Operations and Maintenance Program Management

Effective management is critical to any operations and maintenance (O&M) program. The management function should bind the distinct parts of the O&M program into a cohesive entity. The following section outlines the major components of effective O&M management, including:

  • Program Structure: Outlines five distinctive functions making up the O&M organization: Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Training, and Administration (OMETA).

  • Management Support: Details the importance of gaining management support to an effective O&M program, and how to gain that support.

  • Program Implementation: Provides an overview of implementing an effective O&M program and how to maintain that program into the future.

  • Measurement: Details common measurement factors for a successful O&M program.

Chapter 3 of the FEMP O&M Best Practices GuidePDF outlines O&M management in detail. The full guidePDF is also available.