to cut federal support for public transit at the Grand Central Terminal in New York City on Monday, February 6, 2012.

Rangel: Pressure Congress to Pass Yearlong Payroll Tax and UI Extension

February 8, 2012

"Now that the debate has begun again for a yearlong extension, Americans need to put the pressure back on their Members of Congress to get this deal done."

Rangel Scores High For Protecting Our Environment

February 8, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel recently earned high marks for his voting record on protecting the environment by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) on its 2011 National Environmental Scorecard.

Rangel Observes National Black HIV Day

February 7, 2012

Today we recognize National Black HIV Day in an effort to end the devastating effects of HIV in black communities throughout America. Out of 1 million who suffer from the deadly disease nearly half are African-Americans, who make up only 12% of the population.

Rangel Honored As A Defender Of Children

February 7, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel was recently named as a Defender of Children by the First Focus Campaign for Children (FFCC). This award is part of their campaign to recognize the top 100 Members of Congress who advocate on behalf of children in policy and budget decisions.

Rangel Recognizes American Heart Month

February 7, 2012

Each year, more Americans die from heart disease than all other causes of death, combined. In Congress, I will continue the fight to alleviate the pain and suffering of heart disease by ensuring that medical coverage remains available for those who need it the most.

Rangel Commends President Obama’s Vets Jobs Corps

February 6, 2012

President Barack Obama’s new Veterans Jobs Corps initiative is another testament of his commitment to America’s veterans. The greatest support we as a nation can give our nation's heroes is creating jobs and restoring the American Dream they have bravely defended.

Rangel Deplores GOP Bill To Cut Mass Transit Funding

February 3, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) condemned the Ways and Means Committee's passage of the tax provision in H.R. 3864 - American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Financing Act of 2011. This portion of the bill would end the guaranteed funding for mass transportation and leave today's inadequate funding levels in doubt.

Rangel Lauds January Jobs Report: Unemployment Drops To 8.3%

February 3, 2012

"The new jobs report proves that President Barack Obama and his Administration’s economic recovery plan has been successful. With the addition of 243,000 jobs in January, which dropped the unemployment rate to 8.3 from 8.5 percent, America's workforce received another boost and is gaining steam.

Rangel Hails $2.1 Billion in Medicare Prescription Savings - Thanks to Affordable Care Act

February 2, 2012

“Prescription drugs cost thousands of dollars for seniors every year, and I am glad to know they are already experiencing the cost-saving benefits of President Obama's Affordable Care Act."

Rangel Applauds Startup America Legislative Agenda

February 1, 2012

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Startup America Legislative Agenda, a national initiative that aims to promote private-sector investment in entrepreneurship. I am very pleased to see a program that aimed to give small businesses and entrepreneurs the tools they need to expand their businesses or start new ones.

Rangel Honors National Black History Month

February 1, 2012

Throughout February we recognize the lives and events of black pioneers who have made our country a truer nation of equality for all. Born in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance I am honored to come from and represent a congressional district that has such a rich black heritage. Through civic participation and urban culture Harlem has forever shaped our nation's history.

Rangel: Congress Must Focus On Real Issues

February 1, 2012

In a place like the United States of America which was formed on the basis of freedom, especially freedom of religion, such a serious accusation made by one of our esteemed Members against the President of the United States -- condemning President Obama for persecuting religion in a very broad and general way -- should not be made.

Rangel To Host Social Security Fair For Manhattan Constituents

January 30, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel announced that he will be hosting the Rangel Social Security Fair on Saturday, February 4, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Doors will open at 9:30 AM. The event will be held at the State Office Building, 163 W. 125th Street - 8th Floor, New York, NY 10037.

Rangel Marks Anniversary Of The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

January 30, 2012

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was a critical law championing the principle of equal pay for women. Three years ago I was privileged to vote for this historic legislation reaffirming a core American principle: equal pay for equal work -- regardless of gender, race, or background

Rangel Highlights Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness Day, Jan 27th

January 27, 2012

Today Congressman Charles Rangel encouraged his constituents to claim their Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which is a refundable federal income tax credit for low to moderate income working individuals and families. Under Rangel's leadership, Congress originally approved the tax credit legislation in 1975 -- and continued to expand it -- to offset the burden of social security taxes as well as to provide an incentive to work.

Rangel: GAO Report Shows Billions To Be Saved In Medicare Advantage Plans

January 26, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel announced today the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealing that billions of dollars could be saved if the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) adjusts payments for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans to more accurately reflect the health of MA enrollees

Rangel Honors The Service Of Rep. Gabby Giffords

January 25, 2012

Although I am sad to see Rep. Gabrielle Giffords leave Congress, I am grateful to have served alongside such an outstanding Colleague, and whom I considered as the epitome of a true public servant. A loving wife and devoted Representative of Arizona’s 8th District, Gabby will forever be remembered in Congress as one of its most kind and amiable Member.

Rangel Remembers Rep. Jenkins As A Great American

January 25, 2012

Because of my long acquaintance with Congressman Ed Jenkins, I would like to take the opportunity to share with his family and those that knew him. Many of us who were raised in Harlem have had very little opportunities to meet Southern gentlemen such as Congressman Jenkins.

Rangel Marks Glaucoma Awareness Month

January 25, 2012

"As a founding Member of the Congressional Glaucoma Caucus, I recognize the importance of promoting awareness for the sight-stealing disease known as glaucoma."

Rangel Ready To Help President Obama Build A Lasting America

January 24, 2012

In his State of the Union Address tonight, President Obama provided the American people with hope that our nation is headed in the right direction. He presented a plan that will rebuild our country’s foundation to sustain every American rather than just a wealthy few.

Rangel Encourages Action During Cervical Health Awareness Month

January 23, 2012

It is important that we recognize Cervical Health Awareness Month this January: Around 8 in every 100,000 women in New York are diagnosed annually with Cervical Cancer. Hispanic and Black women nationwide have even higher rates of cervical cancer and die from the disease in greater numbers.

Rangel Honors The Tradition Of Lunar New Year

January 23, 2012

Today we celebrate the start of the Lunar New Year, one of the most important cultural traditions of the Asian community. In our Manhattan Congressional District we are fortunate to define ourselves as a fusion of cultures, music, and the arts that bring many people from different backgrounds together as one community.

Rangel Promises To Defend Affordable Care Act

January 20, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel today promised to fight to protect the Affordable Care Act that ensures that all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare despite Republican efforts to repeal the healthcare reform law at the start of the new session in the 112th Congress.

Rangel Marks 39th Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade

January 20, 2012

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court made a historic decision that changed the course for protecting women’s health and personal freedom. It ruled that women have a constitutional right to choose whether or not to have abortion, free from government interference.

Rangel Thanks Rep. Hinchey For His Service To NYS And America

January 19, 2012

I am saddened to learn that my good friend, Colleague and fellow New Yorker, Congressman Maurice Hinchey will not seek reelection. As Members of the New York Congressional Delegation, I have seen firsthand the contributions Maurice has made to the people of the 22nd Congressional District, New York State and our entire nation.

Rangel: Don't Let America Be A Country That Doesn’t Know How To Borrow Or Take Responsibility For Our Debts

January 18, 2012

I was awed in listening to my friend Congressman [Ron] Paul…What he just said was right: America is walking down a very serious economic path that will jeopardize what is left of our fiscal system, which will also impact the entire world.

Rangel Hails President Obama's Government Reorganization Proposal

January 13, 2012

"I applaud President Obama’s recent proposal to streamline and reorganize our government. The proposal will make government agencies more efficient and effective, saving up to three billion dollars."

Rangel Honors Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Of Service

January 13, 2012

On Monday our nation celebrates the historic birthday of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Half a century ago, the great Dr. King changed the course of America's history by devoting his life to a struggle for ‘the riches of freedom and the security of justice.’

Rangel Statement on Cecilia Muñoz Appointment as Director of the Domestic Policy Council

January 10, 2012

New York, NY – Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after President Obama appointed Cecilia Muñoz as the new Director of the Domestic Policy Council:

Rangel Lauds Health Insurance Coverage Increase For Vets

January 10, 2012

“I am very pleased that the Department of Veterans has lifted the burden of heavy medical costs for current veterans who must cope not only their illnesses but also the rise in healthcare expenses"

Rangel Commends President’s Summer Jobs+ Initiative

January 6, 2012

I commend President Obama’s new initiative to create over 180,000 job opportunities for underprivileged youth in our country. The proposed $1.5 billion will give hope to our low-income youth who are facing record unemployment

Rangel: Continuing The Spirit Of Three Kings Day

January 6, 2012

New York, NY – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement in honor of The Feast of the Epiphany, more commonly referred to as Three Kings Day, today on January 6, 2012:"Today millions of people from Mexico, the Caribbean, and...

Rangel: New Jobs Report Shows We're On The Right Path, But More Work Needed

January 6, 2012

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today, January 5, 2012, on the Department of Labor’s recent jobs report showing Unemployment dropped to 8.5 percent, U.S. private employers added 200,000 jobs in December and jobless claims fell by 15,000 in the last week of the month.

Rangel Lauds Obama’s Appointment Of Cordray As Top Consumer Watchdog

January 4, 2012

I commend President Obama’s unyielding leadership in taking executive action to appoint Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau instead of waiting for Republicans in the Senate who have stood in the way of protecting the American people from non-bank financial services providers, like payday lenders, debt collectors, and check-cashing outlets.

Rangel Claims Victory For The American People, Urges Republicans To End Political Farce

December 22, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement after Republicans in The House of Representatives agreed on Thursday, December 22, to a two month extension of unemployment benefits and two percent payroll tax holiday.

Rangel: Congress Must Give Americans A Payroll Tax Cut Extension Now

December 20, 2011

For House Republicans to further fuel the fire feeding this dark political climate during the Holiday Season is insensitive and cruel to the 160 middle-class families and the 14 million unemployed Americans who are living with fear and economic uncertainty.

Rangel Connects With Over 107,000 Constituents and 10,000 AARP NY Members

December 15, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel connected with 107,000 constituents from his Manhattan Congressional District during his monthly District-wide Telephone-Town Hall on Tuesday, December 13, 2011.

Rangel Calls On Congress To Extend UI And The Payroll Tax Cut For The Sake Of The American Dream

December 15, 2011

I rise to share with the House the importance of extending unemployment insurance, increasing disposable income, and to desperately try to shatter the myth that some of the opponents of extended unemployment have expressed.

Rangel: Affordable Care Act Provided 2.5 Million More Young Adults With Healthcare

December 14, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel announced that new data released today from the Department of Health and Human Services shows that the Affordable Care Act has already helped 2.5 million additional young adults to get health insurance.

U.S. House Unanimously Passes Rangel Resolution On Korean War POW/MIAs & Abductees

December 14, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel’s resolution, H. Res 376 - Calling for Repatriation of POW/MIAs and Abductees in North Korea, was passed unanimously by Congress on Tuesday evening, December 13, 2011.

Rangel: Let's Focus On Helping Americans By Passing The Payroll Tax Cut With No Strings Attached

December 13, 2011

At a time when so many Americans go to sleep at night, worrying about whether they are going to get the payroll tax break or the unemployment benefits that they rely on, Republicans are introducing provisions that have nothing to do with issues on hand, and will only impede the passing of crucial legislation. We must wipe all of this extra stuff off the table and let us stay focused on helping Americans.

Rangel Awarded 2011 Shining Spirit Award For Leadership In Public Service

December 12, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was awarded the Paul Robert Carey Foundation's 2011 Shining Spirit Award for his leadership in public service advocating powerfully and persistently to improve the lives of working people.

Rangel Joined By Colleagues And Clergy In Rally Against Federal Budget Cuts

December 8, 2011

Rangel, his Colleagues and religious leaders called on the government to uphold its moral obligation to help the poor, the aged and the sick

Rangel On The Passing Of His Dearest Friend And CBC Foundation Founding Member, Ofield Dukes

December 7, 2011

As a Member of Congress, I have been blessed to call many wonderful people my friend, but none more than Ofield Dukes. I am extremely saddened by the passing of such great man who had significant impact in not only my life, but that of my Colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, dating back to its founding.

Rangel Applauds New VA Service To Help Employ Vets

December 7, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel commended today’s announcement by the Department of Veteran Affairs that veterans will now have on-demand access and can download official data about their military training and experience, which can be used to help them find jobs and continue their careers.

Rangel Calls On All Americans To Serve Their Nation

December 7, 2011

I applaud all those that volunteer to serve our nation in one way or another because when that flag goes up you may salute it with a sense of purpose, that you are serving our President and protecting the integrity of our country.

Rangel Remembers Pearl Harbor

December 7, 2011

On this day in 1941, 2,402 American service men and women lost their lives and 1,247 were wounded in an unprecedented attack on the American Army and Navy base in Pearl Harbor by Japan. Today we remember the lives of those lost as well as the patriotism and resilience of Americans during the aftermath of Pearl Harbor.

Remembering The Life Of Dr. Muriel Marjorie Petioni

December 6, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement after the passing of Dr. Muriel Majorie Petioni, Harlem doctor and founder of the Friends of Harlem Hospital Center.

Rangel: Medicare Open Enrollment Ends Dec 7th Midnight For 2012

December 6, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel praised the announcement today made by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), that as of the end of October, more seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare have seen significantly lower costs for health care

Mourning The Passing Of Sonia Pierre

December 6, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in recognition of the life of Dominican-Haitian activist Sonia Pierre who passed on Sunday, December 4, 2011.

1.2 Million U.S. Households to Benefit from Rangel's Public Housing Tenants Respect Bill

December 6, 2011

"This bill is a significant step to help unburden low- and middle-income Americans so that they can find jobs and spend time with their families. Not only will it aid struggling families, but it will help put this economy back on track."

Rangel Hails New VA Grants To Help Homeless Vets

December 5, 2011

The grant opportunities are available to community agencies to prevent homelessness by assisting low-income veterans and families at risk of homelessness. The program is likely to help more than 35,000 veterans and families nationwide.

Rangel Introduces Bill to Extend Ethanol Duty, Benefitting U.S. Producers and Refiners in the Caribbean and Central America

December 5, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel on December 2, 2011, introduced legislation to extend "other duty or charge" (ODC), a key component of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA), that provides duty-free treatment to ethanol imports from the Caribbean and will expire at the end of this year.

Rangel Joins CBC Members To Push For Extension Of Unemployment Benefits

December 2, 2011

Today Congressman Charles Rangel and his Congressional Black Caucus Colleagues sent a letter to the House Leadership urging them to extend current federal unemployment insurance programs through 2012.

Rangel Statement on November Job Numbers

December 2, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in response to the news that economy added 140,000 private sector jobs in November, dropping the unemployment rate to 8.6%, the lowest in two years.

Rangel: Farewell To Sergeant At Arms Livingood

December 1, 2011

I would like to thank our House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms Wilson “Bill” Livingood for his dedicated service, leadership and professionalism since his election in 1995 after 31 honorable years with the U.S. Secret Service.

Rangel Calls On Americans To Pressure Congress

December 1, 2011

Get in touch with your Members of Congress and remind them of their constitutional and moral responsibility to help the vulnerable, the sick, the aged and the unemployed. Speak up for those who play by the rules and are victims of these harsh economic times.

Rangel Calls On Cuba To Release American Alan Gross

December 1, 2011

I join my constituents of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, Mr. Gross’ wife Judy, their two daughters, and my Colleagues Senator Ben Cardin and Congressman Chris Van Hollen in calling for the speedy and unconditional release of Allan Gross.

Rangel Honors The Legacy Of Rosa Parks

December 1, 2011

Commonly known as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement," Rosa Parks is a heroine who will be forever remembered for her courage to stand up for what she believed.

Rangel Statement on World AIDS Day

December 1, 2011

Today we unite in solidarity to eradicate HIV/AIDS in our communities across the world. We stand together to raise awareness about this epidemic so we can prevent further spread of the deadly virus and give hope to the 33.3 million people worldwide who are suffering from this terrible illness.

Rangel Hails Harlem Research Company For NASA Award

November 30, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel congratulated Reflective X-Ray Optics, a Harlem-based research company, and its founder David Windt for being one of 260 proposals selected by NASA's Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) to receive $125,000 to first examine the feasibility of its high-performance multilayer X-ray optics project for Solar Physics

Rangel: God Bless America

November 30, 2011

"Recently we talked about 'In God We Trust' that hangs over our head. The question I raised is whether God is going to continue to trust us. One of the things that make our country different is that people don't come here to become rich -- they come here to be respected."

Rangel Resolution On Korean War Soon To Reach House Floor

November 30, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel’s resolution, H. Res 376 - Calling for Repatriation of POW/MIAs and Abductees in North Korea, was unanimously approved by the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific today, November 30, 2011.

Rangel Commends Gonzalez’s Congressional Leadership

November 30, 2011

I am sad to learn that after seven great terms in the House, Congressman Charles Gonzalez will not be seeking reelection. Picking right up from where is father left off, Charles has been a tremendous leader

Rangel Urges Congress To Pass Middle Class Tax Cut Act

November 29, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel called for Republicans to pass the Middle Class Tax Cut Act, part of President Obama's American Jobs Act which will expand and renew the payroll tax cut benefiting 160 million Americans, millions of businesses, and boost job creation and economic growth.

Rangel Applauds Modernization of Government Records

November 28, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel announced his strong support for President Obama's memorandum released today, November 28, 2011, directing government agencies to move to a digital-based record keeping system. The move is expected to save taxpayers money and improve government accountability.

Rangel Salutes Frank, A Great Friend And Patriot

November 28, 2011

I am sad to learn that my dear Colleague and friend, Congressman Barney Frank, will be retiring. For over 30 years I have had the privilege to work with Barney, who leaves behind a strong legacy of leadership and bold vision for which he will be greatly missed.

Rangel: Sharing Our Blessings with Loved Ones

November 22, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in recognition of Thanksgiving, an American holiday in which families and communities come together are reminded of their blessings as a nation:"Millions of American families will come together this week...

Rangel Votes To Create Jobs For America’s Veterans

November 16, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel today hailed passage of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act – legislation to put veterans to work, create jobs for America’s men and women in uniform, and strengthen our nation’s economy.

Rangel Statement On National Education Week

November 16, 2011

I ask all of my constituents to please join the National Education Association (NEA) and myself in celebrating National Education Week. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to honor the hard work of our students, dedication of our teachers, educators, and all those in our community who help our students to succeed.

Rangel Career Fair Draws Two Thousand Job Seekers

November 15, 2011

Well over two thousand job seekers attended the Rangel Career Fair, hosted by Congressman Charles Rangel, on November 14, 2011 at the City College of New York (CCNY)

Rangel Statement On The Nixon Testimony Release

November 10, 2011

I am pleased to learn that The National Archives and President Nixon’s Presidential Library have made his grand jury testimony from the Watergate scandal public.

Rangel Applauds Raise In Vets Mortgage Insurance

November 10, 2011

"At a time when veterans make up one in four of our nation's homeless population, affordable housing for America's heroes is utmost critical.”

