Energy Management at Federal Facilities

FEMP helps Federal agencies find innovative solutions to their most difficult energy challenges and address their full range of energy management responsibilities. This is accomplished through project transaction services, applied technology services, and decision support services.

Project Transaction Services

Implementing energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects requires significant funding. FEMP supports Federal agencies through:

Funding Assistance for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects

FEMP supports Federal agencies through assistance in identifying, obtaining, and implementing project funding. These tools include:

With assistance from FEMP, the Federal Government's energy management commitment has accelerated and grown in recent years. Federal ESPCs facilitated by DOE now exceed $2.4 billion.

Applied Technology Services

Planning and implementing advanced technologies requires expertise. FEMP lends considerable research and market experience to help Federal agencies deploy technology projects, including:

High-Performance Building Design, Operation, and Maintenance

FEMP helps Federal agencies implement sustainable design practices that incorporate greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, renewable energy, water efficiency, and other sustainable aspects. These practices span new construction, retrofit projects, and operations and maintenance.

FEMP services include energy audits, combined heat and power assessments, operations and maintenance assessments, laboratory design protocols, independent evaluations of technologies, advanced metering, and guidance for procuring energy-efficient and renewable energy products.

FEMP's Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reduces Federal laboratory energy use by $18 million annually. FEMP also works with industrial facilities to improve energy and water efficiency.

FEMP helps facilitate Federal data center energy efficiency. The program develops tools and resources to make data centers more energy efficient, including DOE data centers.

Renewable Energy Technology Deployment

Renewable energy from solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal sources can offset Federal energy consumption for heating, cooling, and electricity. FEMP assists Federal agencies in developing and implementing these clean, secure energy resources to meet energy management regulations and goals.

By using renewable energy resources, Federal agencies can meet energy management regulations, help conserve natural resources, and increase the nation's energy independence and security. Each provides naturally occurring, renewable energy sources at or near the Federal facilities where the energy is used.

Energy-Efficient Product Procurement

The Federal Government can reduce energy consumption and achieve enormous cost savings by purchasing energy efficient products. FEMP provides energy efficiency requirements, guidance, and cost calculators that help Federal agencies offset energy consumption costs through energy-efficient product implementation.

Federal buyers are required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) to purchase products that are ENERGY STAR®-qualified or FEMP-designated for energy-efficiency and low standby power. These products are in the upper 25% of energy efficiency in their class.

Water Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices

Water efficiency and conservation is an integral part of Federal energy and resource management programs. Not only is it a precious natural resource, but water requires significant energy for treatment, pumping, heating, and processing.

Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 and E.O. 13423 contain significant water reduction mandates, requiring Federal agencies to reduce water consumption intensity two percent annually through FY 2015 - or 16 percent by FY 2015 - compared to a 2007 baseline. FEMP helps agencies manage water efficiency and conservation efforts through regulatory guidance, interagency coordination, best management practices, and other resources.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Measurement and Abatement

Complying with E.O. 13514 demands a transformative shift in the way the Federal Government operates, necessitating a deliberate planning process for managing greenhouse gases. FEMP offers greenhouse gas management and abatement services to help Federal agencies meet the goals and requirements of E.O. 13514 and other regulations.

Operating more than 500,000 buildings and 630,000 domestic fleet vehicles, the Federal Government is the nation's largest energy consumer and greenhouse gas emitter - accounting for 1.7 percent of total U.S. energy consumption. This footprint opens an opportunity for the Federal Government to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Decision Support Services

Creating energy management goals and understanding legislation and regulatory requirements is not an easy task. FEMP assists Federal agencies with guidance, outreach, and training programs that include:

Energy Legislation and Regulation Compliance

FEMP analyzes Federal legislation to help agencies comply with energy management requirements. This assistance is delivered through interagency coordination, guidance documents, facility reporting requirements, and fleet reporting requirements.

E.O. 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, set greenhouse gas emissions as a unifying priority for Federal energy and environmental management. It requires agencies to inventory and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in addition to other energy and environmental mandates. E.O. 13514 expands upon the energy reduction and environmental performance requirements of E.O. 13423.

Education and Training on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Federal agencies learn to implement energy-saving strategies, gain recognition for outstanding achievements, and keep current on the Government's progress in meeting energy management goals through FEMP training, services, and outreach activities.

FEMP education, training, and outreach programs include:

FEMP efforts support the broad goals of new energy efficiency mandates, encourage greater private sector funding of Federal energy improvements, and produce results that lead the Federal Government to a more secure energy future.