
The following alphabetized list covers commonly used terminology associated with energy management in the Federal sector. Terms are organized by category:

Federal Agency Terms

Abbreviation Organization and Web Site Link
Archives U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOC Department of Commerce
  NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (HQ and Boulder, CO)
  NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Regional Offices and other facilities)
DOD Department of Defense
  AF Department of the Air Force
  CERL Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
  DESC Defense Energy Support Center
  DLA Defense Logistics Agency
  DMC Defense Management Council
DOE Department of Energy
  EERE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Offices (Key Program Areas)
    AMO Advanced Manufacturing Office
    BP Biomass Program
    BTP Building Technologies Program
    FEMP Federal Energy Management Programs
    SET Solar Energy Technologies
  National Laboratories
    ANL Argonne National Laboratory
    LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
    NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory
    NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
    ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    SNL Sandia National Laboratories
  Other Program Offices
    GO Golden Field Office
    EIA Energy Information Administration
    FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  Power Marketing Administrations
    BPA Bonneville Power Administration
    SEPA Southeastern Power Administration
    SWPA Southwestern Power Administration
    TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
    WAPA Western Area Power Administration
DOI Department of Interior
  BLM Bureau of Land Management
  NPS National Park Service
DOJ Department of Justice
DOL Department of Labor
DOS Department of State
DOT Department of Transportation
ED U.S. Department of Education
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
  OFEE Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
GSA General Services Administration
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
OMB Office of Management and Budget
SSA Social Security Administration
State U.S. Department of State
Treas Department of Treasury
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USPS U.S. Postal Service
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
OFPP Office of Federal Procurement Policy

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Legislation & Policy

Abbreviation Federal Authority & Web Site Link
CAA Clean Air Act (as amended in 1990)
E.O. 13212 Executive Order 13212—Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects (2001)
E.O. 13221 Executive Order 13221—Energy Standby Power Devices (2001)
E.O. 13423 Executive Order 13423—Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation (2007)
E.O. 13514 Executive Order 13514—Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance
EISA Energy Independence and Security Act (2007)
EPACT Energy Policy Act (of 1992 and 2005)

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Legislation & Policy Guidance

Issue Guidance Document & Web Site Link
ESPC & UESC MOU Substantially Increasing Federal Use of Energy Savings Performance Contracting (and Utility Energy Services Contracting)
Sustainable Design MOU Memorandum of Understanding for Federal Leadership in High Performance Sustainable Buildings
Building Energy Performance Guidelines Establishing Criteria Excluding Buildings form Energy Performance Requirements
Electric Metering Guidance for Electric Metering in Federal Facilities


Below is an alphabetized list of commonly used terminology associated with energy management in the federal sector. Terms are organized by category:
Building Standards Energy Efficiency Standards for New Federal Commercial and Residential Buildings
Renewable Energy Renewable Energy: Federal Purchase Requirement
E.O. 13423 Instructions for Implementing E.O. 13423
E.O. 13423 Water Efficiency Establishing Baseline and Meeting Water Conservation Goals of E.O. 13423
EPACT 2005 & E.O. 13423 Renewable Energy Requirement Guidance
FAR Facilities Federal Acquisition Regulations: Federal Energy Management and Planning Programs
FAR Utility Services Federal Acquisition Regulations: Acquisition of Utility Services
FAR Owned or Leased Facilities Federal Acquisition Regulations: Application of Government Owned or Leased Facilities

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Technical Building-Related Terms