Rangel Proudly Honors Our Nation's Heroes As America Recognizes His Service In The Korean War

November 10, 2011

On this Veterans Day I call on our country to breathe new life into our national promise to veterans and their families. I cannot think of a better way to honor the soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, than to rebuild the American Dream that they fought to protect.

Rangel Statement On DC Circuit Court Ruling Health Reform Constitutional

November 8, 2011

By once again declaring the Affordable Care Act constitutional, the American legal system has defended the right of all Americans to continue receiving access to quality and affordable health care.

Rangel Hails VA’s Nationwide Virtual Job Fair For Vets

November 8, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel encourages veterans of his Manhattan Congressional District to participate in The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in partnership with, nationwide virtual online job fair

Rangel Honored As “Positive Changemaker" By Aids Service Center NYC

November 8, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was recognized as a 'Positive Changemaker' by the AIDS Service Center of New York City, for 'harnessing the power of government to meet the needs in our communities' at the Center’s 20th Anniversary Gala and Awards

Rangel to Keynote Career Readiness Expo at Columbia University

November 8, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel will be a keynote speaker at a career readiness expo taking place at Columbia University (Roone Arledge Auditorium of Alfred Lerner Hall, 2920 Broadway at 115th Street) on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Congressman will give his speech at 10:00 a.m., to address job seekers from across New York in their job search.

Rangel Calls For Passage Of The Returning Heroes And Wounded Warrior Tax Credits

November 7, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel pledged his support and urged his Republican Colleagues in Congress to help pass the Returning Heroes and Wounded Warrior Tax Credits

Rangel Awarded By Alpha Phi Alpha During Leadership Event

November 7, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was awarded the Felton Davis Award of Merit by the New York Association of Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on Saturday, November 5, 2011, at its annual Black & Gold Ball.

Rangel Honored At 2011 Latin Awards

November 7, 2011

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Congressman Charles Rangel was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service at the 2011 Latin Awards on November 4, 2011, in the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts....

Rangel Urges GOP To Focus On Getting America Back To Work After October Jobs Report

November 4, 2011

My Democratic Colleagues and I remain committed to America's top priority: jobs, jobs, jobs. Without question, the new jobs added this past month will pump hope back into our economy but there is much more to be done.

Rangel Spreads Holiday Cheer to Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families

November 3, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel joined the American Red Cross and Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Wednesday to send holiday cards to service members, veterans, and their families through their Holiday Mail for Heroes program.

Rangel Urges Investments In Infrastructure

November 3, 2011

"The American people have waited long enough to repair our roads, highways, and schools when many are in poor condition. I strongly applaud the President for emphasizing the urgency of investing in our infrastructure which would also create jobs for millions of construction workers"

Rangel Calls For Extension of Unemployment Compensation

November 3, 2011

Right now there are many Americans who are unemployed through no fault of their own and are struggling to get by. Holding back benefits for them would be adding insult to injury

Rangel Statement On American Diabetes Month

November 3, 2011

American Diabetes month is a great opportunity to educate ourselves on the seriousness of diabetes care, to learn preventive measures and to remember the millions we have lost in our communities because of this tragic illness.

Rangel: Please Extend Unemployment Compensation

November 3, 2011

We made it abundantly clear the other day that we trust in God. So for God's sake, let's get a jobs bill on the floor. Let's put aside our party labels, put the election aside long enough to be able to get our country back to work.

Rangel: Can God Trust Congress To Do the Right Thing?

November 2, 2011

Mr. Speaker and my Colleagues, as we see the nation going through such pain, I rise once again to ask why we can't get along -- why Republicans and Democrats find it almost impossible to try to raise some solutions to the problems we face.

Rangel is an Online Member All-Star

November 2, 2011

"Communicating with my constituents of the work I'm doing as their Representative in Congress is one of my highest priorities as a legislator. I enjoy every opportunity to directly engage with my community back home, and am happy to be recognized for utilizing social media to do so."

Rangel Career Fair At CCNY On Monday, November 14

November 1, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel will be hosting the Rangel Career Fair on November 14, 2011, at The City College of New York (The Great Hall of Shepard Hall, W 138th Street & Convent Avenue).

Rangel Congratulates Northern Manhattan Coalition For Immigrant Rights For $200,000 Grant

October 28, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel congratulated the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights (NMCIR) for winning the $200,000 Citizenship and Integration Grant given by the USCIS Office of Citizenship.

Rangel Announces Decrease In Medicare Costs Thanks To Affordable Care Act

October 27, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel announced that Medicare Part B premiums in 2012 will be lower than previously projected as a result of the Affordable Care Act. The Part B deductible will now decrease by $22 and monthly premiums will now be $ 99.90 instead of $106.60.

Rangel Votes To Award First Black Marines With Highest Civilian Honor

October 26, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel voted Tuesday, October 25 2011, to award the first black marines, known as the Montford Point Marines, the nation's highest civilian award, The Congressional Gold Medal, for their service during World War II.

Rangel Wishes Rep.Olver Well In Leaving Congress

October 26, 2011

It has been a privilege to serve on the first ever Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus with Congressman Olver. He has been a key member of the Appropriations Committee, fighting to invest in jobs, economic opportunity, and sustainable development in Massachusetts and across our nation.

Rangel: Something Wrong With the Formula

October 26, 2011

"Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office looked at where the wealth of this country was being held statistically and came to the conclusion that 1% of America’s high earners possess 42% of the nation's wealth."

Rangel Awarded for Excellent Website

October 26, 2011

“In this great age we are fortune to have the technology that allows me to stay connected with the constituents of my Manhattan Congressional District, allowing me to do my job better and ensuring transparency on my part."

Rangel: Pledge A Drug-Free Life During National Red Ribbon Week

October 25, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement to encourage participation in Red Ribbon Week, taking place from October 22-30, 2011.

Rangel Calls On House GOP Leaders To Act On China Trade Practices

October 25, 2011

Today during the House Ways and Means Committee hearing on China Currency U.S.-China Economic Relationship, Congressman Charles Rangel urged his Republican Colleagues in Congress to join Democrats in confronting China’s trade-distorting policies. The Republican leaders in the House have ignored a bipartisan measure dealing with China’s manipulation of its currency.

Rangel Applauds End of Iraq War

October 21, 2011

"I praise President Obama for making true to his promise to bring our brave men and women home. He has reaffirmed his strength as Commander and Chief and as a moral leader by honoring the U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement and the wishes of the American people to end this war by December 31."

Rangel Recognizes National Mammography Day

October 21, 2011

I would like to encourage my female constituents and every woman in America to schedule a mammogram in observance of National Mammography Day, and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Rangel's Tele-Townhall Engages Constituents from Washington Heights, Inwood, Central Harlem, East Harlem

October 21, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel connected with almost 6,000 of his constituents from Washington Heights, Inwood, Central Harlem and East Harlem during his Telephone-Townhall on Thursday evening, October 20, 2011.

Rangel On Senate Gop Blocking Bill To Keep Teachers And First Responders On The Job

October 21, 2011

By blocking the bill to keep teachers and first responders on the job last night, the Republicans proved their hearts are not set on keeping Americans employed and putting our country back to work. Instead, they would rather try to focus on the 2012 elections instead of ensuring jobs for America right now in 2011.

Rangel On The Retirement Of Rep. Dennis Cardoza

October 20, 2011

I am sad to learn that the House of Representatives will be losing a great Member with the retirement of my friend and colleague, Congressman Dennis Cardoza. For over 20 years, he has been a strong Democratic leader for the people of the Central Valley and this country.

Rangel On Domestic Violence Awareness

October 20, 2011

Do not let shame or fear silence you. If you are a victim of domestic violence please raise your voice and get help. We as a community support you. We will fight domestic violence together.

Rangel Honored At Exodus Transitional Community's Annual Legislative Breakfast

October 20, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was honored today by The Exodus Transitional Community (Exodus), a non-profit organization that provides programming and support for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families, at its 3rd annual legislative breakfast. He was recognized for his leadership and tireless efforts helping to remove the barriers faced by formerly uncarpeted individuals as they work to reenter into society.

Rangel Applauds Cost Of Living Increase For Social Security Recipients

October 19, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel announced today that the U.S. Social Security Administration would increase benefits by 3.6% starting in January 2012 as a response to rising consumer prices. This would be the first increase since 2009 when recipients saw a rise of 5.8%.

Rangel Stands With The Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Of America In Support Of the PABI Plan

October 19, 2011

“I am honored to support HR 2600 with the IAVA and my colleagues on both sides of the floor,” said Rangel, who is among the 90 legislators that have co-sponsored the bill.

Rangel Proudly Marks Planting Of 500,000th Tree In Harlem

October 19, 2011

“It is important that we continue, through great programs like this, to restore our environment and discover new, innovative ways that we can preserve our most natural resources and ecosystem,” said Rangel. “This is why I am elated that MillionTreesNYC has planted the 500,000th tree here in Harlem, showing our commitment to protecting the environment and our most natural resources.”

Rangel Congratulates NY Labor Dept for $2.75M Award to Lead National Re-Employment Efforts

October 17, 2011

"I want to thank Secretary Hilda Solis and the U.S. Department of Labor for recognizing the state of New York as a leader in the fight to put America back to work."

Rangel Mourns The Loss Of Native American Leader Elouise Cobell

October 17, 2011

Today we lost an extraordinary champion of Native American rights, Elouise Cobell. She was a fierce leader who helped strengthen the bond between native tribes and the U.S. Government.

Rangel: Carrying On The Dream

October 17, 2011

Dr. King taught us not to be "satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Our nation has seen profound and positive changes in many ways; however, some of the hardest struggles still lie ahead of us.

Rangel Named "Government Man Of The Year" By Maritime Port Council

October 14, 2011

The Maritime Port Council of Greater New York announced on Thursday, October 13, 2011, they will be presenting Congressman Charles Rangel the 2011 "Government Man of the Year" award this Saturday.

Rangel Advises Medicare Recipients To Enroll For 2012

October 14, 2011

"Medicare is one of our nation's greatest programs," Rangel said. "It has provided seniors and people with disabilities with health care security for the past 46 years. Over 88,000 Medicare patients in our district have benefited from it. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the assistance they deserve and make sure to enroll during the open season."

Rangel Honored By President Of South Korea Before Joint Session Of Congress

October 13, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was honored by the President of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Lee Myung-bak, in his address on Thursday before a Joint Session of Congress. Rangel was recognized for his heroism during the Korean War in 1950.

Rangel Applauds New Initiative For Homeless Veterans

October 13, 2011

“The fact that so many veterans return home and end up on our streets is unacceptable, which is why initiatives to combat homelessness are so greatly needed,” Rangel said following the VA’s announcement. "Our country has a moral obligation to do more for all of our veterans and their families as they transition into civilian life.”

Rangel Statement on National Fire Prevention Week

October 13, 2011

“During National Fire Prevention Awareness week, I would like to encourage that we as a community make preparations to protect our families and neighbors from the tragedy and destruction caused by fires. This is a great opportunity to thank our community’s fire fighters who are the first to respond and put themselves at risk for our safety.

Rangel Calls For Civility In Congress To Get America Back To Work

October 12, 2011

" Let the churches, synagogues, mosques and the temples be open so people can express themselves. Let this Congress attempt to be more civil and recognize that we have a responsibility that goes beyond the election. We have a responsibility to the American people."

Rangel Condemns Senate Republicans’ Blockage Of American Jobs Act

October 11, 2011

"Whereas the American Jobs Act could possibly add almost 2 million jobs and increase economic growth up to two percentage points, the Republicans are merely intent on defeating the President. I urge my Republican Colleagues in the Senate and the House to work with us to get people back to work; strengthen small businesses so they can grow and hire; rebuild America’s roads, bridges, and schools; and keep teachers, firefighters, and police officers on the job. For the sake of the American people and the future of our great country, we must pass the American Jobs Act.”

Rangel Calls For House Action On China Currency Bill After Bipartisan Senate Vote

October 11, 2011

“By demanding that China end its manipulation of its currency, we could level the playing field for American workers and businesses, and cut our trade deficit with China – at no cost to taxpayers. From 2001 to 2010, our trade deficit with China has cost us 4,614 jobs here in the 15th District of New York,” said Rangel.

Rangel Introduces Dominican-American Heritage Resolution

October 11, 2011

"It is with great joy that I formally present a resolution to Congress that echoes their generational service and continued contributions."

Rangel Rallies to Bring our Troops Home on 10th Anniversary of War in Afghanistan

October 7, 2011

"Over 6,000 American soldiers have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. We cannot afford a single more loss of life from the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq. We must bring them home now."

Rangel: People Need Jobs Now

October 7, 2011

"Today's latest unemployment numbers show that too many Americans are still hurting. It is time for Republicans to join Democrats in passing President Obama's American Jobs Act that could possibly add almost 2 million jobs."

Rangel: Steve Jobs Opened A Whole New World

October 6, 2011

"He was an inspiration to so many and truly a remarkable example of the American Dream. His iPad has certainly opened up a whole new world for me at age 81."

Rangel: I'm Proud of #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

October 6, 2011

I lived through the Civil Rights movement, marched from Selma to Washington, and have witnessed what happens when people unite. That's why I was glad to visit Liberty Plaza on Saturday to lend my support. I encourage more of my Collegues in Congress and the religious community to stand with the people on Wall Street to help occupy America. Together, we can take back our country.

Rangel Engages with WeHarlem Members via Virtual Townhall

October 5, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel talked to members in his Manhattan Congressional district during his "WeHarlem" Online Townhall on October 4, 2011. For an hour, the Congressman addressed questions submitted by constituents primarily about high unemployment and the President's jobs bill.

Rangel Mourns The Loss Of Rev. Shuttlesworth And Reflects On His Legacy

October 5, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement today after the passing of Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, an African American Baptist pastor from Birmingham, Alabama, and one of the central leaders of the Civil Rights movement.

Rangel: Steve Jobs Opened A Whole New World

October 5, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement after the passing of technology legend Steve Jobs.

Rangel: Let's Put America Back To Work

October 5, 2011

Below is the transcript of the remarks provided by Congressman Charles B. Rangel today on the House floor regarding the introduction of the Waxman Amendment to H.R. 2681- Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act.

Rangel: Rep. Jerry Costello Will Be Dearly Missed

October 4, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement after Congressman Jerry Costello announced he would not seek re-election in 2012.

Rangel: Our Country Is Going Through A Moral Crisis

October 4, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel gave the following remarks today on the House floor regarding the moral obligation we have as a nation to help the people who are hurting from the financial crisis.

Rangel Joins Citywide Leaders And Immigration Reform Advocates To Push For Intro 656

October 3, 2011

"We need a sensible immigration policy that will allow some of the best and the brightest students to earn a pathway to citizenship, and provide opportunities for those upstanding individuals to have a chance to continue to help make America greater," said Rangel.

Rangel Presses For Action On Creating Jobs & Helping Small Businesses

September 29, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel today called on the House Republican Leadership to bring the bipartisan China Currency Reform bill for a vote on the floor. September 29, 2011, is the one-year anniversary of the House passage of H.R. 639 - China Currency Reform bill, which was approved by a strong bipartisan vote of 348 to 79 during the Democratic-led 111th Congress.

Rangel Wishes The Jewish Community A Happy New Year

September 28, 2011

Today, Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement in recognition of the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the year 5772 of the Jewish calendar.

Rangel Lauds Bipartisan Senate Action To Fund FEMA And Avert Government Shutdown

September 27, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released a statement after the Senate, in swift bipartisan cooperation, voted last night 79-12 to continue funding government and disaster relief agencies, such as FEMA. The Senate voted to maintain funds through November 18, 2011, in order to avert a government shutdown

Rangel Joins Colleagues In Opposition To Vote For Palestinian Statehood

September 26, 2011

"Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined members of the New York Delegation, local New York City elected officials and leaders from the North American Jewish community to speak in opposition to a United Nations (UN) vote on unilateral Palestinian statehood."

Rangel Honors Veterans At CBCF's Annual Legislative Conference Braintrust

September 23, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) joined Representatives Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) and Corrine Brown (D-FL) to lead the Veterans Braintrust forum at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 41st Annual Legislative Conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on Friday, September 23, 2011. The Braintrust brought together federal agency officials, business leaders, retired and active military officials, and a crowd of over 200 veterans, civilians, and caseworkers to discuss the support for soldiers as they transition to civilian life.

Ways and Means Committee Unveils Chairman Rangel's Portrait

September 22, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel was honored by the House Ways and Committee, today on September 22, 2011, with the unveiling of his portrait which commemorates his time as the 62nd Chairman of the influential tax writing committee. Upwards of 500 guests, including his wife and family, past and present Members of Congress, and hundreds of constituents from his Manhattan congressional district, attended the ceremony to celebrate the momentous occasion.

Rangel's Schools Bill Highlighted In Latest CPC Jobs Legislation To Rebuild The American Dream

September 22, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel was joined by other Congressional Progressive Caucus leaders on September 22, 2011, in unveiling the next round of emergency jobs legislation in the Congressional Progressive Caucus's “Rebuild the American Dream Framework.”

One Million Young Adults have Healthcare under Affordable Care Act

September 21, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel announced that new data released today from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the Affordable Care Act has helped one million additional young adults to get health insurance.

Rangel Honors Frederick Douglass Memorial

September 20, 2011

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel honored abolitionist Frederick Douglass at the dedication of the new Frederick Douglass Memorial at Central Park in New York on Tuesday, September 20, 2011. The event was held at 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Boulevard with festivities including Tony Award-nominated actor Andre de Shields, Human Rights Activist Kenneth B. Morris Jr., and Harlem-based dance troupe IMPACT.

Rangel Statement On Gov. Perry's Visit To Inwood

September 19, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel made a brief stop to welcome Governor Rick Perry's visit to Inwood, New York, which is in the fifteenth Congressional District represented by the Congressman. The Congressman released the following statement after a cordial...

Rangel: No More Politicking - Millionaires Must Pay Their Fair Share

September 19, 2011

"It is time to stop playing political games. Our number one focus in Congress should be to help the President create jobs, jobs, and more jobs."

Rangel Calls For Unity At 42nd Annual African American Day Parade

September 18, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel attended the 42nd annual African American Day Parade in Harlem on Sunday, September 18, 2011, to celebrate the culture and achievements of the African American community while drawing attention to recent gun violence citywide and in neighboring communities.

Rangel Applauds Rededication Of Hamilton Grange National Memorial

September 17, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel celebrated the re-opening of Hamilton Grange National Memorial on September 17, 2011, after a five-year closure to restore it to its original condition. The restoration was an elaborate operation requiring federal backing secured by Congressman Rangel.

Rangel Tele-Townhall Connects Almost 63,000 Residents

September 16, 2011

During his telephone townhall on September 10, 2011, Rangel addressed the President's jobs proposal, the need to protect social programs, and the urgency of revitalizing the American economy.

