
Examples of Pacific high school 'Mount Rushmore' athletes of the past 25 years

We're continuing the first part of the process of constructing our own Pacific high school athlete "Mount Rushmores" of the past 25 years.

Early nominations are still open until March 31. We'll start whittling the fields down in early April, with the goal of assembling "Mount Rushmores" throughout the Pacific by the start of Advanced Placement exams in May.

So get out the jackhammers, pikes and sledgehammers! C'mon, SportsBlog Nation, who do you think best suits your school's virtual'Mount Rushmore'?

Select who you think are the best four athletes at your high school over the past quarter century. Some guidelines follow:

-- Indicate the athlete's name, year graduated and sport(s) played.

-- Four athletes in total, just as there are four former presidents on the real Mount Rushmore.

-- These should be athletes who captured a significant honor, such as MVP or multiple MVPs in a Far East tournament, or led their respective team to multiple league and/or Far East championships.

Some samples, a few of which you've already seen and others that have been edited and updated:

Kubasaki, Okinawa
-- Jamel Smith, 1993, football, wrestling.
-- Robert Westberg, 1984, football, wrestling, soccer.
-- Erin Foote, 2004, volleyball, basketball, soccer.
-- Meleesa Meno, 1995, basketball, soccer.

Robert D. Edgren, Japan
-- Jamil Sewell, 1987, football, basketball.
-- Antwan Brown, 1997, football, basketball.
-- Desirae Riddick, 2003, volleyball, basketball.
-- Ashley Hawkins, 2010, basketball, soccer.

Seoul American
-- Willie Brown, 2009, football, basketball.
-- Han Ripley, 1996, football, basketball, baseball.
-- Liz Gleaves, 2011, volleyball, basketball, soccer.
-- Lori Johnson, 1993, volleyball, basketball, soccer.

-- Robert Weeks, 1991, football,basketball, baseball.
-- Josh Whitney, 1999, cross country, basketball, soccer.
-- Dianne Abel, 2006, cross country, basketball, soccer.
-- Theresa Gittens, 2004, basketball, soccer, softball.

Osan American
-- Carlos Albaladejo, 2007, football, wrestling, soccer.
-- A.J. Scott, 2004, basketball, soccer.
-- Lori Shields, 2002, volleyball, basketball, soccer.
-- Jasmine Pressley, 2011, basketball, soccer.

SportsBlog Nation, what say you?Can you do better than Ornauer just did? Shout it out! Be true to your school. And remember, you've entered THE "No-Hate Zone." *smile*

P.S. -- Yes, I stole the idea from ESPN. :)


Hear Dave on AFN

Nov. 26: Dave Ornauer previews the Yokota at Kubasaki football game as well as the tennis championships at Yokosuka, volleyball at Yokota and Saturday's DODDS Japan cross-country championships at Misawa.