Annual Federal Facility Energy Reporting Requirements

Section 548(a) of NECPA (42 U.S.C. 8258(a)) requires each Federal agency to submit a report annually to the U.S. Department of Energy on activities to meet the energy management requirements of Section 543 of NECPA (42 U.S.C. 8253). Information and data collected from the agencies will be used to develop DOE's Annual Report to Congress on Federal Government Energy Management.

New: DRAFT FY 2012 GHG/Sustainability Data Reports

FEMP 2012 Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report–DRAFT

This DRAFT of the FEMP 2012 Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report is available for agency review and comment. Changes from prior year reporting include:

  • Updated eGRID emissions factors for electricity eGRID 2012 (2009 data year derived)
  • Added Tab 3.19 for voluntary Scope 3 category reporting
    • For entering results from separate Full Service Leased Space Workbook
  • Placeholders for other optional Scope 3 reporting
  • Updated Tab 4.2, New Building Design
    • Reflecting ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2007 in effect on or after August 10, 2012
  • Added Btu and cost summaries by energy type to Tab 4.4
  • Tab 4.7, Hosted RE Scope 3 Percentage Point Summary
  • Numerous enhancements to renewable energy reporting including
    • Agencies can now choose a project status that describes an RE project that provides them with energy (electric or non-electric) but which is considered conventional energy when the agency does not own the renewable attributes (RECs).
    • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) energy generation entries are now handled entirely in the renewable energy tabs to ensure both biogenic and anthropogenic (fossil) emissions are captured and reported.

Full Service Leased Space Data Report–DRAFT

This DRAFT of the Full Service Leased Space Data Report is for voluntary reporting of Scope 3 emissions from fully-serviced leased space where the Government does not purchase energy directly.

Reporting Guidance

To streamline reporting requirements, FEMP incorporated the Annual Energy Management Data Report data collection spreadsheet (last used in FY 2009) into the FEMP GHG and Sustainability Data Report. However, there is still additional narrative information required from agencies for their annual energy management that is not captured in the data report.

Reporting Guidance for Federal Agency Annual Report on Energy (Word 195KB)

The Reporting Guidance for Federal Agency Annual Report on Energy assists agencies with providing the required narrative information for their annual energy reports. The guidance is comprised of four attachments developed to assist agencies with their reporting requirements:

  • Attachment 1 - Energy Management Report Summary Template

  • Attachment 2 - Energy Performance Excluded Buildings List Template

  • Attachment 3 - Guidance for Receiving Credit on Energy Performance Goals for Projects That Save Source Energy but Increase Site-Delivered Energy

  • Attachment 4 - Data Report for Adjustments to Fiscal Years Prior to 2008: The purpose of this form is to allow agencies to correct or adjust their initial 2003 baseline or intervening year data, when necessary, using the previous format and conversion factors for that period. This form is only to be completed if an agency has discovered an error in a previously established baseline prior to FY 2010 and/or can provide an explanation and significant need to readjust the baseline.

FEMP Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report, Version 2-4

The Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report collects agency-aggregated data necessary for calculating scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the commonly-used, native units of energy consumption and fugitive emissions as well as activity data for estimating scope 3 indirect emissions.

In addition to providing reporting capability for the new GHG goals, the Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report collects required data elements for measuring agency progress toward:

  • Facility energy intensity reduction goals under 42 U.S.C. 8253(a)

  • Renewable electricity use requirement under 42 U.S.C. 15852

  • Water intensity reduction and base year reporting for non-potable industrial, landscaping, and agricultural use under Executive Order (E.O.) 13514

  • Facility metering requirements under 42 U.S.C. 8253(e)

  • Compliance with Federal energy efficiency standards for new construction under 10 CFR Parts 433, 434, and 435, 72 FR 72565

  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy investment information for fiscal year 2010

This new data report also satisfies previous agency reporting requirements to FEMP for facility and operations energy and water use. The data report also accepts outputs from the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) to calculate the GHG emissions from Federal covered fleet fuel use.


Contact Chris Tremper at or 202-586-7632 with questions regarding guidance or reporting requirements.