Rangel, Dean Of NY Congressional Delegation, Welcomes Newly-Elected Turner

September 15, 2011

Today Congressman Charles Rangel joined House Speaker John Boehner and other Members of the New York Congressional Delegation on the House floor to welcome newly-elected Representative Robert Turner, who won the special election race in NY-9 on Tuesday, September 13, 2011.

Rangel Honors Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15, 2011

"I am happy to join my Hispanic friends to celebrate the National Hispanic Heritage Month to remember the vast accomplishments of the Hispanic community in the United States."

Rangel Floor Statement on Debt Ceiling Resolution

September 13, 2011

Congress has approved the President's authority to increase the debt ceiling for the purpose of maintaining the fiscal integrity of our country and therefore the democracy

Rangel Joins Progressive Colleagues To Introduce Jobs Framework To Get Americans Back To Work

September 13, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel joined Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva and Keith Ellison and Colleagues Jan Schakowsky, Lynn Woolsey, John Conyers, Jim McDermott and Barbara Lee at the U.S. Capitol on September 13, 2011 to introduce the Rebuild the American Dream Framework and emergency jobs legislation.

Rangel: Keeping Hope Alive

September 13, 2011

"The American people have spoken: they want jobs, jobs, jobs. The President has listened and is asking Congress to act immediately to help America get back to work. While it won't solve all our economic woes overnight, the American Jobs Act is a strong plan to accelerate our economic recovery and pump hope back into our economy."

Rangel: Remembering 9/11 Ten Years Later

September 9, 2011

"America stands united as one nation as we honor our loved ones who we lost as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001."

Rangel Joins Colleagues To Introduce Bipartisan Bill Making 9/11 Cross A National Monument

September 9, 2011

"While we cannot fully heal the pain and wounds of those who lost their loved ones as result of 9/11, we can express our support by establishing the cross as a national symbol of hope and freedom."

Rangel: We Must Unite As One Nation

September 8, 2011

As we are called to action by President Obama to invest in our workers and our infrastructure, I am reminded of the words of the great patriot, Patrick Henry: "United we stand, divided we fall."

Rangel Calls For Clean Extension of Highway Trust Fund

September 7, 2011

"I call on my Republican friends to do the right thing and pass a clean extension of the Highway Trust Fund just we did seven times in the past. There is too much at stake to throw it all away for the sake of petty politics."

Rangel & NY Lawmakers Petition for Coverage Of Cancer In 9/11 Health Bill

September 7, 2011

"We don’t leave our injured soldiers on the battlefield, and we certainly shouldn’t leave the 9/11 first responders who are at increased risk for cancer and other ailments with no funding"

On Labor Day, Rangel Calls For Bi-Partisan Action On Job Creation

September 1, 2011

With President Obama set to address the nation on his jobs agenda next week, we must act on a bipartisan basis now. I call on my friends across the aisle to set aside their partisan differences and come together with my Democratic colleagues to create jobs, jobs, jobs for the American people.

Rangel Condemns Rampant Waste And Fraud In War Spending

August 31, 2011

"I have no doubt in my mind that if there were a draft, this outrageous conduct would never have happened. It is because that we have a so-called 'all-volunteer army' that our nation has come to rely on so many unscrupulous contractors,"

Rangel To Unveil Corporate Tax Reform Bill

August 31, 2011

"Too often, companies make economic decisions based on tax rules rather than the conditions of the market. Closing certain tax loopholes will reduce the corporate tax rate to allow U.S. companies to compete in the international market,"

Rangel: We Remember Hurricane Katrina

August 29, 2011

"As we emerge from the experience and continue our daily lives, we will also stand stronger in support of the people in New Orleans who have lost their livelihoods and loved ones from the trauma caused by Hurricane Katrina."

Rangel Congratulates Unidos Inwood For $125,000 Award

August 29, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel today congratulated Inwood Community Services after their UNIDOS Inwood Coalition was awarded a $125,000 grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

Rangel Commemorates Women's Equality Day

August 26, 2011

"Ninety one years ago today, America took a giant step forward with the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote on August 26, 1920. Since its ratification, the role of women in America has evolved dramatically."

Rangel On The Passing Of Nickolas Ashford

August 25, 2011

"It is with great sorrow that I join my friends in mourning the death of Nickolas Ashford, who left an indelible mark in the musical industry."

Rangel Lauds Obama's Decision To Support The Dream Act

August 19, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel issued this statement following the Obama Administration’s announcement that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will prioritize immigration enforcement to handle hundreds of thousands of existing deportations on a case-by-case basis – including those involving of DREAM Act-eligible students--which could allow “low priority” deportees to live and work in the U.S.

Rangel Rebukes Republicans For Forcing Early Shutdowns Of Social Security Field Offices

August 18, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel rebuked House Republicans for falling $1 billion short in the Social Security Administration’s appropriations request for Fiscal Year 2011 earlier this year which will leave the already cash-strapped agency with fewer operating resources, causing Social Security field offices across the nation to close half an hour early effective August 15, 2011.

Rangel Honors Dominican Heritage

August 15, 2011

NEW YORK - On Sunday Congressman Charles Rangel joined over 100,000 proud Dominican-Americans during year's 30th annual Dominican Parade on Sixth Avenue to celebrate Dominican culture, patriotism, and heritage.

Rangel Telephone-Townhall Connects More Than 63,000 Residents

August 10, 2011

"I have found these telephone townhalls to be an excellent supplement to in-person events. I hope you can join me again soon and continue to share your views on how to get our communities back to work and gear America towards a brighter future."

Rangel Encourages Medicare Recipients to Apply For Extra Help Program

August 10, 2011

"There are too many people who cannot afford to get the medication they need, yet many do know of support programs like LIS. It is a simple process to check if you're eligible and I encourage all low income Medicare beneficiaries residing in my district to do so."

Rangel Statement On The Death of Hugh Carey

August 8, 2011

"During these challenging times in our country, we are reminded more than ever of the qualities Governor Carey has brought to Washington and New York and how much we will miss him."

Rangel Statement on Loss of American Soldiers in Afghanistan

August 6, 2011

Today our nation grieves the loss of 31 heroic American men and women in uniform who have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the American people. While no words can possibly provide healing to the pain and suffering, I hope that the families of those lost may find some comfort in knowing that we send our prayers in deep gratitude for the service of their children, spouses, and parents.

Rangel Statement on July Jobs Report

August 5, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added a total of 117,000 jobs in July, including 154,000 in the private sector, and the unemployment rate fell slightly...

Rangel Congratulates 2011 Summer Page Kevin Goshorn

August 5, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel today extended his welcome and congratulations to Kevin Goshorn, a high school sophomore from the Frederick Douglass Academy, who was among 71 American students who completed the U.S. House of Representatives 2011 Summer Page...

Rangel Statement on Ramadan

August 3, 2011

"To all my friends and neighbors in the Muslim community, I wish you all a month of peace, happiness and blessings for you and your families. Ramadan Kareem."

Rangel Statement On Enactment Of Debt Ceiling Bill

August 2, 2011

Never before did we see such partisanship in the process and final outcome of passing legislation to raise our nation's debt ceiling. I find it appalling that the Republicans held the President and the American People hostage in order to achieve their ideological goals. This is not the way to govern.

Rangel: Jobs Are The Answer

August 1, 2011

"While I stand on this floor as an American who loves this Congress so much, I'm disappointed that the President of the United States would have his domestic and foreign policy actually held hostage."

Rangel Meets With The 2011 Rangel Scholars

July 29, 2011

"I am very proud of all that the Rangel International Affairs Program has accomplished and I expect great accomplishments from our summer scholars as they follow their passions for Foreign Service."

Rangel Defends Medicare On Its 46th Birthday

July 29, 2011

“Medicare has transformed what it means to be old in our great nation. Seniors are not only living longer, but also independently with dignity.”

Rangel Introduces Resolution to Repatriate POW/MIAs and Abductees From North Korea

July 27, 2011

"This resolution seeks to provide some closure to the families and friends of the POW/MIAs who have waited for more than sixty years to learn the whereabouts of their loved ones."

Rangel Commemorates Americans With Disabilities Act

July 26, 2011

"While there is much to be proud of, there is still much more work to be done on behalf of the disabled community."

Rangel Statement on Proposals to Reduce Deficit, Avoid Default

July 25, 2011

"I support Majority Leader Reid’s plan which would allow America to continue paying its bills through 2013, and keep the full faith in the credit of the United States. "

Rangel Statement Following President Obama’s Press Conference

July 22, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement following President Obama’s press conference:"I am appalled that the Republican Leadership is willing to hold the American people hostage and risk losing the full faith in credit of the United...

Rangel Joins Tri-Caucus Leaders in Defending Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

July 22, 2011

While cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will negatively impact all Americans, minority communities will be disproportionately harmed. The Black community will be especially hurt by the proposed cuts.

Rangel: This Is The Beginning Of The Repercussions Of The Radical GOP Agenda

July 22, 2011

We are witnessing the repercussions of an unprecedented attack on seniors, the disabled and the less fortunate by the Republican Party. In my forty years of Congress, I have never seen such a radical, un-American and outright immoral agenda as the one advanced by the Republican Leadership.

Rangel: "In God We Trust"

July 21, 2011

Now is the time when we really need God to guide us to do the right and moral thing.

Rangel Talks With WeHarlem Members via Virtual Townhall

July 20, 2011

Constituents are the most important people who can give an elected official guidance and support.

Rangel: The Economy Is Not a Partisan Issue

July 20, 2011

When we talk about the vulnerable, someone needs to speak out for them. This is a great opportunity to reform some of the things we wanted to do such as the tax system, Medicare, or Social Security.

Rangel: Cutting Benefits Mean Cutting Jobs

July 19, 2011

We have four thousand pastors who have said that this is not just a political obligation but more importantly, a moral obligation to the people that have no lobbyists.

Rangel Praises Cordray Nomination For CFPB

July 19, 2011

I congratulate President Barack Obama for nominating a strong and capable leader to lead the consumer protection board in Richard Cordray.

Rangel Praises Nelson Mandela On His 93rd Birthday

July 18, 2011

"I join all people in South Africa and across the world today in celebrating the Honorable Nelson Mandela's 93rd birthday."

Rangel Reaches Out To Over 13,000 Constituents in Tele-Townhall to Discuss Debt Ceiling

July 15, 2011

It is time for our families and communities to come together. Don't give in, don't give up, this is our community and now is the time to come together.

Rangel Honors 46th Anniversary of Older Americans Act

July 14, 2011

In these tough times, we must work to ensure that America’s seniors can live with the dignity and the wellbeing that have worked hard for and deserve.

Rangel: "Budget Cuts Mean Someone Losing a Job"

July 14, 2011

Every time we cut the budget, we're cutting someone's job who will be joining the hopeless and the unemployed.

Rangel Awarded for Supporting National Parks

July 13, 2011

"Parks like Grant's Tomb on Riverside Drive in my district bring the community together and tell the stories of our great nation."

Rangel Invites You to Join His District-Wide Tele-Townhall

July 13, 2011

"I look forward to interacting with my constituents to inform them of what's happening in Washington and to directly gauge their views without any filter."

Rangel, Burgess, Engel, Brady Introduce Legislation to Ensure Multi-Campus Hospitals Receive Health IT Incentives

July 12, 2011

This bill clarifies Congressional intent to provide a common sense, fair approach for multi-campus health systems. We need widespread adoption of electronic health records and incentive payments to provide increased quality of care for the American people.

Rangel Congratulates South Sudan's Independence

July 11, 2011

"I congratulate the Republic of South Sudan on achieving their independence. This is a long awaited step for a nation that has experienced many years of struggle and strife."

Rangel on the Passing of First Lady Betty Ford

July 9, 2011

New York –Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the statement below following the death of First Lady Elizabeth Bloomer Ford at age 93: "Today we grieve the death of one of America’s most beloved figures who has made immeasurable impact on...

Rangel Calls for Congressional Action on Jobs

July 8, 2011

Democrats are taking action. I urge the Republican leadership to join us in our effort to revitalize our economy and spur job creation.

Rangel: Where Are The Good Samaritans?

July 8, 2011

"We need everyone, especially our nation's pastors, imams, priests, and rabbis who have been the moral conscience of our nation, to stand up for the poor, the aged, the sick and the homeless."

Rangel Lauds Korea's Hosting of 2018 Winter Olympics

July 8, 2011

I am pleased to congratulate the Republic of Korea for winning the bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

Rangel Urges Rebuilding Of American Schools

July 6, 2011

"In order to compete in a global economy, it is imperative that we recommit ourselves to making sure that the next generation of Americans is endowed with access to quality education."

Rangel: Honoring the National Labor Relations Act

July 5, 2011

I will keep on supporting other bills that ensure labor rights and will work hand in hand with union leaders to create an equal partnership in revitalizing our economy.

Rangel: Celebrating What America Stands For

June 30, 2011

"Since its founding two hundred and thirty five years ago, America has been a beacon of freedom and hope to all people around the globe."

Rangel Vows To Defend Medicare On Its 45th Anniversary

June 30, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel spoke out today in defense of Medicare on the 45th Anniversary of its implementation. President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law on July 30, 1965, and the first enrollees entered the program on July 1, 1966.

Rangel Gives Keynote to Choir Academy of Harlem

June 29, 2011

Access to quality education is the greatest gift our nation has to offer to future generations. It is a moral, civil, and human right that all children, no matter what race, gender or economic background have the same chances to learn and succeed.

Rangel Praises President's Stance on the Debt Ceiling

June 29, 2011

I join the President and my Democratic colleagues in calling for a bi-partisan solution to meet our obligations while ensuring that Medicare, Social Security and the programs that millions of people depend on will be there for them and future generations to come.

Rangel Lauds Senate Action On DREAM Act

June 28, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement in response to the Senate Judiciary’s holding of its first hearing on the DREAM Act on Tuesday:"I applaud Senator Dick Durbin for reinitiating the important discussion on immigration reform by holding...

Rangel Lauds Passage NY's Marriage Equality Bill

June 24, 2011

NEW YORK – Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement this evening after the New York State Senate passed the historic marriage equality bill.  The legislation will soon go to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s desk, where he has said he will...

Rangel Praises Federal Bronx and Harlem Watershed Cleanup

June 24, 2011

Congressman Rangel today applauded the new federal partnership aimed at stimulating regional and local economies and protecting Americans’ health by revitalizing urban waterways in under-served communities across the country.

Rangel Urges National HIV Testing

June 24, 2011

"Today, over one million Americans live with the deadly virus. Yet one out of five people living with HIV/AIDS is unaware of his or her infection."

Rangel Praises NLRB Decision On Elections

June 23, 2011

I applaud the National Labor Relations Board's union election reforms. These changes will dramatically speed up the time frame for union elections, and cut the time businesses have to mount anti-union campaigns.

Rangel Honors 70th Anniversary Of Fair Employment Act

June 23, 2011

Today we recognize the unsung heroes who made fair employment possible.

Rangel: Reinstating The Draft Will Compel Us To Think Twice Before Engaging In Future Wars

June 22, 2011

WASHINGTON DC - Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement regarding President Obama's planned drawdown from Afghanistan: "I am pleased to see that President Barack Obama has kept his promise to start bringing our troops home. Afghanistan is now the...

Rangel Salutes Korean War Vets At Luncheon

June 22, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel joined upwards of 50 Korean War veterans and spouses from the local Veterans Administration hospital and chapters of the Korean War Veterans Association at the at the 61st Anniversary Korean War Veterans Luncheon held in Congress to honor veterans of the Korean War.

Rangel: Asking Questions Saves Lives

June 20, 2011

National ASK Day is a national day of focus on the lifesaving message of the ASK (Asking Saves Kids) campaign. While parents ask lots of questions to protect their children when they go play at the home of a friend, neighbor or relative, they rarely ask: "Is there a gun where my child plays?"

Rangel: Joy Of Being A Father

June 17, 2011

"This Sunday we take the time to recognize our nation's fathers, who play an important role in their children's lives. Dads provide security, support, and vital life lessons for kids as they grow into adulthood."

Rangel Shares Laughter At Puerto Rican Day Parade

June 13, 2011

"Today is a day that we can recognize Puerto Rican pride of both their island and the contributions they have made to this great City and nation."

Rangel To Hold First Smartphone Townhall

June 13, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel will be hosting a townhall to connect with his Manhattan constituents via their smartphones on June 14, 2011, at 5:30 pm. Participants will also be able to livestream the event online through Visible Vote.

Rangel Presents Award To Prominent Iranian Dissident

June 10, 2011

"I am honored to present this award to an international icon such as Ahmad Batebi," Rangel said. Batebi is an inspiration to all people, especially to those living under oppression in Iran. He reminds us not to give up the fight for human rights and freedom from tyranny."

Rangel Lauds School Recycling Efforts

June 10, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel extended his support to the students of I.S. 52 Inwood School and the Muscota New School for taking part in the New York City Public Schools Recycling Champion's Education Series competition.

Rangel Lauds DOL'S Efforts To Combat Veteran Homelessness

June 9, 2011

"Our brave men and women of our Armed Services risk their lives everyday to keep our nation safe. We have a moral obligation to honor their services and provide our veterans with all available resources to provide a successful return to civilian life."

Rangel: Let's Get America Back To Work

June 3, 2011

May's jobs report is a clear sign that more must be done to expand our economy and put people back to work. Yet, in the 150 days of the GOP-controlled House, Republicans have refused to bring a single jobs bill to the House floor – instead voting twice to end Medicare and increase costs for seniors while providing tax cuts to companies that ship American jobs overseas.

Rangel: War Is Serious Business

June 3, 2011

"War is not a Democratic or Republican issue, but a national issue. Today was just the beginning of the debate. I hope that the Congress would reassert its constitutional authority before our nation enters into war."

Rangel Praises Cuomo's Move To End NY's Involvement In "Secure Communities" Program

June 2, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement after Gov. Andrew Cuomo's decision to pull New York out of the 'secure communities' program:"I support Governor Andrew Cuomo's decision to end New York's involvement in the 'Secure Communities' Immigration...

Rangel Makes Improvements To Work Opportunity Tax Credit

June 1, 2011

"Re-authorizing the Work Opportunity Credit and investing in our returning soldiers and high-risk youth and will strengthen our great nation as they work hard and stay in the labor force, return to school, and live productive lives."

Rangel Offers Ex-Offenders Second Chance

June 1, 2011

"The failure to allow a one-time nonviolent offender to move past his or her criminal offense can cause irreparable damage to both the individual and the society as a whole."

Rangel: Debt Ceiling Vote Was A Political Farce

May 31, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the House voted down legislation to raise the debt ceiling by 318-97: “No matter which way one voted, the bill that was brought to the floor today...

Rangel Salutes America's Veterans

May 27, 2011

"I join Americans across our great nation on Memorial Day in thanking our veterans for their service and patriotism."

Rangel Condemns GOP Push For Perpetual Warfare

May 26, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012:“Today the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, which provides our...