Abbreviation Definition
AHU Air Handling Units
AMA Agency Model Agreements
BAMF Biomass and Alternative Methane Fuels
Btu British Thermal Unit
CDSM Certified Demand Side Management Professional
CEM Certified Energy Manager
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CLEP Certified Lightening Efficiency Professional
Cx Commissioning
DDC Direct Digital Control
DER Distributed Energy Resources
DG Distributed Generation
ECM Energy Conservation Measures
EERC Energy Escalation Rate Calculator
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMCS Energy Management Control Systems
EMSA Energy Management Services Authorization
ESC Energy Solutions Center
EUI Energy Use Index
FEDS Facility Energy Decision System (Software)
FLEX Federal Lighting Expert
FRESA Federal Renewable Energy Screening Assistant
GHP Geothermal Heat Pump
GPP Green Power Partnership
GSF Gross Square Feet
GWh Gigawatts Per Hour
HID High Intensity Discharge
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System
IAQ Indoor Air Quality
IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality
LED Light Emitting Diodes
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LEED AP LEED Accredited Professional
LEED EB LEED Existing Building
LEED-NC LEED New Construction
M&V Measurement and Verification
MMBtu One Million British Thermal Units
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
MWh Megawatt-Hours
MW Megawatt
NTD New Technology Demonstration
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PE Professional Engineer
PF Project Facilitator
PBR Performance-Based Regulation
PV Photovoltaic
QF Qualifying Facilities
R&D Research and Development
RE Renewable Energy
REC Renewable Energy Certificate
REM Resource Efficiency Managers
RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard
SEL Spectrally Enhanced Lighting
SSL Solid State Lighting
TA Technical Assistance
TIR Technology Installation Review
TOU Time of Use
WATERGY Spreadsheet model that uses water/energy relationship assumptions to analyze potential for water and associated energy savings
WBDG Whole Building Design Guide

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Alternative Financing Terms

Abbreviation Definition
ACQ Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
AFR Alternative Financing Representative
AWC Area-Wide Contract
BLCC Analysis Building Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
BLCC Programs Building Life-Cycle Cost Programs
BOA Basic Order Agreement
CO Contracting Officer
COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
DES Detailed Energy Survey
DO Delivery Order
ECIP Energy Conservation Investment Program
ESA Energy Services Agreement
ESCO Energy Services Company
ESPC Energy Savings Performance Contracts
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery indefinite Quantity
IDS Investor's Deal Summary
IOU Investor Owned Utilities
ITC Independent Transmission Companies
LCCA Life Cycle Cost Analysis
LCC Life Cycle Cost
MCP Market Clearing Price
MMP Market Marginal Price
NOI Notice of Intent Award
PBA Planning, Budget, and Analysis
PO Purchase Order
RFP Request for Proposal
ROI Return on Investment
SES Shared Energy Savings
SFO Standard Finance Offer
SSJ Sole Source Justification
Super ESPC Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts
T-bill U.S. Treasury Bill
TO Task Order

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Utility Terms

Abbreviation Definition
AWC Area Wide Contract
DSM Demand-Side Management
FPC Federal Power Commission
G&T Generation and Transmission
IPP Independent Power Producers
ISO Independent System Operator
NRCFC National Rural Cooperative Finance Corporation
PB Public Benefit
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PSC Public Service Commission
POU Publicly Owned Utility
PSOs Program Secretarial Offices
PUC Public Utility Commission
RTG Regional Transmission Group
RTO Regional Transmission Organization
UESC Utility Energy Service Contract

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Federal Fleet Terms

Abbreviation Definition
AF Alternative Fuel
AFV Alternative Fuel Vehicle
AFDC Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center (formerly Alternative Fuels Data Center)
B20 20% (Volume) Biodiesel
B100 100% (Volume) Biodiesel
CMSA Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
DAVE Driving Alternative Fuel Vehicles Easily
E85 85% Ethanol and 15% Gasoline Fuel Blend
FAST Federal Automotive Statistical Tool
GGE Gallons Gasoline Equivalent
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
INTERFUEL Interagency Committee for Alternative Fuels
LDV Light Duty Vehicle
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area

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Stakeholders & NGOs

Abbreviation Organization & Web Site Link
ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association
ACEEE American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
AHRI Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
AEE Association of Energy Engineers
AGA American Gas Association
AIA American Institute of Architects
APPA American Public Power Association
ASE Alliance to Save Energy
ASEE American Society for Engineering Education
AESP Association of Energy Service Professionals
ASES American Solar Energy Society
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWEA American Wind Energy Association
AWWA American Water Works Association
BERA Biomass Energy Research Association
BOMA Building Owners and Managers Association
CFC National Rural Cooperative Finance Corporation
CSI Construction Specifications Institute
EDTA Electric Drive Transportation Association
EEI Edison Electric Institute
FFC Federal Facilities Council
ICC International Code Council (formerly Building Officials and Code Administrators International)
IES Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
NCMA National Contract Management Association
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NRECA National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
SEIA Solar Energy Industries Association
USCHPA U.S. Combined Heat and Power Association
USGBC U.S. Green Building Council

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