Rangel Aims To Help Vets Enter Civilian Workforce

May 26, 2011

"My bill will enhance the preparation of military personnel for civilian life by requiring that all separating soldiers and sailors undergo a battery of enhanced Transition Assistance Program counseling, which in the past had been voluntary."

Rangel Praises Senate Vote To Preserve Medicare

May 26, 2011

"The Republican budget ends the guaranteed coverage seniors paid for, and instead puts them at the mercy of private insurance companies."

Rangel Congratulates Kathy Hochul’s Victory

May 25, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement on Kathy Hochul’s victory in the Special Election of New York’s 26th Congressional District:   “Congratulations to Kathy Hochul for winning the tight race in one of the most...

Rangel Meets With American Jewish Committee

May 23, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel met with Michael Schmidt, Director of the American Jewish Committee New York, and members of the AJC Board on Thursday, May 20, 2011, to discuss various issues, including the need for comprehensive immigration reform, the U.S.-Israel relationship, and energy security.

Rangel Congratulates Presidential Awardees

May 19, 2011

"I am proud to know that there are teachers like Mr. Bendis-Grab and Ms. Broderick who are working tirelessly in our community to encourage young students achieve higher in science and mathematics."

Rangel Urges HIV/AIDS Education

May 18, 2011

"I encourage everyone to get tested and educated at clinics such as The Central Harlem STD Clinic."

11 Arts Organizations From Rangel's District Receive Federal Grants

May 17, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel congratulated the eleven organizations from his Northern Manhattan district that were among the nearly 800 recipients of National Endowment for the Arts grants awarded today.

Rangel Thanks Nation's Police Officers

May 17, 2011

"This week, I join citizens across our great nation in thanking our courageous law enforcement personnel as we observe National Police Week."

Rangel: Social Security Is Not Broken

May 13, 2011

"There's no doubt we have to do something to fix the system if the revenues are not coming in and more expenses are going out," Rangel said. "By any analysis the social security system will be able to pay everybody, whether it is death benefits, disability benefits or social security benefits until 2035."

Rangel: Visit Your Local IRS Branch This Saturday

May 13, 2011

"This Saturday's open house is a chance for small businesses and members of the community to resolve any questions or concerns they have about their taxes."

Rangel and CBC Discuss High Urban Unemployment With President

May 13, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel and members of the Congressional Black Caucus met with President Barack Obama Thursday to encourage action against the disproportionately high rates of urban unemployment.

Rangel: Time To Lift Travel Ban, Embargo And Increase Trading With Cuba

May 12, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel, a strong proponent of normalizing U.S.-Cuban relationship, today introduced three pieces of legislation aimed to allow the free exchange of people, goods and ideas between the two countries. The bills follow Cuba's recent announcement of its new economic guidelines legalizing the sale of real estate and cars and expanding private cooperatives that could open commerce for the long-isolated Caribbean nation.

Rangel Welcomes HUD'S $549,000 Grant To Combat Asthma In East Harlem

May 12, 2011

"Many of the 7 million children in America who suffer from asthma unfortunately are disproportionately found in our own neighborhoods. We must change the statistics."

Rangel: GOP “Jobs” Bill Puts 280,000 New Yorkers At-Risk Of Losing Unemployment

May 11, 2011

"Rather than to propose a bill that encourages job growth and creation, the Republicans have instead chosen to punish the unemployed just as they wanted to end Medicare as we know it."

Rangel Calls For Immigration Reform

May 10, 2011

Immigrants want to contribute to the greatness of our nation as their predecessors who arrived in Ellis Island did.

Rangel Commemorates Yom Ha'atzmaut

May 9, 2011

I join the Jewish Community in my Northern Manhattan district and all over the world in commemorating the 63rd Anniversary of Israel's Independence.

Local Student Wins Rangel's Congressional Arts Competition

May 9, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined local arts leaders, students and parents as he announced this year's winner of the 15th Congressional District's Congressional Arts Competition.

Rangel Joins NY Elected Officials, Clergy And Harlem To Salute Dr. Sujay

May 9, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel, New York's elected officials and Clergy came together Saturday at Chocolat Restaurant in Harlem, New York to pay tribute and bid farewell to Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, who was confirmed by the United States Senate as the Ambassador-At-Large for International Religious Freedom.

Rangel's Tribute To Mothers

May 8, 2011

Congressman Rangel delivers a special message to Americans on Mother's Day.

Rangel: Preserving Medicare Is The Best Gift For Our Nation's Mothers

May 6, 2011

“We will fight to preserve Medicare and ensure that it is never replaced with a system that would leave seniors without guaranteed benefits and at the mercy of private insurance companies.”

Rangel: We Will Never Forget 9/11

May 5, 2011

Today, we stand together united, as a nation, to pay tribute to the families of all the victims who perished on and because of 9/11.

Rangel On The Spirit Of Cinco De Mayo

May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo is a day not only to recognize Mexican contributions to our nation's land and history but also in the universal pursuit of freedom.

Rangel Salutes Freedom Riders

May 4, 2011

"Fifty years ago today, in 1961, a coalition from all across the country, now known as the Freedom Riders, showed great acts of courage to help pave the way for all Americans -- regardless of color and background -- to have the same opportunities to pursue their dreams."

Rangel: Thank A Teacher Today

May 3, 2011

National Teacher Day is a great time to acknowledge the important work of nearly 4 million teachers in public, private, charter and religious education institutions all throughout our great nation. It is a perfect day to say 'thank you' to a teacher who has made a difference in our lives.

Rangel Lauds Success Of Asian-Pacific Americans

May 3, 2011

The story of the AAPI community is a testament to what is possible in America. I join Asian Americans in celebrating their heritage and resolve to build a better future for themselves, their family and their country.

Rangel Recognizes Contributions Of NYC'S Jewish Community

May 2, 2011

It is my great honor to represent the Upper Manhattan Congressional District, which is home to distinguished institutions, such as The Jewish Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University, and Touro College, as well almost thirty active synagogues of all denominations.

Rangel Statement On Death Of Osama bin Laden

May 2, 2011

I congratulate President Obama's leadership and the dedicated effort of our national security and intelligence team in their successful operation. While fear and violent acts of terrorism have not been eradicated, we will continue to protect Americans at home and fight injustice in the world.

Rangel Receives Highest Honor During Trip To Korea

May 2, 2011

“As a Korean War veteran, I couldn't have been more proud to witness today's 'Dynamic Korea.' Seoul's skyscrapers, booming businesses and rising apartment buildings are a testament to the resiliency and determination of the Korean people. I remain optimistic that the U.S. Congress will soon ratify the pending free trade agreement between our two nations.”

Rangel: Small Businesses Put NYC Back To Work

April 29, 2011

It is critically important we support the ventures of small businesses and entrepreneurs so that they can thrive, support economic growth in our city, and put New Yorkers back to work.

Rangel Salutes Harlem Hellfighters Commander

April 29, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined local elected officials and community leaders this month in congratulating the promotion of the New York Army National Guard's 369th Sustainment Brigade Commander Colonel Stephanie E. Dawson.

Local Harlem School Visits Washington

April 29, 2011

In the midst of the nation's debate on the 2011 budget, students from Frederick Douglass Academy visit the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rangel Shares The Joy Of Passover

April 25, 2011

At a time when many American families are struggling to put food on the table, we take great inspiration from the story of Israelites' perseverance and their triumphant deliverance out of bondage.

Rangel On The One-Year Anniversary Of The BP Oil Spill

April 20, 2011

Today, as we mark the one-year anniversary of the BP oil spill, we must not forget the 11 men whose lives were lost on that tragic day last April, nor the livelihoods of thousands of Gulf residents still affected by the spill.

Rangel: GOP Record at 100 Days, Ending Medicare, No Jobs Agenda

April 14, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel today said the Republicans are marking their 100 days in control of the House with a plan that ends Medicare and shifts costs to seniors, while failing to produce a jobs agenda.

Rangel Rallies Colleagues & Clergy To End HIV/AIDS

April 13, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel today brought Members of Congress together with black clergy and leaders, including C. Virginia Fields, President and CEO, National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA), Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, Board Chair, NBLCA, and Rev. Frank Tucker, Chair, Black Leadership Commission on AIDS of Washington, D.C., and Vicinity, to rally support for eradicating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States.

Thousands Of Seniors Participate In Rangel Tele-Townhall

April 13, 2011

"A budget is a not just about items on a spreadsheet. It's about morals and how we treat our fellow brothers and sisters," said Rangel.

Rangel Lauds Bipartisan Efforts to Keep Government Open

April 9, 2011

"The American people want us to act to create jobs and strengthen our middle class, not shut down the federal government, deny public services taxpayers have paid for, and jeopardize our economic recovery."

Rangel: GOP Must Abandon Divisive Agenda, Keep Government Open

April 8, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel today called for the Republican leadership to abandon its pursuit of a divisive social and political agenda, come to the table, and work with Democrats to prevent a shutdown.

Rangel Introduces Bill To Fight HIV/AIDS

April 7, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel today with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, reintroduced the National Black Clergy for the Elimination of HIV/AIDS Act of 2011. The bill authorizes various agencies to expand and increase programs for HIV/AIDS education, prevention, testing, and care/treatment, specifically with respect to African Americans.

Rangel Statement On Budget Negotiations

April 6, 2011

It's clear some Republican members only want to cut, and not compromise. But the areas they want to slash and burn cause us to lose jobs, healthcare, education, and research -- which are all things that will grow the economy.

Rangel: Remember What MLK Died For

April 4, 2011

New York – Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968:“Today as we solemnly commemorate the tragic death of Reverend Dr. Martin...

Rangel Introduces Bill Honoring Shirley Chisholm, Former Brooklyn Representative

March 31, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel today introduced the Shirley Chisholm Congressional Gold Medal Act to honor the life and legacy of the Honorable Shirley Chisholm, who was the first African-American woman elected to Congress (1969-83).

Rangel Lauds CBC's 40 Years Of Accomplishments

March 30, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in marking of the 40th Anniversary of the Congressional Black Caucus: “On the 40th anniversary of its founding, I am pleased to congratulate the Congressional Black Caucus for the forty years of dedicated work to our nation..."

Rangel Joins The President To Dedicate U.N. Ron Brown Building In NYC

March 29, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today will join President Barack Obama to dedicate the Ronald H. Brown United States Mission to the United Nations Building in New York City. The event is a culmination of...

Rangel On Passing Of Stanley J. 'Bud' Grant, A Friend With A Vision For Healthy Eyes

March 28, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel mourns the passing of Congressional Glaucoma Caucus Foundation head, Stanley J. "Bud" Grant.

Rangel Salutes Life of Geraldine Ferraro

March 26, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement following the death of his dear friend and former colleague, Geraldine Ferraro on March 26, 2011:"My heart is filled with grief today as I say goodbye to my dearest...

Rangel: A Public School Gem Shines In East Harlem

March 25, 2011

"With people like Principal Dr. Althea Bradshaw-Tyson and Young Women's Leadership Network Executive Director Anne Adler, we have the right mix of bold leadership and outside resources to ensure that these bright ladies realize their full potential."

Rangel Commemorates One-Year Anniversary of Healthcare Reform

March 25, 2011

"I can not think of a better way to celebrate the one-year anniversary of this groundbreaking legislation than with these children at Hip Hop HEALS," said Rangel, who played a significant role in the passage of the healthcare reform as former chairman of the Ways and Means committee.

Rangel Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Jerusalem

March 23, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement following the terrorists attack in Israel:"I strongly condemn today's terrorist attack in Jerusalem on innocent civilians and the senselessness of the loss of life and bodily injury. I stand with Israel...

Rangel Statement On U.S. Involvement In Libya

March 20, 2011

I believe the American people would decide in favor of stopping innocent people from being killed or wounded by the forces aligned with Gaddafi. However, the integrity of the United States government before the world, and before its own people, insists on Congress stepping up to assume its responsibility.

Rangel Introduces Universal National Service Act

March 17, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel on Thursday introduced the Universal National Service Act, commonly referred to as the draft bill, ahead of the 8th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq on Saturday, March 19, 2011. The Congressman, a Korean War Veteran, has introduced similar legislation in the past that addresses not only the need for a more equitable military draft, but also establishes a universal requirement for National Service.

Rangel Encourages Nationwide First-Aid Training

March 16, 2011

"I encourage all of my constituents to take part in this free and immensely valuable training offered by the American Red Cross. As was demonstrated on that ill-fated day in January, this important training can save lives," said Rangel.

Rangel Telephone Townhall Unites Northern Manhattan

March 16, 2011

"As your representative in the United States Congress, one of my most important responsibilities is communicating with you about issues impacting New York's 15th Congressional District and providing updates on legislative action in Washington," said Rangel in his first telephone town hall of the 112th Congress.

Rangel: New GAO Report Highlights Importance Of Health Care Reform Law's Medicare Drug Savings For Seniors

March 15, 2011

Washington, DC — Congressman Charles Rangel along with Ways and Means Ranking Member Sander Levin, and Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Pete Stark, John Lewis, and Diana DeGette on Monday released a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report which shows that...

Rangel Thanks Buffalo Soldiers

March 10, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel joined his Colleagues on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, in honoring and recognizing the service of Colonel Charles Young and the Buffalo Soldiers, black cavalry troops formed in 1866 upon fighting alongside the Union Army during the Civil War.

Rangel Holds First-Ever Bloggers' Conference Call

March 9, 2011

Veteran Congressman Ventures Into New Terrains To Exchange Ideas WASHINGTON, DC - "This is an exciting new experience for me," said Congressman Charles B. Rangel, as he welcomed a core group of bloggers who joined the 21st-term lawmaker in his...

Rangel: Healthy America is Key to Economic Success

March 8, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel on Monday called on Republicans to spend more time working with President Barack Obama and Democrats to improve healthcare access and less time trying to score political points ahead of the next election.

Rangel: Harlem Professor's Award Highlights Need To Strengthen Science Education

March 3, 2011

NEW YORK - "It is my great and distinct pleasure to congratulate Gerard R. Parkin, a Harlem resident and professor at Columbia University, for receiving the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM). Professor Parkin is...

Rangel Honors Courageous Women Pioneers

March 2, 2011

"I encourage everyone to take time in March to pay tribute to the countless and nameless women who are improving our communities and making a difference in your everyday lives."

Rangel Congratulates Dominicans On Their Independence Day

February 27, 2011

It hasn’t been easy, but the Dominican people have persevered to make great contributions all around the world.

Rangel: Attack on Unions is a Threat to All

February 26, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel rallies with thousands of New Yorkers to support the rights of working people in Wisconsin and all across the nation.

Culture on Canvas: Rangel Hails Local Afrocentric Art Exhibition

February 26, 2011

The Harlem Fine Arts Show (HFAS),one of the nation’s largest and most prestigious collections of paintings, photographs and sculpture by both established and emerging African American artists from around the world, caps off a series of local events commemorating Black History Month.

Rangel: Federal Program Helps Create Jobs in Northern Manhattan

February 25, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel congratulates Harlem-based Carver Community Development Corporation (CCDC) in being one of 99 organizations nationwide to receive funding that will provide financing for community projects aimed at supporting small business creation, affordable housing and other local needs.

Rangel Urges Constituents to Use Free Online Tax Preparation & Filing Available From the IRS

February 23, 2011

Constituents are encouraged to take advantage of free tax preparation services available through the IRS' Volunteer Assistance (VITA) program and online through the IRS Free File program.

Rangel Blasts Republican Plan to Shut Down Social Security

February 22, 2011

Rangel rebukes House Republicans for spending cuts that leave the Social Security Administration (SSA) $1.7 billion short of what is needed to operate this year.

Rangel Statement At Hearing On The President’s 2012 Budget With OMB Director Lew

February 16, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Charles B. Rangel gave the following opening remarks today (as prepared for delivery) before the Ways & Means Committee Hearing on the President's Budget with OMB Director Jacob Lew:"Director Lew, I welcome you to the Ways...

Rangel Celebrates Exhibit Of Famed Harlem Photography Mentor & Activist

February 15, 2011

NEW YORK — Congressman Charles Rangel hailed the debut of a new photography exhibit honoring the work and influence of photographer Eugene "Kwame" Gervin as a fitting tribute to someone who inspired a new generation of socially conscious artist-activists. "Kwame's...

Rangel: GOP Spending Bill is Reckless and Irresponsible

February 12, 2011

 Congressman Says Republican Plan Threatens America’s Jobs & Future WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Charles Rangel [D-NY] denounced the irresponsible spending plan released by House Republicans Friday that threatens jobs, undercuts American innovation and clean energy, jeopardizes our safety by taking...

Rangel: GAO Report Reveals Cost Benefit Of Health Reform

February 10, 2011

Reform's Medicare Advantage Plans Prove Better Value For Seniors, People With DisabilitiesWASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel [D-NY] announced today a release of a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that raises questions about the high administrative costs...

Rangel Hails Nationwide Efforts To Raise Black Hiv Awareness

February 7, 2011

February 7th is the 11th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), a vocal leader in the fight to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS, released the following statement today in recognition of National Black HIV/AIDS...

Rangel Honors NY's Oldest Black Owned Flower Shop

February 4, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined community and elected leaders Friday in celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the Carolina Flower Shop, the oldest black-owned flower shop in New York City.

Rangel Unveils New Cutting-Edge Website

February 3, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles B. Rangel today announced the launch of his new congressional website (, which has been redesigned to provide visitors with a more clean and user-friendly interface and highly interactive features. "Communicating with my constituents is...

Rangel Encourages Eligible Residents To File For The Earned Income Tax Credit

February 2, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Rangel Charles B. Rangel is encouraging potentially qualifying taxpayers in his congressional district to take advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). IRS estimates that 20 to 25 percent of eligible workers miss out on...

Rangel Celebrates National Black History Month

February 1, 2011

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today, in celebration of the 2011 National Black History month: "As we mark the beginning of a month-long celebration of black history in our country, I am proud to...

Rangel recognizes the 66th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation

January 28, 2011

 NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today, in recognition of the 66th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz: "As we recognize the 66th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I...

Rangel on Closure of GM's Harlem Auto Dealership

January 27, 2011

Congressman Rangel expresses his disappointment in GM's recent decision to close their auto dealership on 127th Street and Second Avenue.

Rangel Statement on State of the Union Address

January 25, 2011

WASHINGTON - Congressman Rangel issued the following statement prior to President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address, on Tuesday evening at 9PM.

Rangel Welcomes Bipartisan Tax Reform

January 20, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel called for bipartisan tax reform during a Ways and Means Committee hearing today on the corporate tax reform. This was the first in a series of hearings on fundamental tax reform that will take place throughout the 112th Congress.

Rangel on Healthcare Repeal: "It's Political, Not to Worry"

January 19, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel made the following remarks in support of the Affordable Care Act and against the Republican Patient’s Rights Repeal Bill.

Up To 300,000 Residents In Rangel’s District May Risk Losing Healthcare Coverage

January 18, 2011

Today, Rep. Rangel released a report that details the impact of the Republicans’ Patients’ Rights Repeal Act on the hundreds of thousands of Americans who live in the New York’s 15th Congressional District. This week, the House Republican Leadership is bringing this legislation to the House Floor for a vote.

Rangel Honors Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 17, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on January 17, 2011:

Rangel Praises Obama’s Outreach To The Cuban People

January 15, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel welcomed White House’s announcement Friday to ease restrictions on U.S. travel to Cuba, visas, and remittance of money from Americans to Cubans. These measures, which will be implemented within two weeks, support President Obama’s effort to build on the people-to-people policy and to encourage communications with, and among, the Cuban people.

Rangel Applauds New Treasury Prepaid Debit And Payroll Card Pilot Program

January 14, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined his Democratic colleagues in the Ways and Means Committee in applauding the launch of a Department of Treasury pilot program that offers convenient and low-cost electronic delivery of Federal tax returns to taxpayers with little or no access to traditional banking services.

We Must Not Waver In Our Commitment To Haiti

January 12, 2011

Congressman Rangel writes that the United States and the world must not waver in their commitment to help the people of Haiti help themselves recover from the devastating earthquake that struck the Caribbean nation a year ago.

Rangel Attends Memorial Service For Jazz Legend Dr. Billy Taylor

January 11, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel was among hundreds of leaders from all walks of life to pack Riverside Church Monday evening to celebrate the life of musician and jazz scholar, Dr. Billy Taylor.

Rangel on the Passing of Ashley Turton

January 10, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel comments on the death of Ashley Turton, former Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and wife of White House Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs Dan Turton.

Rep. Rangel on the Shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

January 9, 2011

Rep. Rangel asks all Americans to join him in his prayers for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ speedy and full recovery....

Rangel: Gop’s Nocare Plan Is A Job-Killer And Disaster

January 7, 2011

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined his Democratic colleagues and a host of independent experts in repudiating Republican’s plan to repeal critical patient rights, put insurance companies back in charge and add $230 billion to the deficit. The GOP repeal bill was introduced on Wednesday. The House is expected to consider the bill on Wednesday, January 12.

Rangel Honors Three Kings Day

January 6, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel on Thursday released the following Congressional Record statement in celebration of the feast of the Epiphany or more commonly known as Three Kings Day. The celebration, marked locally with a children's parade in El Barrio, commemorates the Biblical visit of the Magi to visit the newborn baby Jesus twelve days after Christmas.

Rangel: Let's Get Down to Fixing America

January 5, 2011

Congressman Charles Rangel, sworn in on Wednesday for his 21st term in the U.S. House of Representatives, urged all members of Congress to work together to improve the lives of all Americans.

Rangel Announces New Healthcare Provisions to be Implemented in the New Year

January 1, 2011

Several new provisions of the Affordable Care Act Provisions take effect January 1, 2011.

Rangel Ranks #1 in the Number of Bills Passed

December 28, 2010

Records indicate that New York Congressman Charles B. Rangel leads House Members in the number of bills passed during what has been touted as one of history’s most productive Congress since the 1960’s.

Rangel Hails 111th Congress Accomplishments

December 24, 2010

  WASHINGTON – “I am proud to have served during what is clearly one of the most productive Congress since LBJ’s Great Society,” said Congressman Charles B. Rangel, following the adjournment of the 111th Congress on December 22, 2010. Congressman...

New Law Helps Preserve Senior Housing

December 22, 2010

Congress sends bill to the President that will maintain & improves existing HUD program for the elderly.

Rangel Applauds Passage of 9-11 Healthcare Workers Bill

December 22, 2010

Nine years after the tragic events of September 11, first responders who rushed to the scene that day will now be able to get the healthcare resources they need.

Rangel Statement Post-Ethics Committee Hearing

November 18, 2010

The final decision on sanctions for violations of the House rules will be made by the full House of Representatives. It would be inappropriate for me to comment regarding this matter....

Rangel Apologizes

November 18, 2010

Today I stood before the Ethics Committee to apologize for the embarrassment I have brought upon this body that I love dearly, and to the Members of Congress, and to my family and constituents.

Rangel Case: "No Evidence Of Corruption"

November 18, 2010

I was gratified when I heard the Ethics Committee’s own counsel agree with me and say he found no evidence of corruption or personal gain in my investigation. I am surprised, however, that the language the Adjudicatory Subcommittee used in rendering its decision does not coincide with what the Counsel stated orally. I had looked forward to a hearing because I knew in my heart that I did nothing corrupt nor sell my office or votes.

Rangel Deplores Ethics Committee Findings

November 16, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the statement following the decision made by the Adjudicatory Subcommittee, on November 16, 2010.

Statement of Congressman Charles Rangel on the Ethics Hearing

November 15, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after the initial Adjudicatory Subcommittee's hearing on November 15, 2010.

Rangel: A Grateful Salute To Our Veterans

November 10, 2010

In celebration of Veterans Day, Congressman Rangel issued the following statement, to pay tribute to the veterans and soldiers in uniform.

Rangel Remembers Yitzhak Rabin

November 8, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the 15th anniversary of the shooting death of Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner Yitzhak Rabin.

Rangel International Affairs Program Accepting Applications For 2011 Fellowships

November 5, 2010

The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program is now accepting applications for its 2011 graduate fellowships. Founded by Congressman Rangel in 2002, the Rangel International Affairs Program has awarded more than 80 graduate fellowships to attend universities across the country. So far, 43 former fellows have been sworn in as members of the diplomatic corps, representing the U.S. as Foreign Service Officers in 31 countries.

Rangel: Time To Pull Together & Get America Back On Its Feet

November 3, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel told reporters Tuesday night that the job of Congress to restore the vibrancy of the American economy remains the same regardless of which party holds control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rangel & Other Leaders Host Forum on New Health Care Law

October 30, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel and Health and Human Services Counsel Region II Director Jaime Torres were among several speakers on Saturday, October 30, 2010, who explained the new consumer benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at a forum held at Harlem Hospital.

Rangel: Health Reform To Benefit Additional 2,720 Seniors In Upper Manhattan

October 26, 2010

2,720 more seniors in Congressman Charles B. Rangel's Upper Manhattan District are expected to receive the $250 rebate checks, as a result of the health reform law that significantly closes the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap.

Rangel Says Enhancing Education For Hispanics Vital To America's Standing In The World

October 22, 2010

In response President Obama's signing of an Executive Order to renew the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, Congressman Charles B. Rangel agreed that our nation should invest in the education of Hispanics if the United States were to meet President Obama's goal of becoming the world's top nation college completion by 2020.

Rangel Gets "A" Grade For Votes On Veterans & Military Issues

October 21, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel, a decorated veteran of the Korean War, earned an "A" grade for his voting record on veterans' issues, according to the annual report card released by the Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) on October 20, 2010.

Rangel Teams Up With Groups To Help Feed Local Families

October 19, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined with a number of elected officials and non-profit organizations, including Feed the Children, United Missionary Baptist Church and the 369th Veterans Association to distribute food to nearly 3,000 families in Upper Manhattan.

Rangel Calls For $250 Payment To Seniors

October 15, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel joined President Obama and the House Democratic leadership in calling for legislation to provide approximately 54 million Social Security recipients with a one-time $250 payment. The Social Security Administration announced on Friday there will be no automatic Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) for 2011, because the consumer price index did not rise.

Employers Granted Tax Exemptions For New York's New Hires

October 14, 2010

The U.S. Treasury Department released a report that shows that New York businesses have hired an estimated 470,000 new workers from February to August 2010. Through the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, those businesses are now eligible to receive tax exemptions and credits for new hires who have been unemployed for eight weeks or longer.

President Obama Signs Bill To Ensure Technology Accessibility For People With Disabilities

October 12, 2010

President Obama signed the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, which will enable people with disabilities to engage in society and utilize all that modern technologies have to offer--especially Internet-based and mobile services.

Federal Government Unveils New Toolkits To Promote Online Child Safety

October 8, 2010

At an online privacy event in Washington D.C., on October 8, 2010, Federal Trade Commision Chairman Jon Leibowitz, announced plans to expand a national campaign that will help parents and communities keep kids safe online and on their mobile phones.

White House Launches Task Force to Create Job Training Partnerships in All 50 States

October 7, 2010

Congressman Rangel praised President Obama for the launch of a new federal taskforce called the Skills for America’s Future - a new initiative to improve industry partnerships with community colleges to ensure to maximize workforce development strategies, job training programs, and job placement.

New Federal Initiative To Aid Women-Owned Businesses

October 6, 2010

Small Business Administration official rolled-out an important new program called the Women’s Contracting Rule that would help put more federal contracts in the hands of women who own small businesses.

House Passes Legislation To Hold China Accountable And Keep US Jobs At Home

September 29, 2010

Today the House of Representatives pass by a vote of 348-79, the critical legislation that addresses China’s fundamental undervaluation of its currency.

Rangel Hails Passage Of House 9/11 Health Care Bill

September 29, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel hails the passage of the 9/11 health care workers bill, that will provide medical treatment for the ailing first responders and recovery workers who were exposed to toxic dust following the collapse of the twin towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. The bill passed in the House today by a vote of 268 - 160.

Rangel Lauds $6.375 Million Federal Grant For Broadband Mapping Activities

September 28, 2010

Congressman Rangel lauded New York Governor Paterson's announcement of a $6.375 million federal stimulus grant for the state's broadband mapping activities. New York State will use this award and additional funds to develop the first-ever statewide map depicting the availability of high-speed internet service, commonly known as broadband.

Rangel Lauds President Obama For Signing Jobs Creation Bill Into Law

September 27, 2010

President Obama enacts a job creation bill that will increase much-needed lending to millions of small businesses, close tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas, and offer 8 new tax incentives to companies, so they may expand, hire, and fuel our economy.

Harlem School Complex Named After Percy Sutton

September 23, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined several prominent New York officials on September 20, 2010, to honor the memory of civil rights pioneer Percy E. Sutton with the dedication of a Harlem school complex which bears his name.

Rangel: New Healthcare Protections Start This Week

September 22, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined millions of Americans in celebrating new regulations under the federal Patient’s Bill of Rights that go into effect this week, six months after the enactment of the Affordable Care Act.

Rangel: Millions Of Dreams Are Now Deferred

September 21, 2010

Congressman Rangel expressed his disappointment in the failure to pass the bipartisan Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, that would provide a mechanism by which undocumented students who have lived in the U.S. before age 15 to apply for legal permanent resident status if they graduate from high school and go on to college or military service. The vote failed by 56-43 in the Senate today.

Rangel Advocates for Better Mental Health Care for Returning Troops

September 20, 2010

Cong. Rangel praises CDC's initiative to focus on post-deployment mental health. CDC will hold a Clinician Outreach and Community Activity (COCA) Teleconference open to all health care and social service providers on Sept. 21, Tuesday at 1-2pm.

Rangel & Other Leaders Call On More Support Services For Veterans & Their Families

September 20, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel joined a host of leaders, including Rep. Corrine Brown, Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and former Surgeon General David Thatcher on Friday, September 17 in calling for more support services for our nation’s veterans.

Rangel Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

September 16, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel marked the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month on September 15 by calling on all Americans to remember the important contributions that Latinos have made to New York City and the nation.

Rangel Is Among CBC Founders To Be Honored

September 16, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel will be honored as one of the 13 founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus, at a luncheon sponsored by the CBC Foundation on Friday, Sept, 17, in Washington, D.C., during their Annual Legislative Conference.

Rangel Says Education Is a "National Security Issue"

September 14, 2010

Congressman Rangel facilitated a meeting between U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Anthony Miller with nearly 200 principals and teachers from his Upper Manhattan district, at Teacher's College on August 30.

Cong. Rangel Lauds Dept of Commerce's Grants to NYC

September 13, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised Commerce Secretary Gary Locke's announcement of 35 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act investments, totaling $482.4 million in grants, which that will fund projects aimed at expanding high-speed Internet access to bridge the technological divide and boost economic growth across the country. New York City received $20 million dollars, with almost $10 million dollars in matching contributions.

Rangel Demands Action On 9/11 Health Care Bill

September 9, 2010

Congressman Rangel joined members of the New York delegation at Ground Zero, on September 8, calling for immediate action on providing health care and other services to 9/11 first responders.

Rangel: "Make It In America" To Build Our Economy

September 8, 2010

Congressman Rangel joined House Democratic Leaders in support of the "Make it in America" agenda that focuses on increasing American manufacturing and creating new American jobs. This new legislative initiative builds on House Democrats' actions since the start of the Great Recession to create jobs and lay the foundation for a strong economy.

Rangel Touts Success of Community Health Centers

September 7, 2010

Congressman welcomed Health and Human Services Regional Director Dr. Jaime R. Torres as they met with local leaders and health practitioners to discuss the community's health needs on September 7, 2010.

Rangel Salutes America's Workers On Labor Day

September 3, 2010

Congressman Rangel issued the following statement in celebration of Labor Day.

Rangel Applauds Department Of Education's Initiative To Improve Student Assessments

September 2, 2010

Congressman Rangel applauded the U.S. Department of Education's initiative to develop a new generation of student assessments that will broaden testing standards.

Rangel Welcomes Back The Troops From Iraq

August 31, 2010

As the last unit of the military returns home from Iraq, Congressman Rangel applauds the President for delivering on his promise to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq by end of August.

Rangel Applauds Increased Protections for Domestic Workers

August 31, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel joined local elected and community leaders in praising Gov. David Paterson and local lawmakers for passing new state protections for domestic workers.

Rangel: $250 'Donut Hole' Checks For Seniors

August 27, 2010

Congressman Rangel announces that the the government will mail out $250 checks, at the end of August, to thousands of seniors to help close the coverage gap in Medicare prescription drug benefits.

Rangel Statement On Women's Equality Day

August 26, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in celebration of Women's Equality Day, on August 26, 2010, the 90th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote.

Rangel Encourages Greater Civic Participation Via The Web & Smart Phones

August 18, 2010

Rep. Charles B. Rangel became the first member of Congress to utilize a new online and mobile application to better connect with his constituents and promote legislative interest, especially among the younger generations.

Rangel Celebrates Social Security’s 75th Birthday

August 13, 2010

Rep. Charles B. Rangel celebrates Social Security's 75th anniversary by renewing his commitment to protecting and strengthening the bedrock program, saying that he would fight any attempts to dismantle it.

Fallen Heroes of NY & Puerto Rico Honored on Rangel Website

August 12, 2010

An online photo gallery of local soldiers killed in the Iraq and Afghan wars debuts on Congressman Rangel's Web site.

Cong. Rangel Hails Enactment of $26 Billion Jobs Bill

August 11, 2010

Congressman Rangel praises President Obama's signing of H.R. 1586, a bill that includes measure to appropriate nearly $40 million and save 542 teacher jobs in his Upper Manhattan district.

Rangel Praises Senate Action on Jobs Bill

August 4, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel praised his colleagues in the Senate for overcoming yet another Senate Republican filibuster, enabling legislators to pass legislation that looks to create current and future jobs for Americans looking to work again. "This bill...

Rangel Sees Quick Oil Spill Response Package as Measure to Shore Up National Security

July 30, 2010

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rangel praised the passage of two oil spill bills that seek to overhaul offshore drilling regulations and extend whistleblower protections to oil and gas workers on the outer continental shelf.  “In the wake of the BP debacle,...

Cong. Rangel: Bill To Narrow Cocaine Sentencing Disparities is an Important First Step

July 29, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel announced Wednesday's passage of legislation to reduce the disparity in penalties for crack versus powder cocaine offenses.   Approved by both the House and the Senate, the bill now goes to President Obama for signature.The bill...

Rangel: Everyone Deserves Healthcare

July 28, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel told a crowd of more than 700 people Saturday that access to free preventive health services are just some of the new benefits that New Yorkers can look forward to in the Affordable Care...

Rangel: Senate Needs to Act on Jobs Legislation

July 28, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel urged Senate Republicans to pass critical jobs bills that have the potential to create current and future opportunities for Americans seeking reemployment."In these difficult economic times, I hope that Republicans would put aside their obstructionist...

Rangel Salutes His Comrades on National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

July 27, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Rangel inserted the following statement in the Congressional Record to honor the Korean War veterans on National Korean War Veterans Day, July 27, 2010.Mr. Rangel: Madam Speaker, I rise to commemorate the National Korean War Veterans Armistice...

Congressman Charles Rangel Honors 2010 Local Scholarship Winners

July 26, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel  hosted a celebratory breakfast and ceremony honoring this year's Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Scholarship winners on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 10 a.m. at the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building. A total...

Rangel Statement following Ethics Committee Announcement

July 23, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in in response to the recent decision by the Ethics Committee to refer the allegations reviewed by an Investigations Subcommittee to a Subcommittee that will review the facts."I was notified on Thursday,...

Rangel Hails Senate Passage Of Financial Reform Bill

July 15, 2010

WASHINGTON - Rep. Charles Rangel hailed the Senate passage today of legislation to rein in Wall Street, end taxpayer bailouts of big banks, and create a consumer financial protection bureau that finally puts consumers first. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform...

Congressman Rangel Reintroduces Bill To Reinstate Military Draft

July 15, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel on Thursday introduced H.R. 5741, a bill that would reinstate a compulsory military draft, or alternative national service, during times of war, for men and women, aged 18 to 42, who are citizens or permanent...

Rangel: Recovery Act Creating Jobs & Hope

July 15, 2010

WASHINGTON – Congressman Charles Rangel joined a chorus of other leaders in praising the Obama Administration for their work on creating economic hope and jobs. The White House announced Wednesday that the Recovery Act has created or saved over 3...

Rangel: 2011 All-Star Game Should Be Moved From Arizona

July 14, 2010

WASHINGTON – As baseball's greatest stars gathered Tuesday evening for their annual Mid-Summer Classic in Anaheim, Congressman Charles Rangel continued to call for next year's All-Star Game to be moved from Phoenix, Arizona. Leaders across the nation are urging Major League...

Rangel Lauds Better Care For Veterans with Post Dramatic Stress Disorder

July 13, 2010

WASHINGTON – On  Tuesday, Congressman Charles Rangel applauded the Veterans Administration’s plan to improve care for our veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The new rules will make it easier for veterans – including those who may have...

Rangel Joins New Yorkers in Mourning the Death of George Steinbrenner

July 13, 2010

WASHINGTON. – Congressman Chares Rangel released the following statement on the death of New York Yankees principal owner George Steinbrenner, who passed away on Tuesday, July 13. "George Steinbrenner was a fixture in this city and this nation for such...

President Obama Signs Rangel Korean War Resolution

July 9, 2010

Washington, D.C. - On Wednesday, July 7, 2010, President Obama, signed a joint resolution that was authored and initiated by Congressman Charles B. Rangel. The resolution recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Korean War and reaffirms the U.S.-Korea alliance. “President...

Rangel: A Compulsory Military Draft is All That's Left

July 7, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement Wednesday on his position on our current military spending in Afghanistan and Iraq and his plans to re-introduce a bill to institute a national service draft that includes compulsory military service. In Congress,...

Congress Remembers 60th Anniversary of Korean War In Statuary Hall Ceremony

June 24, 2010

WASHINGTON - In a solemn ceremony in the ornate Statuary Hall of the Capitol, Congress paused today to recognize the 60th anniversary of the Korean War and to pay tribute to those who served. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was joined by...

Rangel Defends Israel's Right to Stop the Flow of Arms to Hamas

June 21, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel recently joined members of the New York Congressional delegation and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York in supporting Israel’s right to defend its citizens from terrorism. Recently a Turkish flotilla attempted to...

Black Press Honors Congressman Charles Rangel

June 18, 2010

Congressman receives Legacy of Excellence Award at 70th Annual National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) ConventionNEW YORK - America’s Black press returned to the historic roots of its founding this week as the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) held its 70th...

House Resolution Marks 60th Anniversary Of Korean War

June 17, 2010

Bill by Congressman Rangel Honors Those Who Served and Reaffirms U. S. - Korea AllianceWASHINGTON - By voice vote, the House of Representatives today passed a resolution recognizing the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War and reaffirms...

Rangel Celebrates Boricua Pride at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade

June 13, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel was among the millions of New Yorkers who came out Sunday and flooded Fifth Avenue to celebrate the 15th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade. The parade capped a weekend of activities celebrating Boricua...


June 11, 2010

New York - On Wednesday, Congressman Charles Rangel hosted the third in a series of tele-townhall meetings, to directly discuss with residents issues ranging from local issues like affordable housing and charter schools, to national debates on immigration, healthcare and...

Rangel: 'Donut Hole' Checks Being Sent to Seniors

June 10, 2010

Health Reform Law Will Help About 4 Million Seniors To Receive $250 Checks Over Next Several Months WASHINGTON -  Rep. Rangel announced Thursday that Medicare would begin mailing out to tens of thousands of seniors $250 'donut hole' checks starting...

Rangel to Curtis High School Students: Our Future is in Your Hands

June 4, 2010

Congressman Encourages High School Students on Staten Island to Service Their Communities & Take Advantage of the Opportunities That Lie AheadNEW YORK - Congressman Rangel had a simple message for the close to 600 students assembled to hear him speak...

Rangel Leads In Passing Legislation

June 2, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel leads his colleagues in the House of Representatives in the number of bills passed in the 111th Congress. WASHINGTON - In a survey conducted by OpenCongress, a non-partisan group that monitors Congress, Rangel had 11 bills enacted into...

Memorial Day: In Memory of Those Who Have Served

May 31, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following message on Memorial Day. Monday, May 31st, marks the 142nd observance of Memorial Day—a time to remember the men and women killed in military service to the nation. The day...

Rangel Remembers Lena Horne as a Legend Who Broke Barriers

May 10, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined hundreds of Americans around the nation Monday in mourning the death of pioneering actress, singer, dancer and civil rights activist Lena Horne.The Brooklyn-born Horne passed away Sunday at New York Presbyterian Hospital...

Rangel Recognizes 'Unbreakable Ties' During Jewish American Heritage Month

May 10, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel today marked Jewish American Heritage Month by recognizing the countless contributions made by Jewish Americans in the 15th Congressional District, New York City and the entire nation.“I am proud to have institutions like The...

House Passes Rangel Haiti Legislation to Speed Earthquake Recovery

May 5, 2010

WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives on Thursday passed bipartisan legislation originally proposed by Congressman Charles Rangel to help speed Haiti’s economic recovery following the devastating January earthquake that shattered the country’s economy. H.R. 5160,The Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP)...

Rangel Receives 2010 Health House Champion Award

May 3, 2010

NEW YORK - The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) on Friday presented Congressman Charles B. Rangel with their 2010 Health House Champion Award for his strong leadership and longstanding commitment to the nation’s network of community health care...

Federal Grant to Fund Training Program for Health Information Technology in Upper Manhattan

April 30, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles B. Rangel was proud to announce this week that a recent federal grant would help fund a variety of programs that will go towards creating more job and training opportunities for local and city residents in...

Rangel: Let Puerto Ricans Control Their Own Destiny

April 30, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement Friday after the House voted 223-169 on Thursday to pass the Puerto Rico Democracy Act, establishing the right of the Puerto Rican people to vote on their political status:“As...

Rangel: Evelyn Cunningham Was A Journalism Hero To Us All

April 29, 2010

Congressman mourns the loss of pioneering journalist who documented the civil rights movement and served government, including as advisor to New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. NEW YORK- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement on the death of pioneering...

Rangel Helps Introduce Bill to Speed Haiti's Earthquake Recovery

April 29, 2010

Bi-partisan, Bicameral Legislation Would Extend, Expand Trade Preference Programs for Haiti.WASHINGTON - Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) joined House and Senate leaders Wedensday in introducing legislation to help speed Haiti's economic recovery following the devastating January earthquake that shattered the country's...

Rangel Hails Huge Census Turnout In Northern Manhattan

April 28, 2010

Washington Heights-Inwood area posts best participation rates in the city, while historic strides made in Central Harlem and El BarrioNEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel echoed numerous local officials this week in congratulating Upper Manhattan residents for posting some...

Rangel Receives Award for His Efforts in the Fight Against AIDS

April 27, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel was honored Monday by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) for his contributions to people living with HIV and AIDS. The Congressman was presented with the 2010 Positive Leadership Award during an evening...

Rangel Teams Up With AARP Harlem Volunteers To Keep Pedestrian Streets Safe For Walking

April 26, 2010

 Local surveys of crosswalks and intersections hope to shed light on dangers pedestrian face as they walk on streets and sidewalksNEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel recently joined AARP volunteers in Harlem as they began a statewide-campaign that hopes to...

Rangel: Arizona Immigration Law Is Wrong For Everyone

April 23, 2010

Congressman Says That Divisive & Misguided State Legislation Only Fuels Congress’ Need to Act on Comprehensive Immigration Reform NEW YORK -  Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on recent Arizona state legislation that makes it easier for local law...

Rangel Hails Earth Day Visit by EPA Administrator Jackson

April 22, 2010

Local Stop by EPA's Top Official Helps Highlights Environmental Accomplishments Taking Place in Upper Manhattan & New York CityWASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel praised Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson for coming to his New York Congressional District Thursday morning to celebrate...

Small Businesses to be Notified of Health Reform Tax Cuts

April 22, 2010

Over 340.000 NY State companies, including 39,600 in Upper Manhattan, eligible for substantial tax credit nowWASHINGTON — New York small businesses will be getting a little bit of good news in their mailboxes. Rep. Charles Rangel said today that companies...

Rangel Votes To Strengthen Veterans’ Health Services

April 21, 2010

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Charles Rangel voted to ensure that veterans and their families get the care and support they need and deserve after they put their lives on the line defending our country. The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services...

Rangel Recognized for His Leadership on Health Care Reform

April 20, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel was honored on Tuesday by members of the Congressional Black Caucus for his leadership in the passage of health care reform legislation. The Congressman was presented with the Congressional Leadership Award during a ceremony at...

Rangel Hosts Local Meeting With West Side Residents

April 19, 2010

Congressman discusses and answers questions about local and national policies, including health care, financial reform and housing.NEW YORK - Close to 100 people, including elected officials Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, New York State Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell and City Council...

Rangel Hails Progress On Section 8 Funding

April 16, 2010

NYCHA Receives $23.5 million That Congress Set Aside to Help Housing ProgramWASHINGTON - Congressman Charles B. Rangel on Friday praised the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to award close to $23.5 million in funding...

Rangel, Congress Extend Unemployment & Health Benefts

April 15, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers Thursday night in voting to retroactively extend temporary unemployment, health and other expiring benefits through June 2, 2010. The critical emergency measure, which passed the House of Representatives...

Remembering Business Pioneer J. Bruce Llewellyn

April 13, 2010

NEW YORK - Representative Charles B. Rangel was among nearly two hundred people who turned out Tuesday, April 13 to remember the life of business pioneer J. Bruce Llewellyn at New York’s Church of St. John the Divine. The Congressman...

Congressman Rangel Encourages Small Business Owners At Local Conference

April 12, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel encouraged small business owners not to lose faith in themselves nor the economy as they navigate through today’s rough financial seas at a local conference Saturday, April 10 organized by a coalition of groups...

Rangel: Don't Forget To Fill Out Your Census Form

April 2, 2010

Joins Community Groups and Elected Officials in Subway Stop Outreach Effort Organized by Manhattan Complete Count CommitteeNEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel urged fellow residents of Harlem and all of Upper Manhattan to fill out their 2010 Census form...

Rangel Still Negotiating to Keep Tejeda Post Office Open

April 1, 2010

Congressman says that U.S. Postal Service is still in talks with landlord to avoid closing of facility named after Dominican fallen solider NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel told elected officials in Washington Heights Thursday that he was in...

Rangel: Reconciliation Bill Will Make Healthcare & Education More Affordable

March 30, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles Rangel praised the reconciliation bill recently signed by President Barack Obama, calling the new law an important historic step in expanding access to healthcare and education for all Americans. “This law will make major improvements in...

Rangel Votes To Create Jobs, Strengthen Small Businesses, & Rebuild American Infrastructure

March 25, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles B. Rangel voted Wednesday to create American jobs by investing in small businesses and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. The Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Act (HR 4849) will create new small business and construction jobs, spur...

Congressman Rangel Hails Passage by The House of Health Reform Legislation

March 21, 2010

WASHINGTON - Congressman Charles B. Rangel today hailed passage by the House of health reform legislation, saying that the historic measure would be a key first step in providing access to all Americans. "This historic legislation is as important as...

Congressman Rangel Applauds Deal That Strengthens Public Housing Funding

March 19, 2010

City and State Agreement Achieves Congressman’s Goal to End Uncertainty of City and State Funding NEW YORK – Congressman Charles Rangel praised the recent public housing financing deal that allows officials to tap federal stimulus funds to close the New...

Rangel Joins Public & Private Sector Officials In Touting Local Green Jobs Training Award

March 9, 2010

U.S. Department of Labor Stimulus Grant Awards $4.7 Million to Non-Profit As Part of Pathways Out of Poverty Program NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined public and private sector officials Monday, March 8 to celebrate how stimulus funds...

Rangel, Congress Votes To Create Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs This Year

March 6, 2010

NEW YORK – Congressman Charles B. Rangel on Friday applauded Congressional legislation that looks to create hundreds of thousands of new small business and construction jobs this year, spur private sector hiring, and help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Rangel was...

Rangel Joins UMEZ Elected Leaders & City Officials at New Supermarket Opening In Harlem

March 5, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel was among a number of local leaders and city officials, including New York City Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, and Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone President and CEO Kenneth Knuckles, for the grand opening ceremony...

Rangel Applauds USDA - Black Farmer Agreement Compensating Victims of Racial Discrimination

February 18, 2010

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement regarding news today that the United States Department of Agriculture reached a settlement with Black farmers who were unfairly denied assistance from the agency because of racial discrimination. A...

Rangel Joins Congressional Delegation to Haiti

February 12, 2010

Half of All American Families Have Donated, Millions Eligible for Tax Deduction. Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Congressional leaders in a delegation trip to Haiti today, bringing assurances of compassion and commitment to the Haitian people and their rebuilding efforts....

Rangel: Thousands Of Dollars May Be Available To New Yorkers Through The Earned Income Tax Credit

February 2, 2010

Congressman Joins Local Officials and Community Leaders in Encouraging Residents to Claim EITC and Use Available Free Tax Preparation Resources. NEW YORK - Congressman Charles B. Rangel, City Council members Inez E. Dickens, Robert Jackson, Melissa Mark-Viverito and Ydanis Rodriguez...

Obama Budget Provides Roadmap for Additional Job Creation, Economic Recovery

February 1, 2010

*Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) said Monday that issued the following statement in response to the release of President Obama’s budget outline for Fiscal Year 2011: * “President Obama’s budget reflects many of the priorities and...

W&M: Rangel Says Congress Committed to Job Creation, Economic Recovery

January 27, 2010

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) issued the following statement in response President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address this evening: “Tonight’s address provided a straightforward, sobering reminder of the challenges we face as a nation....

Rangel Welcomes New AIDS Services In East Harlem

January 26, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel welcomed the recent news the AIDS Service Center of New York City (ASCNYC) would be expanding their community based services in Northern Manhattan through the renovation of the newly named Keith Haring ASC Harlem Center. According to...

Harlem Receives First 'Green Retrofit' Housing Stimulus Award

January 25, 2010

Congressman Rangel Hails Funding for Energy-Efficiency Renovations on 135th Street Multi-Family Housing Project.Congressman Charles Rangel was pleased to learn recently that the Obama Administration's first stimulus award for funding "green" apartment renovations will serve Northern Manhattan. The award-- a $3.6...

Upper Manhattan Wins Grant to Train Residents for 'Green-Collar' Jobs

January 23, 2010

Congressman Charles Rangel said a recent $4.6 million federal grant to provide training for "green collar" jobs presents a monumental opportunity for Upper Manhattan. "This award targets those struggling to get and retain a job, training them for careers that...

House Unanimously Approves Bill to Allow Taxpayers to Claim Charitable Deduction in 2009 for Haiti Relief

January 20, 2010

The House of Representatives on Wednesday unanimously passed H.R. 4462, bipartisan legislation that would allow individuals who make charitable contributions to victims of the earthquake in Haiti to claim an itemized charitable deduction on their 2009 tax return instead of...

Rangel Salutes Administration For Granting TPS To Haitians In America

January 15, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that Haitian nationals in the United States as of January 12, 2010, will be granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The 30,000 undocumented Haitian immigrants...

Rangel On Haiti Earthquake: We Are Ready to Extend a Helping Hand and Sympathetic Heart

January 13, 2010

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement regarding yesterday's earthquake in Haiti:"As a longtime friend to the country of Haiti, it is with a heavy heart that I send out my prayers to the Haitian people after a disastrous...

Rangel Celebrates Three Kings with Latino Seniors

January 11, 2010

Congressman Hopeful on Healthcare Negotiations as he Ends Holiday Season with Institute for Puerto Rican/Hispanic ElderlyCongressman Charles Rangel swayed to the sounds of traditional holiday aguinaldos and other Latin rhythms as he  joined local elected officials, community leaders and more...

Rangel on the Passing Of Civil Rights Pioneer Percy Sutton

December 27, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in the wake of the death of civil rights pioneer Percy Sutton on Saturday, December 26: "Percy Sutton was more than a dear friend. He was a mentor and inspiration to me and...

House Passes Rangel's Resolution Honoring A. Philip Randolph

December 26, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the House passed − by a vote of 395 to 23 − his resolution honoring A. Philip Randolph and his work in ending discrimination and promoting equal employment opportunities for...

W&M: Rangel Says Senate Vote Brings Health Reform Closer To Reality

December 24, 2009

U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), and George Miller (D-CA), the chairmen of the three committees with jurisdiction over health policy in the U.S. House of Representatives, issued the following statement today after the Senate approved...

House Approves Jobs for Main Street Act

December 16, 2009

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives affirmed its commitment to American families and businesses by passing legislation that would create jobs, spur economic growth and provide critical assistance to American families. H.R. 2847, the Jobs for Main Street Act of...

Fight For Immigration Reform Begins

December 16, 2009

Congressman Rangel signs on as an original co-sponsor of comprehensive immigration reform legislation in the House of RepresentativesCongressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement as Rep. Luis Gutierrez and other members of Congress introduced comprehensive immigration reform legislation on...

W&M: Chairman Rangel Introduces Tax Extenders Bill

December 7, 2009

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) today introduced H.R. 4213, the Tax Extenders Act of 2009, legislation to extend tax provisions currently set to expire at the end of the year. “This bill provides critical tax relief...

W&M: Rangel Says November Jobs Report Encouraging, But More Needs To Be Done

December 4, 2009

The November jobs report issued today by the Department of Labor showed that the unemployment level has dropped to 10 percent with a net job loss of 11,000 last month, far fewer than economists had anticipated. Ways and Means Committee...

W&M: Rangel, Commitee Leaders Call for Analysis of Recent Drug Price Increases

November 18, 2009

Leaders of the House Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) last night requesting an expedited report on recent trends in prescription drug pricing. The letter, authored by Rep. Charles...

Rangel: House-Approved Health Reform Strengthen Fight Against HIV/AIDS

November 18, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement in support of provisions in the House-approved Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962) that increase access to Medicaid and reduce Medicare Part D costs for people living with HIV/AIDS. The...

W&M: House Passes Historic Health Reform Bill

November 7, 2009

For the first time in America’s history, all Americans will have access to quality, affordable health care under updated health insurance reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives today. The legislation will cover 96 percent of Americans by...

House Passes Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009

November 5, 2009

The U.S. House of Representatives today approved essential legislation to stimulate the economy and provide stability to American families. The House Passed H.R. 3548, the Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act of 2009 by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 403...

W&M: Rangel and House Leaders Introduce Historic Bill to Provide Quality, Affordable Health Care

October 29, 2009

For the first time in U.S. history, all Americans would have access to quality, affordable health care under updated health insurance reform legislation unveiled by House Democrats today. The House is expected to debate and vote on the legislation next...

Rangel Praises President Obama for Providing Emergency Aid to Puerto Rico

October 28, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel applauded the Obama Administration's swift decision to provide emergency aid to Puerto Rico in light of a weekend fire that has caused millions in damages and forced hundreds from their homes. "President Obama has rightfully stepped...

Rangel Applauds President Obama's New Small Business Lending Initiatives, Supports Similar Legislation in the House

October 27, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement today on the House's consideration of comprehensive legislation that would increase credit to small businesses: "Last week, President Obama announced a package of initiatives that will increase credit to small businesses by...

Rangel Votes to Fund, Extend Country's Largest HIV/AIDS Treatment Program

October 22, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel applauded yesterday the four-year extension of the largest federally funded HIV/AIDS treatment program in the country − a measure that was approved by the House by a strong 408-to-9 vote. The program, called the Ryan White...

Rangel Urges Contemplation, Zero Tolerance during Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 22, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement today in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, observed in October:"For far too long, domestic violence has torn families apart, affected whole communities, and subjected millions of women, children, and men to the...

Rangel Earns Fourth-Top Jamaican Honor for Work on the Caribbean

October 22, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel yesterday received the distinguished Order of Jamaica for his outstanding contribution in promoting the interests of Jamaica and the Caribbean.  The award was announced at the National Heroes Day ceremony in Kingston by the Bruce Golding...

Successful Veterans Braintrust Event Draws Hundreds

October 21, 2009

Forum focuses on veterans' transition from military life to home life. Congressman Charles Rangel hosted his annual Veterans Braintrust forum last month, bringing together members of the Obama Administration, two of today's highest-ranking Black military officers, and a crowd of...

W&M: Committee Sends Health Reform Legislation to the House Budget Committee

October 16, 2009

The following is a press release from the Ways & Means Committee, which Congressman Rangel chairs: Today, the House Committee on Ways and Means approved a procedural measure to send H.R. 3200, the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009...

Rangel, Obama Administration Fights for More Federal Assistance to Seniors

October 14, 2009

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) joined President Barack Obama in calling for an additional $250 emergency recovery assistance payment to seniors, veterans and people with disabilities. The White House's announcement came in anticipation that the Social...

Rangel: Postponement of New York Philharmonic Trip to Cuba is 'Disappointing'

October 6, 2009

Concert Was Opportunity for Groundbreaking Cultural Exchange.Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today in reaction to news that the New York Philharmonic will have to postpone its planned October concert in Cuba due to American travel restrictions:"A New...

Rangel, Senior Treasury Official Tout Benefits Of Recovery Act's Build America Bonds

October 5, 2009

On the heels of New York City announcing its first issuance of Build America Bonds to fund public projects, Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined Treasury Assistant Secretary Alan Krueger Monday, Oct. 5 to celebrate the successful financing program.Build America Bonds,...

GAO Report Provides Roadmap for Ending U.S. Embargo of Cuba

October 2, 2009

Congressman Rangel, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and Congressman Jeff Flake released the following joint press release:Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D – CA), and Congressman Jeff Flake (R-AZ) today released a GAO report (GAO-09-951R) that outlines the steps...

Rangel Praises Veterans Affairs for Issuing G.I. Bill Checks

September 29, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today regarding the announcement that Veterans Affairs has authorized checks for veterans who have applied for educational benefits and not yet received them:"We elected an Administration promising change, and it is once...

Rangel: Let's Honor Hispanic Heritage this Month, and All Months

September 22, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15: "Hispanic Americans have a triumphant and rich history in this great country, one that should be honored...

Rangel Votes To Uphold Constitutional Principles

September 17, 2009

Rejects ACORN Amendment Violating Constitutional Separation of Powers. Congressman Charles B. Rangel voted today against an amendment to the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (HR 3221) that would ban federal funds from ever going to ACORN - the nation’s...

House Passes Student Aid Bill That Increases College Grants And Funding Eligibility

September 17, 2009

Bill Provides $150 Million to Upper Manhattan to Increase College Grant Amounts and Student Eligibility. Congressman Charles B. Rangel voted today in support of legislation that would make college more accessible to individuals, improve student loan programs and early childhood...

Rangel On Board, As President Obama Ushers New Phase in Health Reform Debate

September 10, 2009

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama's address to a Joint Session of Congress this evening on health reform:"President Obama said what needed to be said at this...

Chairmen Rangel and McDermott Highlight Recovery Act’s Impact on Reducing Poverty

September 9, 2009

A new Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) analysis released today found that provisions in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, have prevented six million Americans from falling below the poverty line, in addition to reducing the severity...

Rangel to Attend Kennedy Funeral in Boston

August 28, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel announced Friday that he would be attending the funeral of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in Boston. The invitation-only service is scheduled to start Saturday morning at 10 a.m. "Sen. Kennedy was a dear friend and a...

Rangel Mourns the Death of Senator Edward Kennedy

August 26, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement upon the news that Senator Edward Kennedy had passed away Tuesday evening at the age of 77:"I, like hundreds of thousands in the state of Massachusetts and across this nation, mourn the death...

Rangel Fights to Preserve Affordable Housing in West Harlem

August 23, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel called on Baruch Singer, landlord of Gloria Harding Apartments, to renew the project-based Section 8 contract at the 113 unit building complex to avoid the loss of affordable housing in Harlem.“These apartments provide hard-working residents with...

Congressman Rangel Applauds Sotomayor Confirmation to the Supreme Court

August 6, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement moments after the United States Senate voted to confirm U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals Justice Sonia Sotomayor to be an Associate Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court:"The United States Senate voted...

Recovery Act Working in Upper Manhattan

July 30, 2009

Less than six months into law, Economic Stimulus has invested more than $46 million in recovery projects for the community.The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has committed $46.6 million to the 15th Congressional District of New York as of the...

Congressman Rangel Mourns the Death Of NYS State Senator Olga A. Mendez

July 30, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the death of community leader and former New York State Senator Olga A. Mendez. Mendez, who passed away July 29 after a long battle with breast cancer, was the first Puerto Rican...

Rangel Cosponsors Bill Honoring Enslaved Blacks Who Built Capitol

July 28, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel last week joined an effort in the House to commemorate the enslaved Blacks who built the U.S. Capitol by constructing a statue in their honor in the Capitol's Emancipation Hall. “Thousands of Black men and women held...

House Passes Rangel Amendment Postponing Community Service Requirement for Public Housing Residents

July 27, 2009

Thanks to the efforts of Congressman Charles B. Rangel, the U.S. House of Representatives passed housing legislation last week that would temporally suspend the community service requirement for public housing residents across the nation. The Rangel-sponsored amendment to the Transportation,...

Senate Passes Rangel Bill to Honor Korean War Veterans; Goes to White House for President's Signature

July 24, 2009

The United States Senate passed a bill today sponsored by Congressman Rangel to add National Korean War Armistice Day, July 27, to the short list of calendar dates that the American flag should be especially displayed on buildings.  The legislation...

Rangel Takes Lead on Health Reform

July 15, 2009

Historic legislation will reduce out-of-control costs, improve choices for patients, and expand access to quality, affordable health care. Democratic leaders joined Congressman Charles Rangel Tuesday in announcing healthcare legislation that will provide affordable, quality care for the vast majority of...

Rangel's Chief of Staff Retires

June 30, 2009

Beloved, Respected Hill Veteran, George A. Dalley, To Retire from Hill.Congressman Charles Rangel's Chief of Staff and Counsel George A. Dalley will retire from his post at the end of this month, after an illustrious 30-year career in public service,...

Tejeda Post Office To Remain Open

June 24, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel announced Wednesday that he had received word from United States Postal Service (USPS) that a tentative deal had been reached to extend the lease of the Riayan Tejeda Post Office at its current location. The potential agreement...

New State Department Building to Honor Late Ron Brown

June 18, 2009

Rangel’s Bill On Its Way To the President's Desk After Unanimously Passing the Senate Wednesday Night.Congressman Charles B. Rangel on Thursday announced that the United States Senate passed legislation designating a new State Department building in New York City after...

Rangel Announces New Small Business Lending Program

June 15, 2009

Many local small businesses may soon be eligible for interest-free loans under a new program created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Congressman Rangel announced today.  The newly launched “America’s Recovery Capital” (ARC) program allows small firms to...

Rangel Announces $25 Billion Bond Program to Stimulate Recovery in Hard-Hit Areas

June 12, 2009

Rangel-Inspired Program Will Authorize More Than $200 Million for New York. Congressman Charles Rangel announced today that $25 billion in bond authority will be immediately available for State and local governments under the Recovery Zone Bonds program, including more than...

W&M: Ways and Means Members Discuss Health Reform with President Obama

June 9, 2009

The following is a press release from the Ways & Means Committee, which Congressman Rangel chairs. Effort will reduce costs, protect current coverage and preserve choice to ensure affordable, quality care for all.Democratic Members of the House Committee on Ways...

Rangel Requests DOJ Investigation Into 'Friendly-Fire' Shootings

June 3, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel officially requested Tuesday that the Department of Justice look into recent shooting of New York City Police Officer Omar Edwards and similar cases in other cities across the United States:"In view of the possible federal legal implications...

Rangel Applauds Costco Decision to Accept Food Stamps at its East Harlem Location

June 1, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement Friday upon the announcement from COSTCO that it would accept Food Stamps at its new location in East Harlem. "I want to applaud COSTCO and its CEO Jim Sinegal for making the...

Statement by Congressman Charles Rangel On the Shooting of Officer Omar Edwards

June 1, 2009

“The tragic shooting of Officer Omar Edwards highlights the need for additional training of our police officers, and I am pleased that Commissioner Kelly recognizes a racial factor is involved. “I am calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to review...

Rangel Applauds Sotomayor Nomination to the Supreme Court

May 26, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement Tuesday moments after President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate current U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals Justice Sonia Sotomayor: President Obama has once again made the right choice in nominating...

Rangel Testifies Against Cocaine Sentencing Disparity

May 21, 2009

Tells Crime Subcommittee That Decades-Old Policy "Isn't Working."Congressman Charles Rangel today brought his case for ending the disparity in cocaine sentencing to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. He told the panel that the current 1986 law −...

Rangel Hosts Business Community, Bipartisan Members in Discussion of 'Next Steps' for Cuba Policy

May 5, 2009

In light of recent steps by the President, overhaul of failed policy is crucial.Congressman Charles B. Rangel welcomes today the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, representatives from the American private sector, and a bipartisan panel of his colleagues in Congress to...

Rangel Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel joined millions of Latinos and other Americans Tuesday in celebrating Cinco de Mayo. The day, which marks the historic triumph of the Mexican people over the French Army in the battle of Puebla, has grown to be...

Rangel Hosts More Than 500 Leaders at Upper Manhattan Economic Recovery Summit

April 29, 2009

More than 500 community leaders joined Congressman Charles B. Rangel, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and close to two dozen high-ranking federal, state and city government on April 27 to discuss how to best access federal stimulus dollars....

Rangel Introduces Bill Against Unjust Crack Sentencing

April 29, 2009

Congressman Charles B. Rangel introduced a bill today that eliminates the disparity in the federal sentencing of crack cocaine and powder cocaine offenses, echoing President Obama's call to end the unjust policy. The law currently mandates a minimum 5-year sentence...

Rangel Protests Planned Closing of Tejeda Post Office in Washington Heights

April 21, 2009

In a strongly worded letter to the U.S. Postal Service, Congressman Charles Rangel today vigorously protested the planned closing of the Washington Bridge-Riayan A. Tejeda Post Office in Washington Heights."I demand a clear and official explanation of your decision to...

Harlem Students Organize Youth Financial Summit

March 27, 2009

Rangel joins Harlem Children's Zone students in promoting the Earned Income Tax Credit and other financial resources for children and families. Students of the Harlem Children’s Zone and the office of Congressman Rangel will host a youth financial summit on...

House Passes Rangel Bill to Designate Ron Brown Building

March 13, 2009

The United States House of Representatives has passed a bill sponsored by Congressman Rangel to designate a new State Department building in New York City after Ronald H. Brown, the late Commerce Department Secretary and New York resident who died...

Rangel Urges Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano to Reconsider Deporting 30,000 Haitian Immigrants

March 13, 2009

In an effort to stop the deportation of 30,000 Haitian immigrants, Cong. Charles Rangel reached out to the Secretary of Homeland Security in a final effort to grant the Haitian nationals with Temporary Protective Status (TPS).In an ongoing dispute which...

Rangel Pays Tribute to West Harlem Housing Advocate

February 26, 2009

U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel paid tribute yesterday in Congress to the life of Jordi Reyes-Montblanc, former Manhattan Community Board 9 chairman, who passed away in December 2008:  "With profound sorrow, I ascend to celebrate the life of my dear...

Congress Passes Economic Recovery Package

February 14, 2009

Rangel Praises Plan As Delivering Immediate Relief and Hope to Millions of Americans. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) praised the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Friday, saying that it provided hope...

MTA Cuts Hurt Not Just Locals but Also Our Economic Recovery

February 10, 2009

Congressman Rangel released the following statement about MTA in the recovery package:"As the head of the House Ways and Means Committee, I along with the other members of the New York's Congressional delegation have worked hard to provide money for...

Rangel Joins Obama to Sign Landmark Children’s Health Bill Into Law

February 4, 2009

Legislation is Expected to Provide Health Coverage for 918,853 Children in New York. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) joined President Obama at the White House to sign H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act,...

Rangel, IRS, Local Leaders Urge New Yorkers to File for Earned Income Tax Credit

January 30, 2009

Officials Kick Off EITC Outreach and Promote Free Tax Prep Options For Low-Wage Workers. As taxpayers begin the February rush to file their taxes, Congressman Charles Rangel joined federal, city and community officials in urging New Yorkers to get the...

Rangel Congratulates Apollo Theater on its 75th Anniversary Season

January 28, 2009

U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel released a statement today congratulating the Apollo Theater on its 75th anniversary season, recognizing the Theater's place in the Harlem community and its impact on American arts and culture: "I congratulate the Apollo Theater on...

Rangel Steers Recovery Dollars to New York

January 28, 2009

House Passes Bill That Would Provide Billions to State and City For Infrastructure, Schools, Healthcare and Other Important Priorities. As Congress moved one step closer to jumpstarting the nation's economy out of its current recession, New Yorkers can rest assured...

Rangel: Obama Victory One for All Americans

November 5, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the election of Sen. Barack Obama as the next President of the United States:This is an historic victory, because it proves that the promise of America -- that if you work hard...

Rangel Calls On States to Take Advantage of New Federal Funding to Improve Child Welfare System

October 30, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel and coalition of local child welfare advocates called on state agencies around the country to take advantage of newly signed federal legislation that promises to invest as much as $3 billion over the next ten years to...

The Bailout Bill: Needed Protection for Affordable Housing

October 9, 2008

Last week's passage of the $800 billion financial rescue package is only the beginning of what we need to do to return order to Wall Street and relief to taxpayers. More must be done at all levels of government to...

Congressman Rangel Gets 'A' Grade For Votes on Veterans

October 8, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel has received an "A" grade from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) for his votes in the 110th Congress in support of legislation affecting Middle East war veterans."We are proud to report that the 110th...

Rangel Fights for Affordable Housing

October 1, 2008

Congressman Rangel says that more must be done on the state level to protect tenants and preserve housing for the working families. Congressman Charles Rangel on Wednesday joined local housing advocates in calling on state officials to do more to...

Rangel's Words On Palin Misinterpreted

September 19, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement regarding recent comments attributed to him about Republican Vice-Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin: Sometimes in the heat of a political campaign you choose words that can be misinterpreted. Governor Palin is...

House Rejects GOP Resolution to Censure Rangel

September 18, 2008

Ways and Means Chairman Commends Colleagues for Reaffirming Integrity of the House.Congressman Charles Rangel said he welcomed a vote by the House of Representatives to reject a Republican effort to censure the New York Congressman.The resolution introduced by Republican leaders...

Congressman Rangel Mourns the Loss of Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones

August 21, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on the passing of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones.My thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of my dear friend, the Honorable Chairwoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, Ohio. I knew her...

Rangel on the Death of Local Soldier Sgt. Jose Ulloa

August 13, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement about the recent death of Army Sergeant Jose E. Ulloa. Ulloa, who was from the Washington Heights section of Northern Manhattan, was killed Friday, August 8, 2008 by a roadside bomb in Sadr...

Housing Advocates Join Rangel to Celebrate Section 8 Contract Renewals

August 12, 2008

Nearly 400 Affordable Apartments Preserved in Harlem; The fate of an Additional 162 Affordable Units Remains Uncertain This past March, Congressman Charles Rangel, Senator Charles Schumer, New York State Assemblyman Keith Wright and droves of Harlem residents gathered to draw...

Housing Advocates Praise Rangel for Provisions in New Housing Law

July 31, 2008

National and local leaders in and out of New York continue to applaud Ways and Means Chairman Congressman Charles Rangel for the tax provisions that he crafted into the nation's news housing law. The newly signed legislation will help finance...

Housing Bill Championed by Rangel Signed Into Law

July 30, 2008

Measure Would Help Finance More Affordable Housing Units In NYC, Extend More Tax Credits For First-Time Homebuyers & Provide Other Measures To Strengthen Housing Market & Stem Tide Of ForeclosuresCongressman Charles Rangel joined local and national leaders in hailing Tuesday's...

House Passes Rangel's Resolution Honoring Katherine Dunham

July 25, 2008

Black Dancer and Activist Popularized African and Caribbean Dance.Under the stewardship of Congressman Rangel, the House Wednesday passed a resolution honoring the late Katherine Dunham – a premier African-American dancer, choreographer, and civil rights activist whose incorporation of Black dance...

Rangel Leads Successful Fight Against Bush Veto of Critical Medicare Bill

July 16, 2008

New Law Will Help Ensure Millions of Seniors, Military Families Have Access to Quality Health CareMembers of Congress, led by Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), voted Tuesday to override President Bush’s veto of H.R. 6331, the...

Rangel to Businesses: It's Not Too Late to Hire Our Youth

July 8, 2008

Congressman Joins with Local Elected Leaders and Business Leaders to Encourage Employers to Use the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit to Hire Young People Ages 16 -24. Although summer has already started, Congressman Charles Rangel is encouraging employers to use...

On Korean War Memorial Day, Congressman Rangel Urges America to Remember the Forgotten War

June 25, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel, a decorated Korean War veteran, today reintroduced the Korean War Veterans Recognition Act in the United States House of the Representatives to honor the great sacrifices and contributions made by the Korean War Veterans to preserve our...

Elected Officials Commend HPD for Rejecting Sale of Historic West Side Mitchell Lama Building

May 27, 2008

Councilmember Gale Brewer, Assemblymember Daniel O’Donnell, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, and State Senator Bill Perkins joined Congressman Charles Rangel to applaud the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s (HPD) decision to reject the sale of Trinity House, the Mitchell...

Rangel Tells Graduates to End War, Help Get America Back on Track

May 26, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel delivered the Bard College Commencement Address on Saturday, May 24. He urged the Class of 2008 to be the part of the generation that ends the war in Iraq, provides important social investments like education and healthcare...

Rangel, Harlem Community Welcome Back Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker to the Pulpit

May 22, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel joined over 1200 congregants and visitors on Sunday, May 18 to Canaan Baptist Church (132 W 116th St, New York) to witness the return of civil rights legend Reverend Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker to the pulpit as...

Bush Administration Flouts Congressional Directives to Help Americans Sick from 9/11

May 9, 2008

Ten bipartisan New York Members of Congress today sharply rebuked a new report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the status of the federal government’s response to the health impacts of the 9/11 attacks. HHS’s...

House Passes Bipartisan Housing Package

May 8, 2008

New Legislation Would Provide Tax Credit for First-Time Homebuyers, Improve Access to Low-Income Housing.The House of Representatives today responded to the housing crisis by passing a comprehensive package of measures aimed at stemming the tide of foreclosures, stabilizing local housing...

Rangel Celebrates Cinco De Mayo

May 5, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel joined millions of Latinos and other Americans Monday in celebrating freedom and Mexican culture on Cinco de Mayo. The day, which marks the historic triumph of the Mexican people over the French Army in the battle of...

On the Verdict in the Shooting Death of Sean Bell

April 25, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following joint statement on the recent verdict in the Sean Bell case with several elected officials including Rep Gregory Meeks W. Meeks, Rep. Edolphus Towns, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kirkpatrick, New York...

Rangel Calls for Action on 1 in 100 Americans Now in Prison

March 12, 2008

Following the astounding report that 1 in 100 American adults are currently incarcerated, Congressman Rangel joined calls by members of Congress for fair, sensible, and immediate reform to the criminal justice system. Congressman Rangel has introduced a series of bills...

Rangel Released from Hospital

March 10, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel today was released from Columbia Presbyterian Hospital where he was admitted on March 4th for evaluation due to severe symptoms of the flu. Feeling much better, the Congressman said he would begin working at a slower pace...

Rangel Fights to Save Local Section 8 Housing

March 4, 2008

Congressman Rangel joined New York Senator Charles Schumer, New York State Assemblyman Keith Wright, the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB), Tenants and Neighbors and Northern Manhattan-based group Harlem Tenants United in urging landlords to help maintain the city's Section 8...

Rangel Pushes Bill Against Unjust Crack Sentencing

February 26, 2008

Calls For End to All Mandatory Minimums at House Subcommittee Hearing.Congressman Charles B. Rangel on Tuesday renewed his call to end mandatory minimum prison sentences for drug offenses and restore judicial discretion in testimony before the House Subcommittee on Crime,...

Rangel, Upper Manhattan Community Honor World Champion New York Giants

February 20, 2008

The bleachers of Harlem River Ball Field (E. 128th St. and Third Ave.) were rocking Wednesday as Congressman Charles Rangel, local elected leaders and local school athletes honored the Super Bowl champion New York Giants at a community celebration ....

Rangel Responds to Bloomberg Criticism of Stimulus Package

February 16, 2008

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel issued the following response to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent criticism of the economic stimulus package: “Mayor Bloomberg's recent comments on the stimulus package miss the mark entirely. How do...

Rangel Delivers Democratic Radio Address

February 10, 2008

Congressman Charles Rangel delivered this week’s Democratic Radio Address, calling on the Bush Administration to do more to get the nation past the current economic downtown: Good morning, this is Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. I am the Chairman...

Words OF Wisdom, From One Harlem Son to Another

February 4, 2008

Georgetown Basketball Star Meets Chairman Rangel at SOTU Event.It was a big night for Harlem, as one trailblazer of the courts met another trailblazer of the U.S. Congress. The talented guard of Georgetown's storied basketball team, Jessie Sapp, a Harlem...

Puerto Rico, U.S. Territories To Benefit from Economic Stimulus Package

January 30, 2008

Residents and businesses struggling on the island of Puerto Rico can also expect to receive some financial help from the U.S. government, thanks to the economic stimulus package that passed the House of Representatives today and due largely to the...

Rangel: Historic Stimulus Package Will Help Millions of Hard-Working Families

January 30, 2008

House Passes Legislation That Will Offer Tax Rebates for 7.3 Million New Yorkers ; Democrats Pledge To Continue to Fight For Unemployment Benefits Extension, Increase in Food Stamps, and Other Aid to Seniors & Struggling Families. Congressman Charles Rangel on...

Rangel on the Last State of the Union of the Bush Administration

January 28, 2008

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement on the State of the Union address given by President Bush on Monday evening, January 28, 2008:"2008 presents a tremendous opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to shatter the...

Rangel Fights to Overturn SCHIP Veto

January 23, 2008

Congressman Charles B. Rangel made the following statement on the floor of the House of Representatives in support of overriding President George W. Bush's veto of the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): "I stand in support of overriding the...

Children Receive Toys, Gifts at Rangel, Dickens Holiday Celebration

January 8, 2008

The office of Congressman Charles B. Rangel, City Council Member Inez Dickens, and the Brooklyn-based Caribbean American Center of New York helped celebrate Kwanza and Three Kings' Day on Tuesday, January 8, by giving away toys and other holiday treats...

Rangel Legislation Provides Relief to Co-Ops

December 19, 2007

Provision Would Allow Housing Cooperatives to Determine Commercial Rents Without Sacrificing Tax Benefits to Shareholders.Thanks to the efforts of Congressman Charles B. Rangel, hundreds of housing cooperatives boards in New York City will now have greater flexibility in the rent...

GAO Finds Cuba Embargo Strains Homeland Security’s Ability to Protect U.S. Borders

December 19, 2007

Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Oakland, CA) today released a GAO report which finds that Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is spending inordinate time and resources looking for contraband from Cuba--mostly cigars...

Rangel to Cheney: Be Quiet

December 6, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in response to recent comments made by Vice-President Dick Cheney.  I am embarrassed for the office of the President of the United States and the Vice President when our own foreign policy is...

Rangel Condemns Policy Requiring Wounded Soldiers to Return Bonuses

November 27, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel today expressed his outrage over a Pentagon policy that requires soldiers discharged from the military due to injuries sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan to return portions of their enlistment bonuses."To penalize soldiers by snatching away benefits promised...

Rangel Urges Congress to Honor Hispanic Vets

November 15, 2007

Introduces Resolution that Recognizes Military Valor, Achievements of Latinos in American Wars, Conficts.Days after the country celebrated Veterans Day, Congressman Charles B. Rangel is asking his fellow Congressional leaders to remember the contributions that Latinos have made in securing freedom...

Something For You?

November 14, 2007

IRS Seeks to Return $110 Million in Unclaimed Refund Checks.Congressman Charles B. Rangel urged New Yorkers, especially those in his Congressional District, to find out if they may be on of the thousands of Americans that are still owed refund...

Rangel Urges Bush Administration to Help With Relief Efforts in the Dominican Republic, Haiti

October 31, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel is urging the Bush Administration to do all that they can in helping the Caribbean nations of Haiti and the Dominican recover from the damage recently caused by Tropical Storm Noel."I am urging that relief efforts...

Rangel Bill Provides Needed Tax Relief to NY Families, Businesses

October 29, 2007

Millions Would Benefit From AMT Repeal, Expansion of EITC and Reduction in Corporate Tax Rate.Last week, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel introduced H.R. 3970, the Tax Reduction and Reform Act of 2007, legislation that would provide tax...

Rangel Apologizes for Giuliani Comments

October 22, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement late Monday in regards to recent comments made in the October 16 issue of the New York Observer: “I was recently quoted being very critical of Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s personal life....

Rangel, Rice Stress Importance of Education During Harlem Visit

October 2, 2007

NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein Among City and Local Leaders to Greet the Secretary of State. Congressman Charles Rangel was among the many smiling faces that welcomed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as she visited Harlem's P.S. 154 on Monday, Oct....

Rangel, USCIS Honor New Citizens, Sacrifice of Cpl. Juan Alcántara

September 18, 2007

Congressman Delivers Keynote Address Over 200, Including Fallen Iraqi Hero, are Sworn in at City College's Great Hall.Congressman Charles Rangel was one of the hundreds who filled City College’s Great Hall with mixed emotions for United States Citizenship and Immigration...

Rangel: Bush Throwing Away Precious Lives in Iraq as Clock Runs Out on His Presidency

September 13, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statment in reaction to President George W. Bush's televised national speech on the war in Iraq:The President isn't fooling anyone with his announced plan to start a pullout of troops from Iraq. Even...

Community Celebrats the Dedication of the Tito Puente P.O.

September 10, 2007

More Than 60 Officials, Community Leaders, Including City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito and Singer Sonia Hernandez Join Puente Family for Historical Event.Congressman Charles B. Rangel joined more than sixty community leaders, officials and members of the Tito Puente family on...

Percy Sutton Post Office on 125th Street Designated By the House

September 5, 2007

The House of Representatives today passed legislation naming the post office on 125th Street after Percy Sutton, the distinguished community leader and entrepreneur who has been a long-time resident of the Harlem community where the Post Office is located.The legislation,...

Rice Welcomes Rangel Candidates for Diplomatic Corps

August 14, 2007

New York Lawmaker Praises Secretary's Commitment to Diversity.It was a Thursday in August and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was on a stopover in Washington during a busy schedule of international diplomatic travel. Congressman Charles Rangel had just returned to...

Rangel Mourns the Death of Army Corporal Juan Alcántara

August 10, 2007

Soldier of Dominican Descent Becomes the Latest Washington Heights Resident Killed in Iraq.Congressman Charles B. Rangel on Friday expressed his sorrow over the death of Washington Heights resident Cpl. Juan Alcántara, the 22-year old Army soldier who was killed this...

New State Department Building to Be Named After the Late Ronald H. Brown

August 1, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel Sponsored House Bill Honoring Harlem-Raised Former Secretary of Commerce.A bill to designate the Federal building under construction at 799 First Avenue in New York in honor of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown was passed by the...

Congressman Rangel Outraged By $20 Billion Saudi Arabia Weapons Deal

July 31, 2007

New York Lawmaker Denounces Business-as-Usual With Royal Kingdom While U.S. Soldiers Die; Will Challenge Bush Plan.Congressman Charles Rangel today expressed outrage over the Bush Administration's announced $20 billion weapons sale to Saudi Arabia, and said he would join in efforts...

Rangel Fights to Improve Health Care for Children, Seniors

July 27, 2007

Calls Efforts to Frighten Seniors with False Claims of Cuts Shameful.Congressman Charles B. Rangel warned Americans, especially seniors in his District, not to be misled by efforts to derail legislation that would provide health insurance to 11 million children and...

Rangel Honors the Life of Dorthea Towles Church

July 26, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel paid tribute to the life of African American modeling pioneer Dorthea Toweles Church on Thursday with the following statement in the Congressional Record. Church was recently memorialized in Harlem after passing away in July 2006 at the...

Cong. Rangel Decries Continued Lack Of Shared Sacrifice In Military Service

July 21, 2007

New Congressional Budget Office Report Confirms That Lower Income Americans Carry Greatest Burden of Iraq War Americans Are Opposed to this War. "It's Shameful That We're Using an Economic Draft to Fill the Ranks and Stretching Them to the Limit,"...

Rangel: Democrats Reinvest in America's Priorities

July 20, 2007

Newly Passed Bill Provides Billions in Health and Education Aid, Including Funding for Public Service Program at City College.Congressman Charles Rangel proudly joined Democrats and Republicans on Thursday in passing the Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill,...

Rangel Welcomes Secretary of Health Leavitt to Harlem

July 16, 2007

In an effort to share firsthand how inner-city institutions are coping with today's health care challenges, Congressman Charles B. Rangel and U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Michael O. Leavitt met with local physicians and elected officials at North...

Rangel, House Democrats Boost College Aid, Lower Loan Costs

July 12, 2007

Lawmakers Pass Largest Single Investment in College Assistance Since the GI Bill.Congressman Charles B. Rangel and fellow Democrats celebrated Wednesday as the U.S. House of Representatives passed an $18 billion college aid package that helps millions of students and families...

Rangel: Lady Bird Johnson Will Be Missed

July 11, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement upon the death of former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, who passed away at the age of 94 on July 11, 2007 at her home in Austin, Texas:"The nation lost a beloved...

Congressman Rangel Recognizes African American Musical Artists

June 29, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel recognized several African American performing artists in June, Black Music Month, promoting legislation he has introduced in Congress honoring their contributions to music and to the struggle for civil rights. Black Music Month was initiated by President...

Rangel: Supreme Court Decision Is Step Backward for Our Kids, Nation

June 29, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement responding to the Supreme Courts decision June 28 on school desegregation:"The Supreme Court's decision in Parents Involved v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1 is more than just a disappointment. It's a slap...

Rangel Welcomes CARICOM Leaders

June 26, 2007

In Washington, DC, last week, Congressman Charles Rangel (center-standing) hosted a meeting of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) delegation with members of the House Ways and Means Committee, which he chairs. CARICOM requested extension of the Caribbean Basin Initiative and capacity-building...

Rangel Remembers Rep. Guy Vander Jagt

June 21, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel delivered the following words on the floor of the House of Representatives in tribute to former Michigan Rep. Guy Vander Jagt, who passed away on Friday, June 21 at the age of 75, after a courageous...

Cong. Rangel Unveils Bill to Ease Travel, Trade Embargo on Cuba

June 20, 2007

New York Lawmaker Is Joined by Senators Max Baucus, Mike Crapo, and Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson in Bi-Partisan Initiative to Assist U.S. Farmers and Travelers.Congressman Charles Rangel today joined a bi-partisan group of lawmakers in unveiling legislation to remove restrictions...

Rangel Celebrates 50th Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade

June 8, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement praising this year's 50th Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade: I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be on the second Sunday in June than in New York and marching in...

Rangel Praises Decision to Ease Passport Regulations

June 8, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel praised the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for allowing Americans to temporarily travel to Canada, Latin America and the Carribean without a passport, as long as they have proof of having applied for one."I have...

Rangel to 2007 Lehman College Graduates: 'You Are Our Nation's Cavalry'

May 31, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) had a clear message for the Lehman College Class of 2007: America needs their talents now, more than ever: "We need your minds, we need your excitement. We need your voices to get America out...

Rangel Honored for Work on Trade With Africa

May 24, 2007

OECD Says Author of African Growth and Opportunity Act Inspired Comprehensive Research and Publications on African Countries. Congressman Charles Rangel today was honored in Washington by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for his work in promoting U.S....

Rangel Remembers Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald

April 23, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement on the death of Congressional colleague Rep. Juanita Millender McDonald, who passed away on Sunday, April 22 at the age of 68 at her Carson, California home: I am sure that I...

Tuskegee Airmen Awarded Congressional Gold Medal

March 30, 2007

Rangel Legislation Paves the Way for Historic Event.Congressman Charles Rangel joined President Bush and a host of national leaders Thursday in awarding the Tuskegee Airmen one of the nation’s highest honors for defending this country even as they faced bigotry...

Rangel Remembers Harlem Boys Choir Founder Walter Turnbull

March 29, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel paid tribute to Harlem Boys Choir founder Walter Turnbull with the following statement in the Congressional Record: Madam Speaker, it is with great sadness that I rise today to remember my dear friend, Walter Turnbull, who passed...

Stop The War, Stop The Despair

March 20, 2007

Congressman Charles Rangel repeated his call for an end to the war in Iraq, issuing the following statement as the conflict entered its fifth year: "Today marks a sad anniversary for this country. Four years ago, we attacked a nation...

Local Students Awarded College Scholarships

March 12, 2007

On Monday, March 12, Rep. Charles B. Rangel announced this year's winners of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation/Wal-Mart Strive for Excellence Scholarships at a small breakfast ceremony at the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building. Hunter College student George Mtonga,...

Rangel Calls for 125th St. Post Office to Be Renamed After Percy Sutton

February 14, 2007

Rep. Charles B. Rangel recently introduced legislation calling for the Post Office located at 365 West 125th Street in Harlem to be renamed after activist, elected official and business leader Percy Sutton. "Percy Sutton is an inspiration not only to...

Rangel Introduces Resolutions Honoring Black Historical Figures

February 6, 2007

Rep. Charles B. Rangel kicked off celebrations for Black History Month last week by introducing Congressional resolutions honoring the contributions of Constance Baker Motley Zora Neale Hurston, Arthur Schomburg and Madame C. J. Walker to this nation. "We all stand...

Rangel Applauds Passage of National Latino Museum Bill

February 6, 2007

Rep. Charles B. Rangel proudly joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives as they unanimously passed a bill that would lay the groundwork for the creation of a national Latino Museum. "Latino culture has been an important part of...

Rangel Encourages Eligible Taxpayers to File for Their EITC Benefits

February 5, 2007

Rep. Charles B. Rangel urged New Yorkers to take full advantage the Earned Income Tax Credit, as he kicked off tax filing season Monday morning with IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson, NYC Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz and local City...

Rangel Celebrates Birthday of Juan Pablo Duarte

January 26, 2007

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement on the occasion of the 194th anniversary of the birth of Juan Pablo Duarte, the founding father of the Dominican Republic. Today is a special day for all people of Dominican descent...

Rangel: House Bill Makes College Dream More Affordable

January 17, 2007

Rangel: Bill Makes College Dream More Affordable.Today, Rep. Charles B. Rangel joined a majority of House Democrats and Republican in voting to make college more affordable and accessible by cutting the interest rate on all subsidized student loans for undergraduates...

Rangel Introduces New Bill to Reinstate Military Draft

January 11, 2007

Legislation Would Require National Service for All U.S. Residents, Including Mandatory Military Service for Some During Wartime. Congressman Rangel released the following statement:I have reintroduced my bill to reinstate the draft, not because I support the war in Iraq or...

Rangel: James Brown's Legacy Lives On In Harlem, Around The World

December 28, 2006

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement about James Brown, who passed away at the age of 73 on December 25, 2006: "There will never be another James Brown. He was a unique diamond, a musical genius who will...

Rangel Hails Tito Puente Post Office Naming

December 12, 2006

Congressman Authored Bill Honoring Musical Great.Congressman Charles Rangel today hailed Congressional passage of his bill to name an East Harlem post office after the great Tito Puente. The bill, designating the post office located at 167 East 124th Street in...

Rangel Fellows to Join Ranks of Foreign Service

November 2, 2006

Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice Will Administer the Oath.The first class of graduates of a landmark program supported by Congressman Charles Rangel, designed to increase diversity in the nation's diplomatic corps, will be sworn in as Foreign Service Officers during...

Rangel Condemns Chavez's Attack On Bush

September 21, 2006

Congressman Rangel released the following statement:I want to express my extreme displeasure with statements by the President of Venezuela attacking U.S. President George Bush in such a personal and disparaging way during his remarks at the United Nations General Assembly....

Rangel Says Padilla Decision Is America's Loss Pledges to Continue Fight On Behalf of Dominican Student

September 14, 2006

Pledges To Continue Fight on Behalf of Dominican Student, Others Whose College Dreams are Blocked by Unfair Immigration Laws.Congressman Charles Rangel expressed disappointment with the failure of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to adjust the immigration status of Princeton...

Tax Professionals Pick Rangel For Ways & Means Chair

September 13, 2006

Tax policy professionals are voting for Congressman Charles Rangel as their choice to take over as chairman of the powerful Committee on Ways and Means.  In an informal poll started last week by the respected Tax Analyst organization, respondents have...

Rangel To Deliver Weekly CBC "Message to America"

August 26, 2006

U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) will deliver the weekly CBC "Message to America" radio address this Saturday, August 26, 2006.  Representative Rangel says the American people are fed up with the Iraq war and with President Bush’s leadership. The...

New York Veterans Hospitals Saved

August 10, 2006

Rangel Praises Va Secretary For His "Wise Decision."Congressman Charles Rangel today praised U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson's decision to maintain two New York veterans hospitals which had been threatened with closure. "I thank Secretary Nicholson for his wise decision...

Amadou Ly Granted Visa to Study In U.S.

July 28, 2006

Amadou Heinz Ly, an 18-year-old immigrant from Senegal and star student in East Harlem, has been granted his wish to pursue his college studies in the U.S. Abandoned in this country at the age of 13, Amadou was facing deportation...

Rangel Hails Defeat of Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

July 19, 2006

Congressman Urges Congress to Focus on the Real Problems of the Nation.Congressman Charles Rangel applauded the defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, saying that it was high time that Republican leadership focused...



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